Cooming is based. Porn is fine

I get pussy and still fap. I fap after pussy. I fap before pushy. I fap in between pussy. I am successful and fit and have a rich social life.
This coom and nofap bullshit is bull Shit.

It’s a Jewish trick to get you dumb fucks sexually retarded and do something stupid. Nofap is glownigger.

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's no porn you mongo

And masturbating TOO much does have its drawbacks ya spoon

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Imma... Imma GONNA COOOM

Here's the benefits I've experienced since I decided to enter monk mode

More energy
Less depressed
More confidence
Less anxiety
Increased social skills
Highly motivated to succeed
Highly motivated to do more
Highly motivated to approach real women
Increased fat loss
Increased muscle growth
Improved workouts
Improved sporting performance
Deeper voice
Improved skin
Thicker hair
Increased hair growth (Facial, body and hair)
Less sleep required
Brighter eyes
Clearer skin
Improved body language
More alpha male behaviours
Increased attention from women
More respect from men
Improved memory
Removal of brain fog
A cure to hair loss
Better sex
Thicker/longer penis
Aloof attitude
High sex drive
Controlled aggression
Feelings of power
Improved relationships
Improved immunity
Increased stamina

Posting in a degenerate with no self-control thread.

No it isn't. Nofap zealots literally believe cumming even without porn, just using your thoughts, will drain you of "fluids" it's fucking insane

>kikes want you to rise above your animal urges

Only incels think fapping is bad for you. I used to fap 5 times a day but still worked out and had a gf (and bf). They are just mad that sex workers have fun and get payed.

i am a coomer, feels bad man... porn and sex is always controlling my brain


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Free will is a mistake.

Coom for mexico

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>Doesn't care that lust consumes his soul and distances himself from God

Ejaculating increases your DHT and prolactin levels.
If I really need to explain to you why DHT and prolactin are bad in high levels, you are hopeless.
And frequent ejaculation does drain you of nutrients. It takes a lot of zinc to produce semen.
You think the only liquid on earth that can create life is easy to produce? No. It takes a LOT out of you to produce semen. Just like when you get your blood drawn you feel weak for a while, losing semen is worse because semen takes more energy to produce than blood.


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Literal bullshit. There are no negative effects of jerking off, even 10 times a day.

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How's does one distance themselfs from something that is literally within everything that ever has is or will be? You don't worship some kinda finite black white god or something right?

>tranny false flag thread
they are getting desperate already.

Coom for me baby

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I agree. I have a wife of over six years. We fuck everyday, often multiple times. I also look at porn and coom multiple times per week. I have plenty of energy and i look great.

Those who claim that its bad to coom are just low energy retards. They will be low energy whether they fap or not. Nofap is a placebo.

Look at these eyes.
Does this look normal to you?

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GILF actually

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post proof or confirmed larp.
Nobody has sex with their wife everyday after six years.

>everything that disagrees with my propaganda is a larp

Do you have children?

Would coom together to GILF feet porn

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>t. Coomer

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no proof?
Okay, coomer. keep larping

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keep being delusional. youll always be a beta bitch regardless of how much you coom

Come on user it’s gonna feel sooooo good letting out that huge load!

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And I’m everything you fags want to be

Except I coom

So cooming isn’t your shortcoming

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according to nofappers,

> cooming 3 times per day with an std ridden roastie is based and has many benefits

> cooming alone and comfortable two or 3 times a week is very bad for you

Der coomer

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got back to and never come back please.

Now we are talking buddy

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man was created to coom as many times as possible. You have to exercise and eat well though.

Nofap is the entry level to semen retention/monk mode.
Nofappers are retarded because they use their new energy to try and get laid.
In monk mode you reject all forms of ejaculation.

>me cum
>me must be happy
pleasure's a hell of a drug

Coom with me to Jow Forums

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same here brother those no fap fagots are pathetic.. ahahah

Das it mayne

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> Nofappers are retarded because they use their new energy to try and get laid.

this is one of the funniest aspects of the whole nofapper community. They retain their semen in order to tray to get a roastie interested in them.

What happens is that they lower their standards and start chasing landwhales because they are desperate to coom.

Archive videos
Great art

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Let’s cum together!

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t. coomers

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Getting ready to coom a bucket

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Sounds good m8

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So we all know porn fucks up your brain, but what about pictures you took yourself? Can I look at nudes I've taken of women I've fucked over the years without it affecting me, like normal porn would?

Post them here

So we can all coom

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Any lust is going to warp your mind and affect your brain.
Just stop ejaculating and stop even thinking about sex until you find a wife to impregnate. It's that simple.
Have some discipline. Porn, masturbation, casual sex, etc it's just a ton of work that gets you nowhere. There's literally no benefit to cooming. It's a sacrificial act intended for producing children, it's not a recreation activity.

She's actually a horrible lay and character. Looks miserable and angry desu

This is why I fap to porn.