We are not equal

Niggers are a subspecies of humans.

Prove me wrong.

Attached: 1546605116938m.jpg (1024x869, 93K)

That guys seems nice though.

Niggers are a subhuman to humans.

We hold these truths to be intuitively obvious to the casual observer.

Stop distracting people from Epstein with your stupid bait thread

take this

Attached: fixation index.png (1498x1516, 1.27M)

Attached: 13do50.jpg (630x957, 382K)

And that subspecies of human is currently in the midst of inheriting this entire planet. Evolution in action.

And whites won't do anything to stop it from happening.

cool fanfic jew. if the situation were so hopeless then you wouldn't need to propagandize

Attached: they aren't humans.gif (550x563, 88K)