Can any Bong tell me if this is still an ongoing issue in the U.K. ?
Are they still kidnapping and raping little English girls ?
Asian Grooming Gangs
Other urls found in this thread:
See, this is why Hong Kong should not be helped, there are entire ASIAN grooming gangs in the UK and you want more of those bugs?
Asian means Arab, Indian in the U.K.
Bump no bongs here.
Join the DFLA!
How bad is it ?
It is in Cardiff. A minority of police are punters.
Has never been reported on.
Co-op on Albany rd.
Yh it’s still going on. Also
>that Sikh guy who was the ringleader
Some whites are so retarded in thinking that Sikhs are their bros. Sikhs are no different from pakis. They speak the same language, and are from the same general area. Remember that.
>No they stopped by their own volition
What do you think dumbass.
Police don't report the rapes ? Wow England is cucked.
Idk Asian grooming gangs were a big issue for the last 2 years and the reporting just stopped.
Yes. You should check out the Asian (Paki) underground Rap scene; they sing about pimping out white girls quite often as some sort of achievement as an aspiring roadman.
Caused an stir on the BBC Asian network radio (while ago, since been suppressed from most search results unless you know specifics) when one such lower specimen from the Community of Peace sang about that said achievement (pimping white girls, making peas/ money off them, etc).
>It is in Cardiff. A minority of police are punters.
>Has never been reported on.
Go straight to the prosecutor with your complaints about the cops.
Go as high as you can
No OP they just magically decided to stop raping the fertile young of their enemies...
>Can any Bong tell me if this is still an ongoing issue in the U.K. ?
Yes. There are a few cases going through the courts right now.
That's the point of this post. I haven't been seeing or hearing any Asian grooming gang incidents of the past couple years now.
All shitskins are our enemy britbro
In cities maybe, here in small towns there's hardly any immigrants
Question: Why does Jow Forums consider men like those in the OP pic to be white men when it's convenient (example; speaking out against Jews) but brown subhumans at all other times?
For instance, Muslim/Arab/Paki groomers are "brown monkey savage trash" but the same Muslim/Arab/Pakis are based and white caucasians if they call for Jews to be eliminated. Same with Syrians, Afghans, Iranians.
There are at least 5 "Arabs are white" "Middle Easterners are white" "Iranians are white" threads in the catalog on any given day.
Jow Forums is one big slide thread newfag.
Most of these post are trolls or shills.
Reminder that one of these guys (not in a full blown grooming gang but much smaller scale) actually chopped up a 14 year old girl he had raped and then fed her to white customers. Asian grooming gangs targeted WHITE CHILDREN, Muslim drug dealers have been previously said they don't feel guilt selling heroin etc to WHITE PEOPLE.
I could picture a sand nigger doing that. Why are brown people so violent and breed a lot ?
I'm not a newfag idiot. Every single day in countless threads there are Amerifat flags saying "they look white to me" about Arabs and Muslims. Deadly serious too. They aren't trolling. They go for post after post debating about Arabs and Muslims being white. How many threads a day are made showing some hundred year old Iranian or Afghan with blue eyes calling them white? There's even a thread RIGHT NOW up about Muhammad being white people saying Muslims and Arabs are white right there. Try to keep up.
Yes, it is still going on in every town and city with large numbers of Pakistanis. They are just being more discreet about it now and the publicity and trials have probably scared quite a few off but it sis still happening on a reduced scale.
It's an obvious shill thread. You took the bait Bongoloid.
>Police don't report the rapes ? Wow England is cucked.
Police PROTECT the fucking rapists.
Why ?
Hi OP, can confirm it’s still going on, and the press still keep the real news suppressed, as do the courts and politicians! please send nukes, it’d be a mercy!
I would take your post seriously if you hadn't posted that anime shit.
it’s just a gif, faggot! my post was sincere
That's what they call Arabs, Indians in UK
>Are they still kidnapping and raping little English girls ?
When there’s a snatch rape involving multiple men, they’re almost always Asian, but they are rare.
The grooming gang thing is usually girls from broken homes, or in the care system (foster homes and shit) being chatted up by one young Asian in a flash car, then slowly introduced to all his family and friends, using guilt and threats to make them suck off a bunch of old men.
There’s something really ducked up with Pakistanis. They’re gangbanging kids with their brothers, uncles, and fathers.
But yes, there are still new cases being uncovered all the time.
What do you think tommy Robinson was in prison for?
Assault and battery
Do you know what is the biggest grooming/rape gang in UK?
UK Police.
These pakis were only tools that was dropped under the bus when shit leaked.
Asians doesn't mean chinky eyes,asia is a big diverse region
Pakis aren't arabs
Did I say they were ? No I meant people of the sub Indian continent and Arabs, basically brown people
This is just a distraction story.
The main grooming gang in the UK is the government and this all came out because of Savile.
And just after Savile came "asian grooming gangs" because as long as theyre brown, everyone can forget about government pedos
Go back to watching porn you delusional prick. Did you even grow up outside your bedroom? These morons are ALWAYS driving around in their Astras or fucking Golfs and stopping when there is a small teen girl relatively alone. Jesus Christ it was well known for many years and a topic that was often spoke about.
Did you have any friends? I know 2 girls personally that were victims of these animals.
He was carrying assault batteries?
Fahkin ell, string im up!
it's not just girls, they're also grooming boys
it's not been a year since some bong posted webum of a guy interrupting a paki sitting in backseat of a car and having a young boy perform fellatio on him, in the middle of the street in broad fucking daylight
>pedos are ok as long as theyre not brown
m'kay got it.
he is not wrong
GB tradition is fucking little children and elites still cultivate it
muzzies running around raping is only possible because they working for police pedo nets and supply kids for orgies
>pedos are brown and therefor higher in the oppression olympics, so we should resort to whataboutism
Seriously, are you genuinely suggesting that there isn't a problem with Muslim grooming gangs? Because if so then it shows alot about you, mainly that you are totally out of touch with working class life.
You're paranoid. I grew up in Blackpool. The girls got blackmailed and offered booze or cigs and then taken to a dingy flat where they were raped.
One girl had them waiting outside her childrens home. The staff didn't ever do anything.
Be very fucking careful throwing around those accusations, I'm saying it for your own good, even here. Better the truth said offline, lest you mark your cards.
Jow Forums is hosted by Ustar a DoD/NSA contractor. The NSA was paying £100million a year to GCHQ to run their own version XKEYSCORE back in 2013. If you accidentally hit the nail on the head or get too close they will fuck you up. Assume you are pseudo anonymous.
Oh I know I am not anonymous
Government pedos are whoesale. Epstein and Prince Andrew and Savile are not asian
guess why they are holy cows?
because they are suppliers of bodies to the high rank
both administration and police know or even work hand in hand with them
that is why they running wild
anyway elites literally don't care about low class plebs, they never did, not in GB at last
yeah so what
unless you go full retarded on public media you are safe and if they go after you because you posted on Jow Forums you were on the list already
Just don't post anything to embarrass HM government or post anything too close to the mark here. The walls are closing in the UK. I'm an old Brit fag and seen it all. You can think it user, but for your own sake keep it under your hat. Eric Blair (Orwell) warned us about the ((Fabianist)) agenda and it's all come to fruition.
Are you the "Mike Baloney" Cyprus poster?
Also depends on your standing or who've interacted with. I used to speak to Duke of Kent and a former pm.
This whole story revolves around "low class plebs" - many of whom I knew and many of whom have direct experiences with them.
My own girlfriend was a victim. It exists EVERYWHERE in small working class communities. Especially in small towns with a high MUSLIM population.
I know people that went through the care system in the North West, North East and Midlands and I can tell you that it is absolutely real.
I'm not saying international rings don't exists. I'm saying STOP the whataboutism and accept that there is a problem before (god forbid) it's your family that is a victim.
They were whores. They went back over and over for drugs and sex when they got caught they acted as victims. Even the british police did know about these sluts and didn't care. Pakis are doing great job impregnating single roasties and young sluts. Nothing personal kiddo.
Government pedos are the main issue and you are whatabouting asians because they are brown
Street shitter
Duke Of Kent is always the top freemason of the country
the rapists are neither arab nor Indian
Those "girls" were looking for a nice curry daddy. But ended up getting some stale sausage. fuck them
Same shit different name
My dealings with him pertained to money.
i am not saying that they are not at fault
i am saying they are just cog in machine
low class plebs are just fresh bodies
and elites know and benefit from current situation
asians as central asians/indians orientals as chink/nips/gooks
No. I'm not. The thread is literally about "brown people" (making it about race, very progressive!) Anyway, I've told you that I personally know many victims of these savages and you just can't accept it because it doesn't fit your conspiratorial mentally ill whataboutism.
Reminder that it is the WHITE policemen who failed to protect the white girls,
Reminder that It was the WHITE BRITISH business owners who hired all those Polish people.
Keep pretending if everything is white and British, it will be fine.
I think he converted after he was arrested.
They're stiill not white though so fuck them.
you need to understand that classism is still alive and kicking in GB
for elites color don't mean a shit
either you one of them or you are just a cattle
>dating was a mistake
muslim grooming gangs fuck your peoples soul. Are you ramble on about government pedo rings? doesnt matter. nothing will change in the near future... ur fucked mate. ur country is absolutely going to hell with that PC politics of yours. Freedom of speech is dead.
100% this. Its scary how nobody realises how corrupt the entire thing is, give this a listen if you want to lose all hope:
Police whistleblower speaks out about the child abuse cover up.
This is also sage advise.
I never knew him personally, or anything like that, I'm just an ordinary user. I spoke to him at least once a month in my previous professional capacity. Back when I was entrusted with such hings. He was an extremely polite man and remarkably humble, actually very easy to talk to .
I could tell you some funny stories about our metropolitan London elite but I signed something when I was working for a US bank and I don't think it would be prudent for me to do so, even now.
>analyzes image
What does this mean ?