White cringe thread

white cringe thread

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Asian sexual insecurity has literally defined the past year or two of internet culture

The face of a woman who prefers "dark men"


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Probably my the most accurate portrayal of Bruce Lee ever on film.

deret light now

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based comments section
the normies really are waking up

>Wh*te retards that dont have a single clue how biology works
Imagine muh shock


More like cringe. No normal person sees a couple and has the first thought of "I wonder how their kids will look". Only whites are this autistic.

>t. mutt
imagine my shock

t.dysgenic Angloid inbred

He's tall, broad shouldered and healthy

Won't hybrid vigor make her daughter better looking in this case?

>t nigger mutt from reddit
bet you seethe at picture of your mommy

lol i'm white and actually proud for the filipino chad


And only opinions of whites matter so

>h-ha c-cringe bro
>I talk like a 12 yo so I'm c-cool right

This is why non-white women chase after whitemen.

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Hybrid vigor only works if you're inbred, or if you don't already possess favorable genes. The opposite will actually happen in this case.

In what world? Only jungle gooks looking for a ticket out of their shithole do. Rest is your delusion. Anyway don't you have blacks to hide from on your farm?

Why do whitebois love BBC

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You live in the anglobvlls countries
Cant wait to gas you subhumans

I don't hide from blacks, they call me boss and beg for my scraps while they work. Just like your women beg me to fuck them.

Just a normal day in america

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US hasnt been an Angloid country in over a century, over 60% of the "white" population are German niggers

Forearms not found

Good for the redhead. She chose a decent, strong non-white to marry. And now her genetic line will be a part of something much greater than the white race ever was. The hapa/white master race to come.

They will have beauty, brains, cunning, and a strong warrior instinct, one with which they will be able to collectively take out the current power elites that are hell-bent on killing us all, no matter the race. They want us divided, conquered.

The power of love between whites and Asians will overcome that. These two homo sapiens groups will breed together and destroy all the evil, resource-hungry, high IQ subhumans and useless, low IQ subhumans of the world.

Young whites reading this, go and find an Asian partner. Become part of the future greatness of the future space hominids.

But yeah, anyway, whites are extinct. RIP, white race.

nothing wrong with swedish-finnish relationships

Am I to understand that he was made to look uber arrogant in that movie?

That is my experience with asians, smug and arrogant.

Imagine getting so salty because you dont have balls. Only pig people I swear

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This one is self explanitory

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They're arrogant, just like Indian men, even though they have nothing to feel proud about. They mostly larp on Jow Forums as niggers, which just shows how inferior they are.

making nonwhites and kikes cringe and seethe is based & whitepilled
post more fresh salt

Nuuurrr prease stahp posting it!

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Keep obsessing over an AM-WF couple as your daughters are fucked by niggers.

You can eventually start to tell the difference between ricecel and currycel cuckspammers. The former tend to be a little too overarticulated and cerebral, while in the latter there's a tendency for this what I imagine to be culturally specific spluttering Pajeet anger to come through; the English breaks down and it becomes a little bit hysterical

Are you ok buddy?

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The distorted view of reality is the funniest shit though. The few Asian girls over here are all dating white while the men date niggers.

How degenerate, I feel bad for the resulting mutts

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The past 5 years or so from what I've seen.


wtf is wrong with whites seriously

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