Half of you faggots would have been sent to work camps

The NS regime had a strict zero tolerance policy against so called anti-social individuals. As "Asoziale" were considered: the homeless, beggars, vagabonds, "work-shy people", gypsies, so called "social benefit suckers", alcoholics, persons with a major criminal record, prostitutes and pimps.
Several actions were took place against those social misfits, starting with the "Bettlerwochen" (beggars weeks) in September 1933 where some tenth of thousands beggars and vagrants in German cities were rounded up by the police and send to labour and concentration camps for some weeks. On December 14th 1937 the ministry of interior affairs released the Fundamental Decree of Crime Prevention by law enforcement (Grundlegender Erlaß über die vorbeugende Verbrechensbekämpfung durch die Polizei). It allowed the arrest and imprisonment of anti-social suspects without any judicial order. According to the decree the regime started a cleanup in 1938, the 'Aktion „Arbeitsscheu Reich“'. In two waves more than 10,000 people were arrested and send to the camps, starting in April 38 with approx. 2,000 'work-shy', persons who twice refused a job offer or left their place of work without excuse. Another 9,000 people (beggars, vagabonds, boozers, pimps, gypsies and jews with a criminal record) where send to the camps in June 1938 (Juni Aktion). Before WWII started, social misfits were the biggest group among the KZ inmates, wearing a black triangle on their pyjama.

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I wouldn't feel the need to be antisocial in an all white ethnostate.


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half? try 95%. obese, retarded, ugly, unfuckable. most of this board would be culled no questions asked

Your mother was a whore for black jazz musicians

Codi Vore is not to be culturally appropriated you fucking cunt

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>The NS regime had a strict zero tolerance policy against so called anti-social individuals.

Are you fucking stupid? How are you supposed to socialize with people who don't even speak english? Have you seen how many immigrants we have been getting? Oh and coupled with the smartphone technology alienating people. What are you smoking OP?


thats why I'm not for the Nazis, why should I support people who would have thrown me into a camp just because I dont want to work some shitjob?

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leaders are all enslaved

I probably wouldn't be antisocial if i lived in a country that doesn't want to ethnically replace me

Like anybody here would have a problem with getting a job if you didn’t have to be a servant to niggers and faggots and weren’t paid a slave wage

Things that NS would fix, just like they did

you disingenuous faggot

Too fat.

Wow I’m non of those things and nor is anyone in my extended family. That society sounds GREAT! Sign me up.

Look at those vigorous eyebrows

I would work harder for Reich. Uncle Adolf and Joseph were not wage slaves.

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They will again. Bill Maher wants gulags. Only this time it'll be multiracial, so, for the health of a nation is meanigless rationale as every nation is no nation at all. It's basically saying, go to work and learn to worship mammon/satan, or else.

Why would you be anti social when surrounded with like minded people? And if your work has value it's more incentive to work. Nobody can answer why neets owe society work. It's because they know the social contract is broken but admitting it proves the neet right and justifies right wing policy. You can't get yourself to admit post modern society is and progressivism is the problem. Nazis understood this.

Very rich coming from germany

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I developed an alcohol habit because every time I leave the house I am surrounded by violent, rude, smelly shitskins, when I turn on the TV, more shitskins and anti-white propaganda, and being on the computer all day is boring as fuck. Aside from having money and a roof over my head, none of my social needs are being met.

If my liver wasn't whistling like a tea kettle lately I would be drinking right now.

OP is just saying that what the Nazis did in Hitlers time is going to happen to Whitey now. XD

More of this shit please, Ill be the first whitey to enter the camp for beeing anti social. I just cant help it, but i really cant be happy in a jewish world. XD

>Why would you be anti social when surrounded with like minded people?
I was "antisocial" even before I was surrounded by niggers and faggots, oh and they are not like minded they are still sheep, just with a different flavor of programming.

>And if your work has value
it doesn't. just because they hang a big swastika flag up doesn't mean the warehouse job becomes in any way more enjoyable.

oh nvm shes gross

I just got into it with a nigress at the store I was working at because she had to stand in line for 5 minutes.
I finally told her to get over it.
She said she was going to get me fired so I quit right in front of her.
Really took the wind out of her sails.
Fucking nigger really thought she got me.

I'm drinking some cheap shit right now.
Cheers buddy

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I do not know what appalled me most at that time; the economic misery of those who were, then my companions, their crude customs and morals, or the low level of their culture. How often does our bourgeoisie rise up in moral indignation on hearing from the mouth of some pitiable tramp that it is all the same to him whether he be a German or not, and that he will feel at home wherever he can get enough to keep body and soul together. They bewail such a lack of ‘national pride’ and express their horror at such sentiments. But how many people really ask themselves why it is that their own sentiments are better? How many of them understand that their natural pride in being members of so favoured a nation arises from the innumerable succession of instances they have encountered which remind them of the greatness of their country and their nation in all spheres of artistic and cultural life? How many of them realize that pride in their country is largely dependent on knowledge of its greatness in all those spheres? Do our bourgeois circles ever think what a ridiculously meagre share the people have in that knowledge which is a necessary prerequisite for the feeling of pride in one’s country?

This. Hitler himself was antisocial until he found his 'profession'

>the homeless, beggars, vagabonds, "work-shy people", gypsies, so called "social benefit suckers", alcoholics, persons with a major criminal record, prostitutes and pimps.
What makes you think any of us are like this?

Jow Forums is not full of losers, like most leftist sites are.
We run the gamut, but the very reason most people come here is to avoid the degenerate trash that populates the hug-box, overly-moderated sites.

Every individual listed above should be in work-camps.
But why should that bother us?

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I wouldn't be antisocial in a NS state.

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but I work and get a long with pretty much everyone

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I've been sober for over 6 years. Stop being weak or I'll put the black triangle on you.

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Why would I be anti social in a society worth living in?

safe spaces like the internet and video games didn't exist in NatSoc Germany so we would be forced to interact. if you were anti-social in the 40s then chances are you had serious mental problems that people didn't know how to diagnose yet.

So you are just a worthless faggot

I know that feel

Am I supposed to be attracted to this?


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Respect to you man if true.

Did you even consider that jobs would pay more and women would respect men with money more rather than being just entitled hoes?

I don’t even care, I hope you get gassed faggot

You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger.
How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?

Op is a giant faggot not even considering the real issues or how under NS these issues didn't exist

The average Jow Forumsack is pretty... average. The days of /b/-tier SEKRIT CLUB turbo-tism wizards are over. We have mainstream appeal and Jow Forums now strives for truth and self improvement. Also,
tldr nice strawman, faggot. The fire rises.

>the homeless, beggars, vagabonds, "work-shy people", gypsies, so called "social benefit suckers", alcoholics, persons with a major criminal record, prostitutes and pimps
Completely describes Hitler as a young man in Vienna.

Why are you coom posting in 2019

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Yeah, that list is people who are anti-social in the sense of acting in a way contrary to the interests of their society. I'm anti-social in the sense of not enjoying the company of the media-kikewashed retards and shitskins who seem to make up the majority of the population around here.

oh wow you posted some whore with saggy tits I hate the nazis now


>work camps
more like death camps

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But I'm a full time worker without substance abuse issues or a criminal record.

If we lived in Germany 1930's then we wouldn't be social benefit sucking neets. We'd join the Wehrmacht or SS (at least if you're not a manlet) and be proud to further the cause

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>jobs would pay more
so same shitty consumerism as we have right now just in a different color.

>and women would respect men with money more rather than being just entitled hoes?
all woman are whores, always been that way everywhere on the planet no matter what time period.

I have a trust fund and would have basically been a Junker who would have been given a free job as an officer in the Wehrmacht. Unlike today, where all the jobs are reserved for brown people. Which is the problem. Most white people aren't workshy, they're simply denied the opportunity.

Ya Hitler fought to bring his people out of poverty. And you say he just through people in the camps who were poor or didn't have jobs even though he created jobs with the Autobahn and other things instead of helping his people use threw him in jail when they're down and out rather the anti-socials were the ones that were like protesting it would not participate at all even when given the chance. Wtf

You're supposed to coom

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>and fight some shitty war that couldn't be won before it even started

Auschwitz had a swimming pool. Camp would be great if I can avoid getting gassed.

>white men are stripped of their liberty and sent to camps for being dangerous and antisocial
>within six months the camps have an internal working society.
>within one year the camps have liberated themselves.
>within two years the camps have joined together and formed a new nation and are reclaiming territory
Go ahead, put us in camps. I want to be with my brothers in a better society.

Should we start putting the Black Triangle on people again?

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Hindsight is great m8

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What are you fags?

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So what you’re saying is that Hitler’s ideologies were formed by being out among the trash he was trying to clean? A perspective not given by media or groupthink, but by really being on the receiving end of a Jewish system that threw hopeful young men into the meat grinder.

In the wars to come, remember not to exclude the poorest of your allies. They often have the most informed perspectives on degeneracy and an intimate understanding of the awful life waiting for you under Jewish/Marxist hegemony.

Day after day the bourgeois world sees how poison is spread among the people through the medium of the theatre, the cinema, gutter journalism and obscene books, and yet they are astonished at the deplorable ‘moral standards’ the ‘lack of national feeling’ among the masses—as if the over done sentimentality of the cinema, rubbishy papers and suchlike could lay a foundation for recognition of the greatness of one’s country, apart entirely from the earlier education which the individual has received. I then came to understand, quickly and thoroughly, what I had never been aware of before, namely, that the question of ‘nationalizing’ a people is first and foremost one of establishing sound social conditions which will furnish the foundation necessary for the education of the individual, for only when family upbringing and school education have inculcated upon the mind of the individual a knowledge of the cultural and economic and, above all, of the political greatness of his own country—then, and then only, will it be possible for him to feel proud of being a citizen of that country.

I can fight only for something that I love. I can love only what I respect, and in order to respect a thing I must at least have some knowledge of it. As soon as my interest in social questions was once awakened I began to study them thoroughly. A new and hitherto unknown world was thus revealed tome.

Jesus. We need a nationwide Aktion Arbeitsscheu Reich in the US right fucking now. Think about it and be honest, this is the only way to fix our cities.

Wtf gender is this now?

How do you know this mutants name?

The milkies are escaping, boys!

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I would totally avoid the showers.

What makes him a nazi?
His attire doesn't seem particularly nazi like and druids weren't nazi either.

holy shit this place is filled with faggots
no wonder why you incels aren't having sex, setting your standards way too high

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People already mark themselves.
It's called tattoos

OP half these bitches as pic related sucks nigger dick just saying faggot to go suck off somewhere else

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>half of you faggots would have been sent to work camps
Every last one of us would be ready and willing to work for the NS regime any time any day

and i am pretty sure there are very little (if any) pimps, alcoholics, beggers or any other anti-social elements on this forum

we are just refusing to work

And today, we only refuse to work due to our unwillingness to cooperate with the modern regime, a leftist feminist oligarchy. There is NOTHING for us to gain from working, and we don't want to contribute to this rotten society.

Reasons not to work:
1. Paying taxes to the globalist jewish feminist governments is a crime in itself. Jews want you to work and consume. Don't.
2. We (young white males from low to middle-class families) are also the class that is currently being the most discriminated upon, so our work perspectives are extremely limited due to variety of "positive descrimination/affirmative action" laws that prioritize other people over us. That gives us little incentive to work.
3. Parasitizing hurts any regime, this one included. If we don't work, we feed off from those who do (our enemies)
4. Most importantly, there is NOTHING TO WORK FOR. There is no love, no family. You can't find a young virgin girl to marry and stay with for the rest of your life without her ever cheating on you, can't make children with her without her leaving you and taking the kids away, can't even protect your children from leftist propaganda that will make them cut off their genitals and engage in casual gay sex. So, what should we work for? Is it to have casual sex, marry with whores and create disfunctional families? No thank you. If a man can't have himself a nice girl, if a man can't build a family, then there is no reason for a man to work.

Reasons to work:
1. Buy guns and ammo, as you wait for the civil war
And thats it, not much else. You can make it in a few months to a year of work. The rest of your life you can just parasitize on this leftist society.

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>Four white kids and a white wife with tits bigger than OP’s pic


we would work enthusiastically for the reich
a lot of us would do their best to work in the rounding up and whipping of degenerate kikes like you


Also, from those numbers you're giving us, only 21k were sent to the camps. Also, NS Germany offered worker placement to people looking for jobs, so only people who refused to work at all would probably qualify (ie. homeless drug addicts and full time street criminals).


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I wouldn't be a neet if my parents local county state and federal tax didn't subsidize the niggers who took over my neighborhood... yes I looked up the niggers they pay less than 1k in all taxes combined while hard working people like my family took the bill. so yeah i am a sperg and don't work.. i plan on moving to an ethnostate soon. i just feel bad that i wont be able ti gib my parents gibs for rent. its almost like the govt gives me money so i give it to my parents so my parents can then multiply that by 10 and then give it to the govt who gibs the gibs to the Haitians. FUCK

>As soon as my interest in social questions was once awakened I began to study them thoroughly. A new and hitherto unknown world was thus revealed to me.

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big tits girls can afford being unfit... up to a certain age

Adolf also would have wanted us to suck the modern American jew dry.
You want to be taking more than you give.

That would put more lefties in prison then anything else

I would have gladly participated in Hitler's society knowing that all I needed was to work hard and give back to help the community
nowadays I hope a fire breaks out in the apartments across the street

Different kind of antisocial. You’re talking about DSM-V antisocial or introverted. NatSoc Antisocial specifically means those who are a drain on society.

jesus christ if she lost weigh she would be an 8/10
I mean she's a pormstar so she's shit anyway but fuck
I fucking hate fat women because they're nothing more than pretty women trapped under a jail of fat
I fucking hate it

>"Asoziale" were considered: the homeless, beggars, vagabonds, "work-shy people", gypsies, so called "social benefit suckers", alcoholics, persons with a major criminal record, prostitutes and pimps.

Except that doesn't describe the majority of people who are the denizens of Jow Forums. That list is nothing like the people here. Nothing. If you were a regular here, you would know that.

Furthermore, "antisocial" in 1933 German meant something completely different than what is considered "antisocial" today.

Jow Forumssters would have thrived and excelled in Hitler's nation.


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Ah yes the old "da Nazis would have gassed you 2" card. What OP isn't mentioning is that these 'people' were the worst of the worst beyond saving types who loitered in public being nuisances and making life difficult for normal people. Think of the insane homeless people you see who accost passerby on the street and don't fuck off or the crazy lady who shows up at town hall meetings and goes on rants about the earth being flat and being gang stalked. Those are the types who were rounded up and rightly so. The idea was that if you got them used to working and showed them that their choices were either work for us for free or find work and get paid that people would take the hint and find something to do. What OP also isn't telling you is that a vast majority of the "asocial" arrested were subsequently released.

Under the benevolent democratic republic of the Americas however, asocial people are left to fester and become a burden for decent people. Truly society is enriched by having crusty drug addicts mugging people on their way to work and shitting in the streets.

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Ive been here since pol was /new/ and to be honest there might be alot of LARPing but id say a good majority here are not anti social but social people discussing taboos and collecting arguement-fuel.
I do however suspect all of you are smart asses that love to quarrel and bicker.

i agree however i would smash tf outa that get her to start going to the gym with me and when she lost the weight id be holding a trophy. however she did ruin her nips by getting so chesty. idk i like pink nipples but they cant be flat pepperonis aeriOlas

>a leftwing retard repeating the bullshit he was indoctrinated to believe


Yea, and I'm self-employed, in a business where I meet people on a regular basis, and I'm a member of my town council.
I only drink on special occasions, don't do any drugs at all, and am married with 3 kids.

So how is it EVERYONE on Jow Forums is supposed to be some fat, drunken, slob that gave up instead of fighting back?
Leftist cope.

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OP faggot confirmed.

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Haha I joke about this all the time. The way the left is going, they are going to banish all fit attractive heterosexual white males with above average intelligence. The idiots are creating the fourth Reich for us.

>stating history makes me left wing
I'm actually 3rd position, nice try though nigger.

Just ordered 10,000 stickers. Keep an eye out in the Bay Area.

I enjoy work. I hope I'd learn a lot, then I'd join the army, and work to make sure jews like you never take power again.

If she lost the fat the skin would stay, it would look even worse.
She's always going to be a fat chick.

Your opinion has been considered but unfortunately I must inform you that it will go into the pit of disregarded opinions along with all the other memeflaggots here.

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Oh, c'mon, admit it.
She needs to lose a few pounds.
I mean, sure...there's a LOT of potential there, but she really needs to lay off the carbs.