Restroom laws

Public restrooms are fucking gross. I’m for a small government but we need to enforce building codes around bathrooms in any commercial venue.

Doors entering the bathroom should not make it obvious who is going in and when they are going out.

The interior of the bathrooms should have FULLY closed stalls more akin to rooms where I can shit as loud as I want.

There should be wet wipes that I can buy like they used to sell condoms in the restroom.

The days of embarrassing office poops MUST end. I will not shit in a unisex office bathroom directory off the shared open space office just because shareholders or the Jew landlord don’t give a fuck.

Pic semi related somewhat

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Other urls found in this thread:

Taking a comfortable shit without everyone in the bathroom listening and having the ability to properly clean yourself is a HUMAN RIGHT.

Fuck universal healthcare we can’t even get bathrooms right.

So is that a tranny fucking a bitch in the stall?

>left stall

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>everyone worried about the left stall
>the slut on the right is wiping her bare feet on the filthy floor

>not having a rigid poop schedule

Dude we have free coffee at work. I'm having at least two shameful hot lava shits at any point in the day.

I want one so bad

>at work
>co worker comes in to bathroom behind me.
>immediately goes to the stall. drops his drawers to the ground (his pants are just sitting on the ground probably in a puddle of piss)
>he didn't even check the toilet seat before he sat, let alone wipe it off and lace it with TP before sitting down..

Fucking HATE americans

Yeah what the fuck do women go into the restroom to fuck each other with dildos or something

Her feet are clearly clad in stockings, you disgusting non-pervert.

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Tfw women’s restrooms are ten times grosser than the men’s.

Those are two (((women))) helping each other out at their scheduled dilatation time

No. The floor is filthy because she is wiping her bare feet on it. Don't blame the floor for her imposing her will upon it.

Why is this important enough to write a fucking article about? Of course women poop you feminist cunts a girl I used to work with would tell me about every time she went in there and rubbed her clit as well.

Pedovores and their social media protectors are being delivered to justice.

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Former janitor, can confirm. The men's toilet occasionally had a bit of piss on the seat. The women's restroom, the entire thing was some David Cronenberg shit.

Sorry we don't all shit in the street like you Pajeet

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coward beta virgin shitter,

Let me preface this by saying that my mother is very involved in volunteer work. In high school, around 16, we had to do a certain amount of volunteer hours to qualify for some stupid extracurricular award which of course my parents wanted me to received so colleges would see my application and think "wow, what an upstanding young man! he definitely doesn't masturbate to scat porn or anything like that!" and one of my mom's good friends was a catholic organizer and worked with a local convent of nuns to help the homeless. It was a soup kitchen of some sorts run by volunteers and little old nuns.
My mom thought that sounded like fun and I, being an agreeable and docile child, agreed to go. We got to the soup kitchen, which was in a building adjacent to the nunnery (priory? chapter house? not sure of the terminology). We set up early in the morning, and spend the morning ladling soup into bowls for the city's downtrodden. It was actually quite good work, really satisfying for the soul. The nuns seemed to relish in it- they didn't fit my culturally-molded view of strict, old bitches; rather, many were young, beautiful, and friendly. It was strange. Watching the nuns lovingly care for these wrinkly crusty homeless people was one of the most heartwarming things I've ever seen.

Finally, at the end of the day, the nun in charge offered to show us their house, to see how nuns lived. As a non-religious person I was interested to see what the arrangement was like, and I said sure. My mom stayed behind to clean up, so me and the nun lady walked through a few doors, up some stairs, and into what looked like a dormitory. We had bonded during the day, and I was cracking jokes and warming her middle-aged heart. She said they usually have rules against letting men into their quarters, but I was barely more than a child and they liked me enough. She walked me through the halls, living rooms, and area where they stored their vestments. It was a neat, spartan environment- much like what I imagine prison in norway is like. It was uneventful but interesting, and right before she was about to take me to leave, she showed me an individual room.
"Would you like to see Sister *****'s room? She's cleaning up and I'm sure she wouldn't mind." Of course I acquiesced and stepped into a dimly lit room with a small twin bed and an small catholic kneely-thing on the opposite wall with a picture of Caucasian jesus. I looked around and noticed on the bed, with my heart jumping, a lacy black thong.
The head nun must have noticed too, because she quickly ushered me out of there. Naturally I was at full mast immediately and asked her if I could quick use the restroom before I left, since everyone else was cleaning the soup kitchen. She couldn't say no, and sat down in the living room while I ran off to the nun's bathrooms, which was somewhat like that of a dorm hall bathroom.

It was the most aroused I've been in a while. The thought of the gorgeous nun, filling up the cups of homeless men while, beneath her habit, wearing a sexy thong. I imagined her slipping off the habit, wearing nothing but the underwear and a crucifix. I imagined her whipping me, and caressing me while talking to me about jesus. I imagined becoming a monk and sneaking in to fuck her in the ass on the altar of the church.
Of course I was in a stall masturbating and of course I was crawling around on the floor looking for a spare pube or two left by a tired nun getting her evening shit in. It was one of the best beat sessions of my life: clean, but you could still get a hint of bodily fluid odor in the air, and I was in proximity to a house of sexy nuns. It was a fetish I didn't even know I had.
I must have been in there a while, gasping and stroking, because there was a knock at the bathroom door (which didn't lock, being a dorm style bathroom). "are you in there?" I quickly realized that I hadn't even closed my stall door in all my excitement, because everyone was gone, and before I could make a move, the bathroom door opened and there stood the nun chief, staring openmouthed at me, perched on a toilet like a bird with my cock in my hand and my eyes rolled up in the back of my head.
"GOODNESS!" She cried, and backed into the hallway. At that point, I couldn't stop (can't stop won't stop) and came buckets all over the stall. It was a 6 roper, if anyone was interested. I washed my hands, stepped out (she was nowhere to be found), ran down to the door, and reached the soup kitchen. I found my mom waiting at the car.

In the ethnostate that is currently being created, we don't have public restrooms. Just go at home. Everything will be close to home so if you have to go just walk or take a trolley back. It's gross and we can't have long dresses sweeping the floor. All the women wear long dresses.

"Did you have an interesting tour?" She asked. I replied affirmatively and asked her to take us home because I was sleepy. That load did knock me out quite well. They never asked us for volunteers at the soup kitchen again though, and to this day, I can't enter a catholic church without getting a massive hardon and having to run to the nearest bathroom to rub one out. I masturbated in 3 different Vatican bathrooms because of this and the huge presence of nuns there.

vs the chad upper-decker

>women poop


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>hot lava
That ain't coffee your drinking, stop drinking caffeinated sugar you fucking burger.

My work had a single person bathroom with a real door. Feels bretty gud name.

I usually carry a little snack baggie with some wet wipes but barring that I usually just kinda pivot over to the sink and dampen some tp to get the hard to get stuff.
Our office is pretty small so the one downside is I've been having the loudest goddamned farts and there's no fucking way no one hasn't heard the otherworldly noises my anus has wrought upon this mortal coil yet. One morning I thought I had to shit and ended up just ripping about a dozen off consecutively.

Why does the woman on the left have 4 legs?

Black coffee makes me poop like none other. Also anyone who drinks a double cream wet dream is a fag

tranny blowjobs

>Women Poop.At Work. Get Over It.
What happened to journalism?

Americans haven't had real coffee since the mid-1970s.

Fag, all I drink is black coffee and get random shits att.


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Just shit at home. I have never in my life used a public bathroom to shit and it’s pretty good

Me on the right.

What are you getting at? All the sugar, etc. in chain coffee, not drinking percolator coffee anymore?

What the fuck is wrong with your diet, at best it should help you pass somewhat not give you the uncontrollable shits
Or idk get better coffee something is definitely wrong

>get over it

wtf i never cared in the first place

Coffee stimulates gut motility. I'm not having explosive diarrhea or anything. It's like after you go for a good run

It's the typical 4am Amerifat diet.
Wake up, eat a fucking BK breakfast burrito or Sausage Egg and Cheese McMuffin, wash it down with a literal trashcan full of "black" coffee after sleeping 5 hours because you were up until 11pm on a worknight because "Dude, Weed." and drank a 6-pack while stuffing your face with Fritos Scoops and ranch dip.
Then, at 5:30 the brown devil roars and you rush to blast the nearest office shitter with your medicine-smelling, vile liquid crap while groaning like the fat, bloated stoner fuck that you are.
>pic related. You after your shit.

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Underated post, was crying 10/10

Damn, the highlight of my workday is when I take a shit and the stench bleeds out into the office.
Why would you take that from me, what have I ever done to you?

I think he's just saying it really gets things moving. Could go either way tho

Coffee just makes me have to pee like crazy but back when I used to use to smoke, a morning cigarette would practically make me shit myself lol

What is it with people in Murica using wet wipes? Mate they’re like the last resort to me if I run out of toilet paper. At least you’re keeping drainage engineers in a job I guess

Shit, shower and shave (in that order) before you leave for work.

There is no excuse for undisciplined shitting.

-based psycho veteran

>not using the tp wrap the used wipe and throwing it in the trash.
Do you flush your tampons too, tranny?

>not shitting in the cripple stall

I mean, sometimes I limp when I come out just to play along, but it is a fucking palace, fully separated from the filthy plebs

In fact, it is your moral duty to make as much mess as possible in the office.

I'm a disable vet (I can walk, but running's out of the question), and those retards get pissed when I shit in their stall

hey fuck you buddy

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>cripple stall
You mean luxury stall

It's black coffee, I don't do sugar. Pull the cheese out of your ass

it is not their stall like a parking place, it is more like a lowrider tram.

What am I expected to do when every other stall is occupied? Thank you very much I will use the cripple one. So now it is confirmed it is free for anyone to use, why not use it all the time?

Shitting before you shower or shave so you have to be trapped in a literal sauna with your own shit stink.
t. Real American

You have the audacity to rip on Pajeet’s for their street shitting yet you’re only one level higher and shit in the bin instead. Holy shit the irony.

>post smoke shit

Cigars do this to me.

Disgusting desu. I eat a primarily plant-based diet (vegetables, fruits, oats, beans, whole wheat pasta, nuts) with dairy, eggs, and fish for extra protein. Soda is for niggers.

it's a "people that are sensitive to stimulants" more so than a diet thing
popping an adderall or smoke a cig is like taking a laxative for some people

I don't think most of us do use wipes. Tp mostly. And bidets are getting more popular.

damnit Fisher! Mission's over.

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Virgin Shitter Detected.

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Why not just leave the fucking door open when you shit? It’s not it’s a public toilet. Besides, the smell of shit is just little particles of doo doo flying around.

He's fucking with you, currycel.


Real talk, I go home to shit all the time. When I know it's a truly big blowout, I'll just head home, take a shower and enjoy lunch. Living close to work is a must. But shitting at work must be just. We're lucky that we have only men in our office (thank you Jesus) and two completely separate rooms down a long hallway for shitting. Truly living my best work/shit life I've ever had in 16 years of working.

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Women only defecate once every 3 to 5 days. Any woman who cannot take care of this act on their own time at home should be fired for vagrancy.


It only happened once, and that retard flipped out . Pretty sure he wet himself

>drinking the black Jew
Serves you right, goy.

>being scared to take a shit

The absolute state of poopcels. Get over it and start having regular loud shits as if nobody else was in the bathroom. Nobody cares man. Once you get used to it you will look down on the weak scared beta soiboois who won't take a shit in a public restroom, or even worse, stop their shit as soon as somebody walks in and pretend they are just sitting there in the stall. WTF is that. Be a man, take no shame in your poop.

Women do not pop, thats concentrated evil coming out the back of them

>In the army.
>Duck and cover-training day. Running and crawling in a foxhole while you're being bombed.
>sergeants kick sand and dust on top of you, screaming "Explosion! Explosion!"
>Do this the entire exhausting day.
>Go to the army john in the evening. Open up a porn mag and try to relax.
>One of the sergeants rush into the stall right next to me, a giant splooshing noise is heard.
>He screams "Explosion!"

That one and only time I openly laughed while trying to masturbate in a public toilet.

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>rooms aren't as easily ventilated
>would need an exhaust fan, or static vent holes in every room
>also need an air-con outlet in every room
>can't use a unified vent/fan scheme

it's like this is done for a reason or something. Pressing romantic shit like this as a right is harsher on business than the prior is on your feelings.

>before you leave for work.
>not running the clock in the office

lmao, this is shitting for dummies 101

Dafuq is happening in the first stall? Are they scissoring?

I would call you a name back but I’ll probably end up getting myself on a list

So this is the power of the NY Times

>Women Poop. At Work. Get Over It.
>headline in a national newspaper, "paper of record"

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>The days of embarrassing office poops MUST end.
fucking lel NOO MOOOOOORE

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>needs a loicense for bantz
Just ribbin’ you, but are you for real?

The building I work in has 2 bathrooms that are single and far away from everything. They hardly get used and have double locks, air vent, 4 rolls of TP at all times, seat covers, everything. Basically the perfect shitting environment. Sometimes it gets awkward seeing another employee walking out of one or towards one but we always nod and both know what these restrooms are being used for. Lets jut say I doubt anyone ever goes to them just to pee.

The only problem with shitting in public is if I fart too loud I'm going to start laughing.

individual rooms seem fucking gross actually when you think about it. You are just going into a tiny compartment multiple strangers just used and it's full of somebody elses toxic poop gas.

The American style open stall bathroom isn't perfect but at least they aren't jenkem laboratories.

Is it more gay to look for feet under the stall before entering, to look in the mirror for feet under the stall, or just enter and risk seeing a man taking a shit. I got caught at work fake washing my hands looking for shoes in the mirror.

>an analysis

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obviously not

lel thanks for being a good sport

I had to clean female restrooms occasionally at my first job. They’d leave used tampons and shitted baby diapers out and It always stank faintly of pussy

I have never ONCE pooped at work, get fucked you disgusting poopfags.

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jesus christ, just put a window in the room, not that hard

RIP lime fām

>while trying to masturbate in a public toilet
There's a special level of hell for people like you, a place they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater.

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Somewhat related but bars and other public places need dividers between urinals, the bigger the better. Any place that uses a trough is just subhuman.

Yes I get stage fright. Deal with it.

In Russia in the most flats toilet and bathroom are separated.

this fuckin guy

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Really isn’t worth the risk m8, wouldn’t be the first bloke to have the police knocking on the door about (((hate speech))) that’s posted online. Look at Tommy Robinson and the hundreds of UK shitposters that have had the same treatment. If someone can get arrested for making their dog Seig Hail then I’m sure I could get a knock for calling a stranger a nigger online


using urinals is subhuman