We are not equal

Niggers are a subspecies of humans.

Prove me wrong.

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That guys seems nice though.

Niggers are a subhuman to humans.

We hold these truths to be intuitively obvious to the casual observer.

Stop distracting people from Epstein with your stupid bait thread

take this

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And that subspecies of human is currently in the midst of inheriting this entire planet. Evolution in action.

And whites won't do anything to stop it from happening.

cool fanfic jew. if the situation were so hopeless then you wouldn't need to propagandize

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we're all subspecies. White europeans are up to 5% neanderthal, a subspecies of Homo sapiens sapiens. Other 'races' are up to 10% Homo Heidelbergensis or Denisovan, also subspecies. The Asian mutation created a subspecies. Just biology, nothing to go all schizoid over.

why do you kikes only have one insult?

Because they have to give themselves away. God won't let them come up with any other lies, its a way to identify them even if they pay for all sorts of expensive surgeries or costumes.

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why? because you're mad about crime statistics?

>cherrypicks images
>durr they're a subspecies

get rekt mutt!

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I want to kill every person in your country.

first of all (((memeflag))). second of all see


I think I've seen that girl before...


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>seagate is 13% of the hard disks market but cause 50% of the disk crashes

True, look at this nogger

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they are not a subspecies, more a parallel one, basically the retarded funny cousin

not a single person is equal to another
I was thought in school I was unique at age 11

bro you cant just pick the ugliest negro and generalize

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k bro you go find pictures of someone 100% white and someone 100% black and show us, they're gonna be just as diferent even if you find ugly white people


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Hey it's the Dutch loli who got stalked by pedos waiting outside her school.

why do turkroaches larp as niggers to say that they are better than whites but then immediately accuse others of being non-whites when ever the turkroach is called out? Are turkroaches so ashamed by the fact that they are hairy swarthy goblins that they just want to be as annoying as possible? don't they know that that won't turn them white?

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I'm not proving anything kike. Whats wrong with black people?

lmao seethe harder.

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Every race is a sub-species.

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Actually, niggers are virtually pure Homo Sapien with some archaic ape tier DNA added. All the non-blacks have the vital Neanderthal admixture.

>Whats wrong with black people?
is that a rhetorical question or are you looking for an answer.

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i have sooooooo many answers

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You are right, OP.

If the neanderthals we're not very advanced, why everyone that do not have mixed with them was locked in Neolithic ages?

Can anyone translate this from ant to English please? It looks like there's actually some really nice in for in there.

>I have soooooooo many answers [for ants]

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Penis size

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For two different groups to be classified as separate subspecies, they need around a 0.25 to 0.3 Fst distance. The furthest Fst distance between human groups is around 0.15


Of course. Nobody but a bunch of niggers could have built the pyramids.

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This is measuring the Fst between specifically red wolves and coyotes, which is significant because red wolves are believed to be the result of mixing between grey wolves of coyotes.

jews are inferior to cockroaches and the cockroach doesnt mind being compared to them, what a nice species

we built these and niggers cant even swim

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>Niggers are a subspecies of humans.
Of course they are. We're all different subspecies.


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