The Occult

So what the hell is with "occult magick"? I have been an analytical, logical person my entire life, but the past few years on Jow Forums has had me seriously questioning things. I'm higher IQ than average for sure, but I'm no genius, so I wonder if the mysteries of the occult are beyond my grasp. I hear the stories of normies trying to do rituals and summon shit and then things to bad for them. I'm not going to play with fire like that so I have avoided personal experimentation (outside of meditation and affirmation).

So what is "magick" in the esoteric sense? Is it literal bending of energies and "aether" to affect the physical world with your mind? Or is it an incredibly extreme awareness of your own life, surroundings, and the affairs of those you want to affect, coupled with a deep understanding of psychology and the effect of symbolism/numerology/ ect on people's minds that allows some people to act in ways that make them seem like they just know everything?

For instance, a mentally retarded person can live in a city but how absolutely no clue as to how the city operates. Buses, businesses, housing, architecture. It all might as well be "magic" to that person. In the same sense, perhaps these high IQ, deeply educated people can perceive things and act accordingly in ways that leave normal (and even "smart") people completely dumbfounded. Throughout the ages, these wise people have just been called "magical" by not miss and the wise people just accepted the title because, well, it wasn't like they could actually explain the depths of their minds to normal people.

Am I on the right track? Or is it literally gods and demons and magic energy that we can access if we learn the right words and symbols?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sorry for all the wrong words. I'm a phone poster idiot

>So what the hell is with "occult magick"?
It was invented by the Jews to turn people away from Jesus and promote homosexuality.

might have more luck posting this in /x/

If you think you have any answers, you just haven't been asking yourself the right questions. There are no rules. There is no guidebook, despite what others may tell you. It's a journey into yourself - your true, true self. Most never even take the first step. Most don't know that the journey is theirs.

It's bullshit if you believe it's bullshit and spells/witchcraft is unsuccessful womens work.

Just read Hermetica and figure things out, then read Valentin Tomberg.

Its about using your soul to access nonphysical levels of yourself. Essentially retract your mind from your senses, and learn to use it in a new way to perceive the world. Its another evolutionary step in the development of consciousness.
Basically, common human knowledge is but a small subset in the total human knowledge throughout history. All human knowledge is just an tiny speck in a vast cosmic ocean of possible perceptions and thoughts.
Occultism is really about trying to access that ocean that lies outside the realm of common human knowledge.

Your meaningless life is not going to produce anything of value the more it focuses on super natural events.

Any involvement with the occult is of serious threat:
1. It will show your allegiance to hell and the prince of darkness
2. You'll enter transcendent world of spirits, where will either prove strength in relation to them, control them and command them. It's called necromancy
3. Or you will be completely overcome by them. You will suffer physically and psychologically, be their toy, basically. It's called witchery.

These are forever consequences. Only if you think that you can profit go down that road. You need to honestly assess yourself - your strength. Otherwise it's best to leave this alone and forget it.

If it calls you, you're most probably already known in that world. Even if you chose the light and the Son you might have very hard struggle ahead.

da jooooz

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Nah, /x/ is hopeless. Jow Forums may not technically be the right place for it but at least every now and then someone'll pop into these threads who knows what he's talking about and drop a few tidbits of knowledge.

Shoo kike.

OP. You need Jesus.

There are many realms one can travel through. I wonder why you imagine that particular realm to be hell, and to constitute the spirit world.
You have a narrow view of the pathways you can travel in the spirit world.

I have no sympathy for the jewish menace but attributing anything and everything to the kikes is just retarded.

Magick= outwards change in accordance with will

Mysticism=inwards change in according with will

Humans are a microcosm. A smaller image of the larger. Fractals are everywhfre. Read the kybalion.
Start off simple. Eastern mysticism is the removing of all to leave just god and western mysticism is combining of the all to define god. Choose a school or discipline of it that interests you and start there. As you learn more you will see its all a circle and paradoxes exist not.

there is black and white magic

black magic is doing something for your own benefit on the cost of others which results in bad karma and will come back to you

white magic is doing something for the betterment of everyone and has no downsides and you are rewarded

you dont need to do some ritualistic shit for magick, you simply will it into existence
the all is mind
also focus on the goal, not the way there

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You dont have to go looking for it
Q user was a giant honeypot to find people to torture
Im just gonna off myself they wont ever leave me alone

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This is true but only halfway. White magick is doing actions for the betterment of your relationship with "god" and to understand his love. Black magick is literally anything else

Karma is a meme. Being a "good person" will do nothing but cost you money. Good guys finish last is not a meme.

Precisely that is the problem. It is not that my view is narrow, it is that people tend to become delusional when dealing with spirits. There is only one spiritual reality, everything else is but a dream on which you are traveling, enslaved by someone much stronger than yourself. It's a dog eat dog world out there, and if you're not a natural born fighter, it's best to stay present in material world.

Strongest in spiritual world tend to be strongest here. Are you disciplined? Do you always do what you say? Do people follow and fear you? If that is so, you might stand a chance. Otherwise you'll soon think you are talking to purple aliens about enslaving humanity or that you can hear earth cry or some delusional shit.

>White magick is doing actions for the betterment of your relationship with "god" and to understand his love
thats exactly what I said, since god is everything and everyone doing whatever for the betterment of the greater collective is white magick

its a hierarchy, your soul lives forever, your body doesnt, your actions are weighted
maybe you managed to be a cutthroat billionaire, enjoyed life to the fullest while everyone was living in dirt. try to take this wealth with you and not reborn into the misery you created

This is a recruitment thread to join loser Freemasons to become BitchForJews for free magick lessons

conducting positive acts leads you to become a positive being intrinsically, that is karma

>try to take this wealth with you and not reborn into the misery you created
lmao nigger who cares thats like forever from now

100 years is short af if you are thinking in eternity

As Above So Below

You will face what you need to face.
I would argue in favor of facing your inner demons, even if you are weak.
Strongest in spiritual world tend to be strongest here. Are you disciplined? Do you always do what you say? Do people follow and fear you? If that is so, you might stand a chance. Otherwise you'll soon think you are talking to purple aliens about enslaving humanity or that you can hear earth cry or some delusional shit.

None of that bullshit matters. You have no idea what entities of another world are like. You have to understand that we are in a universal kingdom, and that those entities out there are essentially family.

>Am I on the right track? Or is it literally gods and demons and magic energy that we can access if we learn the right words and symbols?
It's both.

I don't do crimes if I'm not willing to do the time, same thing for spiritual consequences. I embrace whatever comes good or bad.

>essentially family.

Yours but not mine. I have already chosen my allegiance and I think it goes without saying to who is my lord.

No u

i like to think that all pol user belong to a collective troll group people cant be that retarded..

nothing wrong with that, we have free will and are here to experiment and gain understanding
>I don't do crimes if I'm not willing to do the time
atleast not a nigger mentality


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Personally I'm inclined more towards the second option, I think part of the journey is seeing that we do " magick " every day. We're just so used to it that we call it normal, every time you imagine something then make it real you have conjured something into reality from pure potential. Matter + Mind = Magick.

That said, ever since I started looking into occult stuff I've been experiencing weird synchronicity, random bits and pieces related to things " waking up " or other stuff that seems far beyond coincidence. There might be something to remote viewing as well. I've also been dreaming a lot more. I think anything truly mind blowing might require a total mastery of meditative techniques or that " Hemi - sync " thing the CIA was working with.

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a cult tells you all is mind. the teachings of the cult too? does the cult build a mythological structure that, neurologically, manifests itself in physical reality, in your mind?

Do you even know what your end game looks like?

You're saying alot of big statements without anything to back it up.

a puppetmaster finds the strings

"better than working for a living"

Basic occult principle. Everything derives from it.

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in the stars in the mind

It’s not magick at all.

It’s manipulation of energy. It’s funnelling probabilities.

If everything is fractal and calculated then manipulation/sorting is possible. Think of the horse book with it running on every page, when you flip fast it runs, while you can change every slice with enough energy/power.

However, they can’t do it synthetically, otherwise they would have. Hence the whole consciousness exists outside of 3d time. “Proof of the soul of you will”

A group works because it’s like energy bubbles getting stuck together, you are more powerful in a group. Hence the power of prayer.

Its the same universe man. Same creator of all.
Life is shared through our chemistry, and the nature that sustains us all.
Further than that, they are essentially from the same soul group as we are. The milky way group. Anyone from outside that is generally from the local galactic supercluster. Essentially we all have a common cosmic destiny.

Go and read everything

Welcome to the game user

Family doesn't always mean friendly.

"It's all in your head, you just don't know how big your head is."

This is not photoshopped.

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Thats the fun part.

Basically an ancient form of memeing. People pretended to have magic powers, and in a pre-scientific age this impressed a lot of idiots. Those with "magic powers" could then convince powerful and common people to do whatever they wanted, or to defer to them in many ways. It was pretty much showbiz, a song and dance, and a gateway to riches.

The meme continues to this day because, like a large shadow cast on a wall, everyone believes the surviving occult groups are big and strong, rather than what they really are: A collection of saggy old rich people getting morons to do their bidding through proxies. When Rothschilds bankroll satanic interpretive dance sessions and shit, there's nothing actually magical about it. It's just supposed to make you go "Wow this is shocking, and a rich person paid for it. I better do whatever that rich person says because this shit is crazy." It perpetuates the meme of power, when in fact it's just an illusion. If everyone wanted to, they could walk right into the richest banker's house and tear his whole family to shreds and no one could stop them. But the illusion of power stops them.

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It's bullshit, superstition and confirmation bias

Magic is the use of praxis(will, that is action through love under principle). Any priest of any belief engages in the craft of magic, as do a bunch of lay people or practitioners of less organized traditions, religious or otherwise. The occult is a very broad idea, and is practically synonymous with magic as a whole.

Magic is action and is a lens. It has nothing to do with people being smarter than others, because(as often happens) very stupid people use magic with relatively as much ease as very smart people. Magic isn't a club to make you feel superior to the other mortals. It's a craft that may allow you to engage in things that bring you fulfillment or in a way that's valuable to you.

It is not a means of summoning spooky scary skeletons, or selling your soul to a devil, or any other literally-minded idea of magic held in the popular consciousness. Magic is not a position, it's a method. Anyone who claims to engage in such practices likely does so in a way that would be understood completely differently by the uninvolved if they understood what was going on or is just misguided.

Magic is what you make of it. It's a means of understanding yourself more, or those around you. It's a lens as much as it's a mirror. It also gives you an excuse to use flowery language and tbqhwyf that's just fun sometimes. But really, there's so much to magic that going to one of the least considerate(that is to say, capable of considering things in a worthwhile way) places on the internet was probably a mistake.

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>also focus on the goal, not the way there
This. When you keep your focus and thoughts on the goal you want the pathway to getting there will lay itself before you. Well, many pathways will lay before you, actually. Some paths will require hurting and harming others to get what you want ('black magic' as described above), some will require that you help and heal others ('white magic'). Which path you choose to reach your goal is your decision alone to make.

Well most occultism IS based on the jewish kaballah.

Kaballah is older than kike religion. Relics of atlantis

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where's that argentinian dude that made those cards, did he ever made the game?

I was in the process of writing a QRD on magic that I gave up on a while ago because it was turning into a literal book. I can post some of it here if you guys want

Magic is basically mind control/hypnotism/suggestion/rhetoric etc. It pretty much all stems from the same source and ultimately about the same goal which is manipulating people for your own game.

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>So what the hell is with "occult magick"?
It's where you pretend to have super powers and inside knowledge but you can't show anyone.

to understand the occult you first need to do basic stuff as to see which path you are going to take the left hand or right hand path. The left hand path is more with black magic and the left hand path is about white magic or one could be indifferent and do both.
so to begin with magic it is everything from minor ritual from like meditation to taking mind altering drugs to see the world more clearly, in it's purest essence is to get the mind of a child filled with curiosity and see things objectively in the material world even rediscover yourself or the world.

That is were demons or other divine powers come in handy as a tool for helping you out when you are going on long visionary journey.
Also there is no bad experiences only failures like in a scientific setting, conjure the wrong helper and you get fucked, doing the wrong psychoactive compound for a dream-state it's your fault.
What the occult can do is to create some discipline when doing long rituals to conjure a demon or angel.
Magic is the unseen force of these entities the manipulation of these forces is usually in the mind some claim they can have a material effect but I've not stumble upon it myself.

I've been an occultist for 10 years thereabout, my specialty is trance states and dreams, so I'm more of a right hand path. A shaman that is going into trances and doing rituals from minor blood sacrifices to offering silver and steel to the river or the dead.

>So what is "magick" in the esoteric sense?
Connecting with the Sleeping God's will

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That's what I thought. The power of suggestion, and other psychological tricks. That's how I always tend to explain it away. But then there's the crazy stories you hear. For instance, the leadman of Megadeth, Dave Mustaine, claims that he cast a curse on someone when he was younger and not long after, that person had a bad car wreck. That is the kind of shit that makes me wonder if there is power beyond psychological trickery. Maybe they're just coincidences. But I always wonder.

In a nutshell, the occult is concerned with esoteric knowledge about the universe and the human soul. More specifically, this knowledge is applied by initiates for selfish purposes of obtaining power (called the Left-Hand Path) or it is used for selfless purposes of helping others and personal development (Right-Hand Path); not that different from the Sith v Jedi duality.

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Jews always love stealing

the evil eye

There are no coincidences

Bullshit the Right Hand Path is merely a means of control. Left Hand Path means taking personal responsibility for your knowledge and enlightenment

To big of a topic to explain it in a few sentences.

Meme Magic, Coherence of Consciousness, Collective Consciousness, Collective Memory, ideas having a life of their own as if they were „gods“. Emotions, thoughts, will and subconscious mind having influence on the collective consciousness. That gods and angels and demos thing is about imagination, look up the second book of Franz Bardon. It is really hardcore hallucination but in a controlled manner, where you seem to access an aspect of the collective consciousness. Everything that is material first existed in mans mind as an idea.

This is essentially true. Where magic is about satanism and selfish desires, there is theurgy which is about god, which is comparable to the eastern „Sadhana“

Jesus and God are fucking boring. It desecrates the nature of man to be sworn into subservience to higher powers that only exist as an abstract boogeyman. Further, it makes you vulnerable to deception and manipulation. Churches are often infiltrated by pedophiles whose skill in these areas allow them to rise to the position of priest. God, if it indeed exists, allows this corruption of good faith. If real, God should be spat on, certainly not worshipped.

>Everything that is material first existed in mans mind as an idea.
And where did those ideas come from?

read pic related first
then go with drunvalo melchizedek
the truth shall set you free

wait you believed that qanon shit?

forgot pic kek

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Funny, most of you turned to books. They barely help you. It's almost like they are scamming you for cash.

Would love some opinions of anons on Sumerian religion and belief. This might be attacked, but I don't believe in aliens

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>books barely help you

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hundred monkey effect
soul pacts
age of Aquarius

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Rabbi Yeshua (Jesus wasn't a name that existed until the 1600s) proclaimed himself the son of a tyrant blood god which randomly genocided people and declared holy wars. The entire Abrahamic faith system is a fraud.

East > West

ooga booga

me east european
me still have medeival peasant mentality


How will you unite feuding tribes across a geographical area thats big enough to guarantee they will always come to odds with each other? If religion is manipulative in that it encourages you to ignore your self interest, does this behavior on a collective scale enable civilization itself?

God is creative, and so are we in a sense. The first ideas were created by Him. And we are capable of creativity in a sense, too. Imago Dei, right? Man in the image or likeness of god. This is the Creative Principle. And this is also what the Christian Trinity is all about, with Plato being the first talking about it. „Higher Hypothesis“. But it still has multiple angles of interpretation. God, Man and Nature. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. So here you see that the New Testament is really just full of Platos, Pythagoras and Socrates ideas.

Hey, did you who that guy was? High Level Insider? I think I know who he is

True actually. Jesus Name is actually the Pentagrammaton. You need to compare it to gods name, the Tetragrammaton. Jesus name is the 4 Elements with the Akasha, or the connection to the collective consciousness, while the name of the god of the Old Testament isnt. Look up High Level Insider.

I was just kidding. This is a le edgy satire site bro.

Essentially this view is correct. Arthur C. Clark said something to the same effect about magic being technology or manipulation of natural laws as yet unknown. Crowley generally defined magic as 'achieving change in conformity with the will'. I believe consciousness, when honed and.focussed in the right mental state, can shape reality. Ritual psychopomp is done to shut up the rational conscious mind by giving it task to focus on while the subconscious is employed to achieve either manifestation or receive autosuggestion.
No. It, like money, is a tool and can be used for good or evil. It's generally accepted that using the latent powers to serve one's self at the expense of others is 'black magick' and using it to serve one's higher self or to serve others is 'white magick'

>proclaimed himself the son of a tyrant blood god
he did the exact opposite you smoothbrain

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I actually agree with you. You are responding to a troll post that I made for the lulz.

I don't agree at all

And btw, there is a big battle since 3000 years between those lodges, humanists and also anti humanists. Read this book

Mark Passio-woeih presentation.

Isnt it amazing that we are able to cause change consciously? Will causes change in the universe. Even though we are limited our senses, we still have left over out intellect who is capable of understanding what lies outside of the senses. Science, basicly. Real science.

God gave us life but he had to use the remains of Eternal Evil so we are forever cursed, trapped in a dream.

Dude just watch all Mark Passio content and he will lead you to the sources. You can also get the ARK Drive from his website

He is right about the Master Slave mentality though. It is a wrong meme throughout human history.

The following link is a few free pages about how to do the merkaba meditation (recreating your human lightbody)-

And this is the updated version straight from the book:

This meditation, if done while feeling love energy, will release negativity and blockages from your chakras and open them up, thus restoring proper energy flow in your body, and improving your health. It can also change your consciousness to a higher dimensional awareness of peace, love and harmony with all life everywhere.

I highly suggest giving this meditation a try. Here is a guided audio link on YT of the merkaba meditation:

Its from the book "the ancient secrets of the flower of life part 2". The book also teaches spiritual anatomy of your 13 chakras, healing, psychic powers, how to cast out entities/demons from your energy field, how to reconnect to mother earth, the cosmos and your higher self, and talks about a few intergalactic conspiracies and the current great awakening!

Here's a few pages from the book about the Lucifer experiment and how to transcend this duality:

Here is another useful meditation called the unity breath. It goes hand in hand with merkaba meditation. It will allow you to tap into a stream of infinite healing love energy:
And this is the guided audio YT link of this unity breath meditation(from the book "journey's into the heart")-
And finally, heres some 432 hz DNA repair frequency meditation music. I highly recommend having some kind of relaxing music in the background while meditating:
Wishing you all peace and love

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