I can’t fucking take it anymore. I CAN’T FUCKING TAKE IT ANYMORE!

I can’t deal with how disgusting and anti-white this world is and how untenable our future is. I can’t stand living in this world of falsehoods and paranoia, mistrust and doubt everywhere. I can’t live alone, hiding how I feel to everyone. Politics is all I feel matters and I only have strings holding me from disassociation and oblivion.

I want the blue pill. I need the blue pill. I want to not see it, to buy the fake world again and accept things. Or I want things to burn. I can’t continue this charade, I can’t pretend I don’t bristle when my coworkers talk about killing right wingers or how disgusting and white a rural city in Oregon is. This city bleeds a man who sees the truth alive, you can’t trust anyone in here.

And I can’t get out, where would I even go? Who would I even know? And I can’t trust these groups now? Does no one speak for me, no one but people who don’t care about solving the world? Am I supposed to pretend I can figure this out alone? Am I supposed to lead? What the hell have I led?

Im just waiting for illusions to crumble, for one day some busybody to dig up one errant leak and tear my life apart. I can’t sleep, I can’t keep food down, I’m angry and sad and alone and I feel like all I’m ever going to be is a suicide case or a propaganda win for the jews when I snap.

I don’t know what the fuck to do.

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Stop crying like a bitch.

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Pan. RA. Baal. All the same stupid shit just different names.

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suffering is the path to enlightenment

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ok. Fuck off.


The white race is extinct.

Collectively, all whites are currently experiencing the first stage of the grieving process, denial.

But don't worry. Once whites make it to the last stage, there won't be any of you left to complain.

t. hybrid human with better genetics than 99% of Jow Forums

Grab a beer, sit back, and wait for the pendulum to swing the other way.

Focus on building yourself up as a better man. When obstacles show up what do strong men do? They grit their teeth and work harder, they keep their complaints to themselves and tough it out.

Become Atlas, you're going to carry that weight.

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You aren't alone, just calm down and take some pride in yourself.

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Take the AR-15 pill.

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Suicide is for faggots, nigger.

just wait a wee bit longer - 2025-2030
>wants bluepill
nope, can't do. there is no such magic. unless you're willing to have a lobotomy performed on you.

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Progressively more and more people are coming to understand that a diplomatic solution is not possible. You cannot use a corrupt system to fix itself. What is the future you want? What needs to be done to achieve such a future? These questions must be answered before anything can begin.

user, Americans are not white

Try working out. Or just find some some, any avenue where your psychological discomfort to disspitate

I was fine until Anglin exposed TRS. Now I feel the same way OP.


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I'm dying.

Sounds to me you have avoidant personality disorder and are blaming Politic incorrectness for your chronically timid nature.

Prove me wrong, if your took weak to go outside from a deluded world view based on pol then you was probably already timid to begin with.

Have sex

>I want the blue pill. I need the blue pill.
have sex

oh a bnha poster

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Ignore all the shitposts and dumb Jow Forums bullshit.

First of all, the media IS exaggerating and giving a platform to views that are not as big as they seem. I.E the white man hate.

It does exist, multiculturalism is a problem, but it isn't AS bad as the media paints it out to be.

If you want to ensure a better future, then work to do so. Things are turning around, people are waking up. This is a good thing. We are currently on the cusp of POSITIVE change, not negative. The negative change has already happened, they already had their turn and they didn't do enough with it and now things are swinging the other way.

If you want to engage in the political aspects of making the world better, then why not try and find a like minded group of people? If you have discord I'd be happy to talk to you online aswell because I've felt the same way before.

Become an hero

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stop Jow Forums
go outside.

This post will not bump your shitty psyops thread, Shlomo. You can't demoralize me anymore.

I don’t really trust Anglin on that. He’s correlating facts with unproven connectioms, like that a larpy podcast then is context for being caught by the FBI and coopting things. What if the podcast is a lie? When did he get contacted? Why does Anglin want to sit on this until now? How am I to assume I’m not being misled by Anglin with his unproven connections he makes? I already know he broke ties with TRS months ago, maybe this is hyperbole for petty shit.

Or maybe he’s right, then I’m fucked because the feds know I listen. If I’m a dead man walking, what is the point of any of this? Why can I assume the Daily Stormer would not do the same? The only sane way forward is to really assume everyone’s corrupt and trust no one, or give some trust and be prepared for some consequences potentially.

That’s just more of the stress, I can’t tell who’s lying anymore and it’s a game of minesweeper we’re all in now. The only winning move is not playing but that was so many redpills ago that’s impossible.

Eww a mutt. Good luck getting a blood transfusion.

Fuck off. It’s a reaction image. One shill don’t spoil the whole thing.

they took ur of oxycontin
they'll reprovide soon

>If you want to engage in the political aspects of making the world better, then why not try and find a like minded group of people? If you have discord I'd be happy to talk to you online aswell because I've felt the same way before.
Of course I want to but which are real and which are honeypots or tricks?

Quit being a little bitch OP. When someone says "there's too many white people", you say "nah mate, there's not enough cunt". When someone says "let's kill a right winger", you say "I'm standing right here. Do something...". Reply confidently and calmly with eye contact and wait for a reply. Don't look at your fucking feet or some awkward shit.

You’re not supposed to eat the aluminum, only make a fancy hat w it

I just want the npcs to suffer 10x worse than i am
All that matters
I legitimately hate them
I hate most of my family
And most of my friends too

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Hang in there user

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It's hard to tell but I suppose, what is it you want? Find a group who want the same as you. That's really all you can do. If you feel it's not in your best interest to align with a group, or that they are a honeypot/trick then detatch from them. Sadly that's just the reality of doing so.

>adopt IDGF persona
>appear to be above petty politics
>"eh I don't really have the time to keep up on that"
>Do not engage in work socializing

If anyone outside of your circle knows anything more than surface info about you than you have failed already since they litteraly do not matter to you socialy but only professionally. Its tricky at first but once people realize that you have no intrest in them they become inamored with the idea of you and will trat you like a professional.

An Hero

Take out some SUBHUMANS

based and hopepilled

Suffering builds character. It is only through suffering that we grow. Stagnant comfort makes one soft and weak.

Man everyone is so enlightened and filled with character in India, Africa, South America, Russia, and the rest of Eastern Europe due to hundreds of years of hardship and suffering. When you go on the streets there it's like walking through a bunch of modern day Buddhas.

Remove Jew media from your life, or grow some skin.

All problems are interpersonal relationship problems.