Does Pol/ Consider poles to be aryan?

>Be me living in England, obviously overrun with immigrants, met an lovely pole, Blue eyes, blonde hair, proper trad woman.

>personally always considered eastern europeans to be subhuman, so never dated any. normally stick to British or Germanic.

>What is pol/'s, opinion?

>bearing in mind only date as a trail for getting married to see if she is suitable.

>My only reservation is that poles, often are some percentage Jewish and therefore subhuman also pole generally get old before their time.

no American's muts of Irish, Jewish or black disent please. I don't care for our opinion

Attached: main-qimg-168841e708c79b03ec57fa38bdadd40e.jpg (325x422, 29K)

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No, but I also don't think Goku is a human.

Whiter than the British

Eastern europeans are actually the most yamnaya admixture people.

No. Too much Jewish admixture

Yes, especially the south pole.

That poor girl. Having to date a subhuman race like this.

She's a fucking race triator.

Attached: anglo-superpooper.jpg (480x640, 76K)

>guaranteed replies

I'm might be an Amerimutt, but at least I'm racist

You must really hate yourself then, yes?

they are catholics, so no.

not all Englishmen are norfs, but all Polishmen are wage slaves.

Attached: download.jpg (225x224, 9K)

Do they look white to you?

Attached: Mazowsze_2011.jpg (4096x1848, 1.83M)

You do realize how stupid you are?

No, I just hate niggers and sandy boys

The E.U produced a study to find out the average face of every European country. Thousands of Polish males faces were put through a computer, and this is the face they came up with.

Attached: serveimage (4).jpg (3968x2232, 1.61M)


okay mr. somali

i think you have poland confused for france

>Jow Forums, please give me your blessing to lust after some woman, that probably won't date me anyway
>am i still going to be based and redpilled if i date a slav, guise?
jesus christ dude, just give up if you seriously conform your life decisions to get approval from spergs on an imageboard, besides poles living abroad are even more trashy than regular ones and are usually massive shitlibs

Typical kekistan poster. Fuck off to reddit now you nigger

Every one of you is a genetic norf. To the trash bin. I'd never want myself to be impregnated by the unpure race if I was a female.

Meme flag antipolish shitposter turned out to be british cuck
i knew it

whatever you say ;)

Attached: general-brygady-mariusz-zaruski.jpg (808x1080, 596K)

Move to Poland with her at least, I can't stand having any more pozlords destroying their heritage in favour of huwhiteness

Attached: file.png (192x250, 57K)

For all the shit people say about Polish people, when I was in Britain, Germany, and Poland, the Polish were the most hospitable and fun to drink with

ugly anglo whore calling eastern europeans subhuman
kys angloid retard

Poles are aryan basically

You are offending their feefoos

Poland is such a beautiful nation.

Attached: Polish Festival.jpg (960x645, 393K)

Krakowiaki are plebs who live on fields.

>Krakowiaki are healthy, rooted White people living a good wholesome life as farmers
Sounds cool. I wish I could just live as a farmer. Maybe someday I will be so lucky.

Attached: Poles dancing the Krakowiak in Krakow.jpg (923x694, 127K)

bro, do you by chance know the name of the song that starts around 0:50?

Hanysy fuck off

Krakowians would be really offended by your comment haha

Attached: ha.gif (300x162, 593K)

Poles are very good natured. It's why they be been exploited so often. Uncivilized and primitive peoples like the Germans and Russians rolled them easily.

yeah, he has a point. they are subhuman, literally a slave race
kys slaveoid retard

swedecuck thinks hes tough kek

Here are some "beautiful" German women. I think the numbers are how highly German men rate them.

Attached: grese-at-belsen-trial.jpg (800x518, 52K)

Well, see from 7:20
Well Poland used to be like the most tolerant country in Europe during the 1500's.


Because you agreed that they are peasants xD

Kungälv mofo slave

>I'm 12 and I think that's a zinger.
You do you.

You should try leaving your urban cesspool once in a while.

It's not my fault you don't get our Polish infighting

They're vErY iNdOeUrOpEaN.

That's like being surprised that you don't know or care about some irrelevant state squabble in America.
Normal, rooted people are agrarian. You should leave your urban cesspool and get some sun.

Yep, you would fit in just perfectly in Krakow dude

They're real men, you fucking nigger.

"men" implies that anglo race are people

Attached: 1568746533218.jpg (1018x645, 87K)

Close to nature and sustainable. Doesn't seem like a bad life.

Sounds peaceful and wholesome.

A step up from your breed.

The sheer size of the cranium on that dolichocephalic lad. Absolute unit, probably memorized every FA cup goal that fella.