Cumskin Hate Thread

I know it's bad enough that they're going extinct, but these threads are to good not to have.

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Brotha let me give you the second half of that. Heres her husband

Fucking cumskin cucks

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Saves. Thank you black brother.

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This is biblical fact

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We don’t hate them moron. We hate faggots.

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lol "cumskin" sure is clever

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why is it always this one jew who starts these posts...

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why are you posting muslim then nigger?
that guy aint hwhite

It's true. White (((men))) are not only physically defeated by the Black MAN but spiritually dominated as well. The white (((man))) isn't even a man but a boy who opts to stay in doors and play video games instead of leaving his house and exploring the world. This is why white women fuck black and brown MEN in droves while the white boy masturbates to child pornography at home.

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Whites are extinct, but they don't even know it yet.

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Too bad that blacks aren't civilized enough to move onto the next stage of human evolution.

They'll destroy the entire planet before they even reach white IQ levels.

RIP, white people.

What happens when a faggot white boy tries touching the black man.

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Top kek, wake me up when he murders her and puts her in a dumpster, when the nigger istoo stupid and leaves dna all over...wake me up again when he gets electrocuted by the state 12 years after the crime.

grrrrrrrrrrrrit grrrrrrit BANG BANG brrrrrrt brrrrt!!!

We are just genetically superior. And their women know it.

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Reminder that this is r/asianmasculinity, pretending to be another race to attack whites because you're too cowardly and beta to do it yourselves


A white woman would never do this for a white dude while stuck in traffic, she would roll her windows up and look forward if a white boy tried coming up to her car with his small ugly penis.

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