Volcel Gang - women not needed

>Mfw I realise voluntary celibacy is the only way

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Get laid. Women are out there. It’s where you look for them that’s the issue. Nothing better than a woman’s touch, sometimes. You have to find that decent balance. I love sleeping with my woman . She will gravitate to me in her sleep, she knows. Finding women isn’t difficult , finding the right one a tough task. Date more, ask certain questions to find out how open minded she is, in regards to music, film, art etc. If she doesn’t suit, move on. You can slowly train your woman to be redpilled and subservient- it’s in their nature to do it. Don’t be a blackpilled queer

AWALT, stupid boomer.

If there is no femininity there cant be manliness. Two sides of the same coin.
One can still have anti-natalist and anti-feminist viewpoints without beeing an volcel.

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I’m not a boomer. I’ve never seen so many queers in one place as on here. The way you speak about women as if they’re some sort of mystery- stop putting pussy on a pedestal and put your own cock on a pedestal and they’ll notice. If you want me to believe that ‘yOu DoNt NeEd WyMmN’ then your either lying outright, in denial, or fucking gay. Men throughout history, even the greatest men have had women. A good woman can make a man even better.

> "Get Laid! Just be yourself bro!"
Sex is literally the most pointless thing ever. Ejaculation results in mind fog and loss of concentration and reduced stamina. Semen retention is a very fine practise

Agreed . Being disgusted by modern women’s behaviour is one thing- doing the jews work by not finding a wench and breeding , is another. I sometimes wonder if this is some Jew trick- (((demonising incel))) culture to make young men incels, as they’ll rebel and join a movement as a means to reverse psychology men into not breeding .

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Be a volcel until you marry. It's the most immoral thing you can do to your wife to not save your virginity for her. There's no excuse.

Sex isn’t pointless. Where in that argument did I make sex the Crux of my argument? Calling sex pointless is fucking gay. Sex is why I have children- and you never will. Sex releases stress. Don’t wank- fine. Dismissing sex, as you do, like you are some Tibetan monk is fucking lolworthy. Get fucking laid you pussys

I kinda agree with evola that people should in fact not breed, sexuality is however needed for there beeing manliness, as nothing can be masculine without anything feminine. There cant be shaddow without light

Agree. Sex with anyone but your wife is insanely pointless, immoral, and gross. Sex is for love and baby making.

Being volcel is okay, it's even advisable when you're single. But to say you should stay alone and not start a family, that's degeneracy, that's the Jew whispering white genocide propaganda whispering into your ear.


You're probably just some skinny cuck with a fat, moon-faced bitch of a girlfriend. I live in Britain and I can definitely see this.

This. Stay a virgin until marriage. Ignore all thots. Make white kids.

I like a lot of what evola wrote- especially his post WW2 stuff on how not to be blackpilled after losing the culture war- but of course we need to breed! It’s our biggest failing right now! Breed at a ridiculous rate with as many women as you can! We don’t have the luxury. In evolas time - he could get away with saying it, as our race wasn’t under threat . We must save our race and being subservient to feminist culture won’t do it- find women fuck them and breed.

Oh really! ‘I LiVe In BrItAiN’ and couldn’t imagine not everyone is like yourself? Nice try, goy. Get a bird and get laid and make fucking babies

I disagree. Why should love be better than loveless sex? The one is egoistic fullfillment of an biological desite, the other one i an egoistic fullfillment of an emotional desire.

Natalism in the kali yuga is selfish

It doesn't matter - you're still an incel in the eyes of the world.

If you're a man, you're either having regular sex, or there's something wrong with you, end of discussion.

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It's just called "celibate"

Holy fuck. Cringe. You are advocating for white genocide. When a man has kids with multiple women he is destroying all those women and himself. Polygamy destroys birthrates. A few people are so simple-brained that they see "oh teehee this man can have 100 kids with 40 women" (which he WILL NOT do, by the way), so that's so much better than trad 40 couples having 300 kids!" Polygamy DECREASES the total number of children. It ONLY increases the number made by a specific man, but it DECREASES the number of white kids by a lot overall.

Plus it's degenerate nigger sh*t. White people are monogamous. Arabs and blacks are the sluts.

We must have seed ready for the rebuild. We must have soldiers to defend the last of civilisation for the rebuild. Evola said something along the lines of ‘is there any men now who, standing amongst the ruins have the will to do what needs to be done’
We will need others to carry on the fight after us, and those who are doing the fighting must come from us who knows the cost of what we could lose- we don’t just lose us we lose civilisation , itself. Immorality would be handing it over to savages over the blackpill.

>Natalism in the kali yuga is selfish
>Natalism in the climate change is selfish
See the similarity?

We do not have the luxury . Having lots of children will not kill us quicker than not breeding! Are you retarded? Have as many children as you can. With as many as you can, if you can. I’ve only bred with one woman (my wife) but I suggest to these guys in there teens and early twenties to do this. I’m 31 , I wish I had known the threat we faced at a much younger age. I will promote the opposite of incel culture if I have to- to its extremes

Spoken like a true pretentious Scandinavian progressive. You people are fucking weird you know that? Probably why you are getting mauled by "refugees"

Yes bro, I used to think Scandinavia was cool, but Most of them on here are vile cucks

I was mimicking the progressives for humerous effect, you fucking tards.

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And what literary devices did you use to imply that was the case. It just seems like we called you for what you are and you made a u-turn

By it being obvious sarcasm. In retrospect, I should've included a winky smiley.

>don't have kids goy, childfree is based and redpilled


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They’re angry virgins . It was obvious what you were implying . Though unironically men should be having regular sex - the majority of men, throughout human history, were having regular sex.

This 100%

Why are there so many fags on Jow Forums? I mean on every fucking board? What draws them here? It's always been bad but FUCK! It's 10 times worse than it used to be.

I had a wonderful gal once. She woke me up most morning by giving me a blow job. I was a degenerate selfish faggot who wanted to get high though (she had her own issue with pain pills) and so I lost her. Best sex I ever had, best love I ever knew, and the most sincerely I pondered marrying someone, though at the time the idea terrified me. However, shes turning into a cat lady ... For some reason. Shes hot though so I dont understand why.

found the time traveler

They’re either angry little virgins, shills or closeted gays. It’s hard to work it out. They use unctuous shit like ‘keep your seed in your body to centre yourself and raise stamina’ - shut the fuck up, get laid. You can get fit in other ways, you can build stamina in other ways. It’s fucking ridiculous. Imagine not getting laid?! Imagine treating women like some alien! Be a fucking man, treat her like a woman and be dominate - they love it!

You never know what you had until you lose it they say. I hope you find that again, user. Truly I do. I hope these incels on this board do to. It pains me to see so many lads being this fucking gay


finding a girl that is on my level is impossible

No woman will ever be on your level- this will always be the issue. Knowing it is one thing dealing with it another. You must make babies

>You must make babies
why lol

BecUse your ancestors struggled through unimaginable conditions for you to be here. You act like your genetic code shouldn’t be passed on from the lines of your ancestors. The modern selfish man is imperilling himself and then deserves his own destruction

>shes turning into a cat lady
>for some reason
>addicted to pain pills
Gee user, I wonder why

they had sons for own egoistic reasons or because they didn't have anything better to do
I have no debt for them, I think life is shit too

Or incel for the agree and amplify effect.

>participate in muh dick ratrace

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Lol bring a child into hell without permission and consent....

Ya I’m sure the ones not having children are “selfish” lol

Imagine being this much of a brainlet.

>she gave me blow jobs all the time
>she was addicted to pain pills
>I was a lazy weedfag
>roastie was hot but now she’s a cat lady

Yeah it’s because she’s just hot and she has low standards and she’s been used up. You sound like you still watch porn.

>we need to breed! It’s our biggest failing right now! Breed at a ridiculous rate with as many women as you can!
jesus this absolute chimp muh dick mentality, youre nothing more than a nigger

>our race wasn’t under threat
then dont import niggers and give them money to shit out more nigs, no need to become one yourself

you are some low quality pleb holy shit

The average Jow Forumstard doesn’t understand the power of the disciplined polyglot, let alone value it. If half the users on this board went to /b/ for a day, they’d never come back.

Im in my early 20s and women are a massive distraction and a huge waste of time and money trust me I had 3 gfs and fucked 5 girls.i really. don’t get me wrong, I want to have kids but I’ll probably have them when Im in my late 30s. I don’t really have a “problem” getting women it’s just stupid and sex is way overrated.
>oh vey why not spend your youth fucking instead of learning useful stuff goy ?
Fuck that shit nigga.

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None of you are volcels. Absolute cope on this incel board. You betas are pathetic

This guy acting like he fucked a bunch of sluts and then one of the sluts just happened to be the one. Lol your 'wife' is probably Ackmeds house right now.

The second modern women start talking im literally exhausted from thinking about associating.

The blackest pill is having past “friends” and they get married or whatever, then they ALWAYS check up on what your up to.. flirt a little etc..

One chick I know even asked if I wanted to go on vacation with her... and I said wouldn’t your husband be pissed? She says no etc...

ALWAYS monkeybranching. Always.

This is such a boomer post.

Like how boomers get mad you pay $100 bucks for a phone or 1K for a computer/internet, literally all the world information in your lap 24/7.

Yet they solemnly endorse dropping 50K on “education” that won’t be paid off for 10-15 years. Lol.

I hope they all kill themselves.

I would only bring another person to this world if I were rich
I don't want to voluntary condemn other people to wageslaving lives

Based. Absolutely.

I actually fully support families. However I wouldn’t feel comfortable bringing a child into the world with a net worth less then 500-600K.

So literally that will never happen for 95% of the population.

all of us wouldn't have what we have right now if
it were for Dr. Nikola Tesla and he didn't go fucking
around with tons of women. see how jealous satan
is, buried tesla from history.

and to this day, no one has ever figured out this
>pic related.

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My parents struggled like hell raising me because they were young and broke. Only stupid men chose to have kids in their youth when there are literally infinite hoes that want that old and rich dick and are more than willing to be impregnated. It all comes down to money after all. Don’t fool yourself.

T: incel

>and to this day, no one has ever figured out this
the universe is electric, everything is energy
shit is already figured out but hidden by the elite for the petrodollar bucks energy scam and banking elite

Being in love fulfills both. Casual sex actually leaves you feeling empty, and does not fulfill your biological desire to have children, because you didn't have any children when you had casual sex. You need to commit to one person and make kids to fulfill the biological and emotional aspects.

I am with you my brother. Take my hand in frenship. Take it. Don’t hesitate.

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The reason the emotional stuff feels good is because it IS fulfilling your biological desire. Being in love with one person would feel bad if event meant to do that. The intense emotional pleasure of love - and the way loving sex feels compared to just jacking off/casual sex - is prompting you to stay with one woman and make kids with her.

*if we weren't meant to do that

Get away, le castrato.