I used to always think the “Nice Memeflag Kike” thing was just absurd. I Swear, there is always Pan-African flags in every race thread. They’re always posting Blacked Chicks and A dime a million niggers doing something on par with any white saying “U mad/Cope whiteboi”. I just realized how ridiculous this pattern is. It’s always the same message, in poor English, in every thread, with the same pictures. I just don’t think those flags would be real Black waiting all day to shower threads with anti-white shit. Do you have the same thoughts about it? Who do you think these Nogs are?
Pan-African flags are Kikes, Fed-Trolls, and rarely actually Africans
all memeflags are jews, no exceptions; even if it isn't true.
I always assume they're weak, lily-white crackers who fetishize spearchuckers. It's like a release for their pent-up sexual frustrations.
but they're probably just jewfucks
Asian and Indian incels seething at white men. See Jow Forumsaznidentity
stop whining wh*tey
not sure if you're trolling or just mentally retarded
So you believe they’re genuinely black? I hate “that’s not an argument” replying but that’s not an argument
>not filtering all memeflags, memeflag threads and replies to memeflags with Jow Forums X
I'm going to fuck your sister again while you cry in your room and jerk off to her moans.
ok, I'll admit. I am actually white and post bbc and kara boga memes to cope. I wish my dick was big and girls fucked me.
I am white and I have no girlfriend and never had sex. The niggers and even the spics are fucking all girls and I can't fuck anyone.
You’ll go to jail buddy, sexual acts with a minor.
Fuck off, I'm a proud African.
no, it's overwhelmingly obvious that they aren't genuinely black
Don't you feel ridiculous in having to muh dik with a different ethnicity, it implies that you don't take your own ethnicity seriously
That’s what I was getting at moron, that was my whole point. I said they are “rarely” African. I didn’t say they’re “black as night for sure, 100%!”
Aren’t blacks from west Africa?
The FBI doesn't pay me enough for this shit.
the fact that you felt the need to make a thread about this discovery is what prompted my original response
Some mentally ill t*Rkish posters from Jow Forums seem to have a gay nigger fetish, hence the "kara boga" meme. Strange "people". Kikes from JIDF definitely post interracial porn and d&c threads to manipulate board activity, though. Much too obvious. Very few actual Africans, true.
It's fucking kikes, you stupid nigger.
>t. Discordfag Jewish saboteur
What’s the point in posting on this thread if it’s not anything useful?