How can i move to switzerland

Pic very related.

Any swiss femanon want to get married?

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Just get a job there. They let everyone in. Also, the problem is that Swiss cities are incredibly expensive. A girl I know makes 80k Swiss Francs in Zurich and lives in a small apartment and has literally no spending power. A McD dinner for 2 in Switzerland costs like 40 bucks.

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Also, you gotta pay your own health insurance in Switzerland, it is not withheld from taxes, as far as I know.

Pic related for Germany is what you want to see for Switzerland.

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>live in USA
>pay 30% of my income in taxes
>terrible infrastructure
>still have to pay for Jewish healthcare

Damn I wish my country didn't spend all of my money on wars and brown people

>live in 3rd world country
>no income tax (only salary deduction 10%)
>citizens can make additional income and would not pay any taxes (ponzi schemes, etc)
>shitty infrastructure
>cheap and low quality petrol (compared to EU countries)
>country itself has rich natural resources

its all that jew money and gold they got

Switzerland has outlawed homophobia and transphobia.

Based Borat
Best potassium in the world!

Based Jose.

appreciate your input

and this affects me, how?

that is pretty based. I make all my income online. Any place with low income tax is great for me.

I know Iraq has low income tax of 15%, would consider living there.

Why would anyone willing to work there?
They have religion but no faith.

A lot of expats used to work in my country especially in oil and gas industry (mostly Anglos). Check Chevron, Exxon, Shell, British Gas, Weatherford, Halliburton, etc.
In my country you could easily be involved in ponzi schemes or money laundering and you wouldn't be caught by authorities. Check corruption index m8

it seems nice until you go there and everything costs a fuck ton. i went geneva for CERN and i wish i could say is exaggerating

bullshit. We don't even have gay marriage (they're pushing for it though, might get it in the next couple of years)

How so? You got lefty in power?

>Just get a job there. They let everyone in.
Everyone who can get an actual job. A bit different from just letting a couple million random muzzies walk across our border (and then pay for their first world needs, and for their victims' therapy) if I may say so.

>a couple million random muzzies walk across our border

Coming through Austria and Switzerland... funny, no?

"Just" getting a job is easy when you're from the EU. Outside of that it becomes a bit harder

And yet they just keep walking right to germany and you gladly take them. what's your point?

Why do you retards still think Switzerland is a desirable place to be?

Lots of them remain in Italy, Switzerland and Austria.

u mean albanian/balkan femanon

>"Just" getting a job is easy when you're from the EU.

This. Many latinos come to Spain with the motive: "in two years it is possible to obtain spanish nationality if you are from south america".

The reality is different: Spain has a lot of unemployment and although it is difficult to get a good job, companies prefer to hire only spaniards. Foreigners in general only get contracts in the shitty services sector, which are badly paid, which makes living in the country impossible.

Buuut if you are an EU citizen with a university degree, it is very easy to find a job in any country from the EU.

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My dude, I'm in the same boat. Looking to move to Cayman in a year or two.