Hillary is getting worried. First the "Art" thing now this


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Pedo wisdom...

she could win if she could campaign

Whatever happened to lock her up? Lol

Hahahahaha it happens to all of us!!!

Oh gosh, that sucks. So basically just like every other person in the country then? Just a darned shame they have to suffer reality.

You would think by now people would learn that there are no secrets anymore.

Like ....Frazzledrip?

Now she knows how we feel. What a cunt.

hahahaha bitch just learn to do two factor authentication

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>I'm sorry that the hacked emails showed I was running a corrupt campaign and that my campaign manager is a pedophile.

>sell state secrets and intel through your "private" server
>OMG I've been hacked by Russia!

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>clinton hires incompetent IT staff
>clinton intentionally skirts government email regulations
>clinton hires boomers that click unsolicited "password reset" links

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Is that kind of like having all your emails as Secretary of State and beyond blind CCed to a chinese front company?


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Dire warnings... the lefties love using that

She's prepping the people, the flood is coming. Half of the people running for President are only running to protect themselves from prosecution.

She's a whale now.

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its a threat

I'm still with her

Hillary 2020

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Too good to be true, but for someone like her, this timeline is worse than death.

Stolen nothin! She sold that shit to Chyna! Lock her up already Mr. President!!!

That's too esoteric for Jow Forums.

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>fuck the children....what about my emails

peak hillary season is upon us

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Longesst whine in history.

Females in politics

>Our treachery was revealed
>It's our enemy's fault

It was a joke.

Ding dong the witch is dead, ding dong the wicked witch is dead.

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she's gonna run at the last minute aint she lads?

That would be hilarious for so many reasons...

Which old witch? The wicked witch!

Maybe emailing about wetworks the same weekend Scalia died was bad move for Podesta.

joe is gonna drop dead any day now, hillary is gonna run i reckon

Archive videos
Great art

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Get in here faggots we’re taking /egg back

Forgot to link it I’m retarded

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Says the cunt who gleefully laughed at the 8-year-old rape victim who did not receive justice.

This bitch is straight up evil. Ditto her degenerate husband. It's why they hooked up in the first place.

And to think it all started in some backwater like Arkansas.

You know Bill's real father is a Rothschild, right?


I don't know what this means and don't trust anyone who uses it.

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Either that's shopped or she's gained an enormous amount of weight. She really looks like she's going to keel any minute now.

But my emails!

Implying she could formulate that thought on her own. Her brain is full of holes now, someone wrote that on behalf of her.

Where did that claim originate from? I know what it is but who even started that?

Not shopped. Hillary is THICC

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>a million boomer cunts look at her and think
She's JUST like me. They said I could be anything.