I’m part of the problem

I’m a zoomer who graduated college last year. I’m making good money, got a nice apartment, and really can’t complain. But I am contributing to the end of the white race. I want to settle down so badly, but no women want to date with this intention. Never found one in college. Can’t find one now. I get laid. I’m no incel, but they just don’t fucking want to start a family.

I am living like a bugman faggot, and I hate it. There is nothing to do with my money. Women. Refuse. To. Have. Families. Everybody on this board acts like you can get money and just settle down to live the suburban dream. Bullshit. It ain’t ever gonna happen with these women.

The white race is dying, and I am helping it happen.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Kys crybaby

Guys I found the boat person

Let it die, half the battle is knowing it is happening. Just find a conservative asian waifu with a masters degree in STEM who will happily raise your kids.


>Everybody on this board acts like you can get money and just settle down to live the suburban dream. Bullshit. It ain’t ever gonna happen with these women.
Sad but true unless you look like a GQ model you are better of taking the anime pill

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Guys I found the faggot kike

hug me white brother

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join the white discord today 2gkHRjZ

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and the FBI makes an appearance

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Take the hapa pill.
Hapas are the future of the white race.

Bullshit. Men are as guilty as "ebil white wymn", we've been programmed by the same kike culture to refuse to "settle" for anything else than infatuation at first sight. Protip: many good, attractive women would love to home with a good, stable interesting man, and normal attractiveness becomes beauty and familiarity develops

Guys I found the faggot kike's fluffer

I would honestly rather just jump off a bridge than spend the rest of my life worshipping an imaginary girlfriend. What kind of existence is that?

You just can't give up. You have to find a way. This is not your fault, this is the situation but fortunately it can't keep going like this forever. The upcoming economic crisis and general degradation in our way of life will change women's mind faster than you think. You are a man, you can settle down older. You've got the time.


user, you have everything going for you. one thing that gets rejected on this board a lot is the concept of patience. if you keep your current pace, you will be a trophy husband in just a few years time. I know its frustrating, and its difficult to catch a woman when they are the most healthy for child bearing, but just keep your head up and don't deviate from what you're doing now.

if your post is true, you're not the problem at all. you just haven't gotten lucky (yet)

why do so many husbands and wives talk about how 'lucky' they are to have one another? it might be because they were feeling the same way as you are now

cheers, bro

Work out and stop being fuvking awkward be confident take pride in yourself

I sincerely hope this is true, but it really isn’t looking this way. Something I have observed is that many of the females of this generation have an ear endless supply of money. They all have degrees just like me, but they aren’t working. They are just kind of existing and sleeping around. A lot of traveling. Maybe you are correct that it just takes longer to settle down in today’s society. But it doesn’t look like anyone has the intention to do so anytime soon. Especially the women

I’m a millennial and all the women in my generation had sex with guys who sold drugs and beat them and all my friends are dead or losers who wish they were dead

I spend all of my time in physical pain from a life of absolute shit, and wishing I was in a coma

Tell me more, faggot

Getting laid is not the issue for me

buy a Ukranian. My navy buddy did it. They seem happy.

aawww look first day on pol. no one gives a fuck you subvert faggot. go away

join the fight club, join identitarians, fuck the contemporary world

Listen to this user. Also, notice he said "take pride in yourself", not "take years to become some fantasy that fits with the abstract character you imagine you would be proud of"

Neck yourself, kike

stop using condoms retard. stop masturbating so libido and virility increase. noc em up. if you really can get laid you should lose the fear of getting them pregnant because babies are supposed to happen. if you think its selfish to noc em up and not use condoms you are retarded and self conflicted and your bloodline will end after a latex barrier prevents you from procreating even after a long sexual career. or just kys your choice. u seem to be doing everything right but you are scared. buy condoms that are too big and when it slips off don't tell her.

Convert to the Mormon Church, you'll find WWW (Willing White Women) there.

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Are you in one of those retarded cities?

Get out, go to church or some other community involved activity and get yourself a home focused cutie. A career woman can only nurture her job and attention seeking behavior.

I would never do this, but it doesn’t matter anyway. Every single on is on birth control

You’re never going to get what you want with your faggot, quitter attitude. Cowboy the fuck up, buy some roofies, and get out there and date.

Yes I am an urbanfag. If I’m honest, I don’t have time to go to church. Even if I did, I would be completely out of place. What am I going to do? Drive out to the suburbs as a single man looking for some religious pussy?

You are who you hang out with. I don't feel sorry for you. Over 10 of my friends died and I realized most of them died because they were losers with no ambition.

I hung out with zoomers a year or so ago and every single one of them was an androgynous nu-male faggot except this one gigachad faggot who lifts all day and had a bimbo thot gf. The rest had none

Honestly I hope most millennials and zoomers just get outright killed in ww3, they’re all so fucking stupid and worthless

Find an Asian girl, they're the best and you should really marry one

Didn’t stop my sister from being knocked up by a fucking beaner who she never would have known had the kikes not busses in the poor brown kids into our schools

Fuck everything

It's over.

The Jew has won. Your future is being trampled under the proud March of the Afrikan and the Jew.

Your ancestors could have just put a small cross in a box on a piece of paper next to nationalist candidates, followed G*d's Law, and had a extra child.

But they were too weak and pathetic to even do that!!!

You will pay the price for their weakness. Did you really think there was more to life than maximizing your chances of survival?

Stupid cattle. Those who don't struggle, perish.

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Those are bad feels user.

>search for poor european countries
>check their dating sites
>their families are nagging for them to get grandkids even when they're 18.
I think this solution works maybe?

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Wait til you're in your 30s.

Fuck off with your shitty slides nigger.

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Look, you graduated college last year, take it easy. Men age like wine, focus on your career and when you hit 30-35 you can still date the same age girls you date now. The differences will be:
1. you'll be wealthier.
2. you'll be more attractive to the type of women that want families.
3. you'll have the judgement to be able to select the type of woman that wants a family which you apparently lack now (not knocking you, I was the same).

source: wealthy man with large family.

My parents let him move in and they fucked loudly as late as 4 am in the room next to me for a year as I tried regaining my health after destroying myself working for 3 years with nothing to live for or enjoy

Haven’t been able to sleep properly due to pain from malnutrition and or stress for 5 years

>date the young ones later
Everybody says this, but I never see it. Every girl I have ever met would think this is creepy. And no guy can pull off meeting women this age without looking like they don’t belong

>What kind of existence is that?
A better one then what you described in the OP

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Everything can deviate from your predictions any day now. That's why your so eager at demonstrating anything we do is pointless. You are impressing less and less people as time passes and you know it.

Bruh, get the fuck out of there. Traitors will only bring you down.

>I want to settle down so badly, but no women want to date with this intention. Never found one in college. Can’t find one now. I get laid. I’m no incel, but they just don’t fucking want to start a family.
This was also my experience. I gave up on dating for years because of it. I'm 30 now and have been trying the dating scene for the last six months and it's exactly the same. I even ended up getting in an argument with a woman on OK Cupid who said she was a 28 year old virgin looking for a "friend" to explore sex with, but had zero interest in kids or marriage. I messaged her that we are too old to have marriage completely off the table and she acted like I literally murdered her grandma in front of her with a fucking tire iron.

Another user recommended getting a job with a catering temp agency on the weekend to meet decent women. I think I'm going to try it.

There are lots of factors to this, but one of the big ones can be where you live. Different states and cities will have varying cultures and lifestyles. It may be a good idea to move to a place that will better suit your ideal lifestyle.

You dont have one hour for church on sunday?
you probably watch sports games tho.

I've noticed a trend. They all start to settle down between 27-30, but they absolutely will not settle down between 18-26, even if the 'perfect partner' comes along.

Yeah I’m in Boston. Can’t really move at the moment. There are certainly suburbs and what not, but everyone there are boomers.

Once your anti-abortion laws start spreading through your land, there will be lots of trailer-trash reject babies that need adopting. Do your American duty, get married later, and adopt 3 inbreds when the time comes.

Yes and no. When you've lived somewhere long enough, or better yet, when you grow up somewhere, you're someone. You have a place and a framing. When you move, you're no one. You have to start from zero. It may be fun for you, but you're "less" than you were when you were surrounded by lifelong friends and kin. prospective wives see this clearly.


Try harder. When you are over 35 and still single, you tried but it didn't work. If you are 22, you just have to keep trying.

Look on the bright side. You're only in your early 20's, so you have plenty of time and areas where you can find a white girlfriend, the main one being in a workplace.

Join a church or make a dating profile that says explicitly "I'm looking for a woman to marry and have children with."

Have you tried these things?

Everybody says this because it's true.

How many single guys have you met with a net worth north of $10 million? You haven't met many of them either I bet. Guess what, you can date any girl you want if you are wealthy and at all normal looking. That includes all the girls you know who think "rich older dudes are gross". Just the fact that you would take what they told you at face value, you're still a rookie.

My wife was 27 when we married. I was 30, minor league well off. I'm much less good looking now, but also much wealthier. I could do better now than I ever could when I was young and I also know what to look for. I didn't do bad, but I could have done much better.

>And no guy can pull off meeting women this >age without looking like they don’t belong

wealthy dudes don't take girls out to the same trashy places you might hang out so there's no one around to judge. Not that they would even give a shit about a 20-something's opinion if they were.

She’s pregnant and they live in their own place now but I’m still fucked

I just went to the ER the other day though because I couldn’t eat from nausea for 3 days and didn’t know why

Used to be my digestive system was fucked up but now that’s ok and I somehow have a severe infection in my fucking balls

Can’t even walk without pain. It’s possibly been going on for years and I never even noticed it wasn’t a digestive problem because I mostly just felt sick

Jow Forums lives in a fantasy world where they really believe a modern 20 year old thot will start pumping out babies for you. it doesnt happen if she is very attractive. only some average ones want to have kids very early

>Women. Refuse. To. Have. Families.
When we got married my wife said she didn't want to have kids until her mid to late 30s. We're going to have our 3rd next year and she's 31. Just focus on getting into a relationship; once you've locked a woman down you can pretty much just say "we're having children" and it will happen.

Goddamn nigga you need a lucky charm...

I feel. I've actually met some really nice non whores, but they just don't want kids. Found a half white half Asian girl who wants a family though who's a nice girl and not a whore, and I figure 3/4 white is good enough for my kids. Obviously would prefer white, but with white girls now, shut just ain't gonna happen sadly.

I feel bad for when those girls hit their 40's and realize they fucked up big-time.

>only some average ones want to have kids very early
Why is that a problem? You prioritize traits in a mate. If your top priority is having kids early, it seems these women should be a 10/10 by your standards. If your priority is having an attractive mate then secondary traits like willingness to have children young shouldn't matter.

>just be the 1% user
This is not realistic
>70% of the population should just marry 3% of the population
This is not realistic

I think these kinds of threads need to be more focused on deprogramming young women.
>My wife was 27
And she had twice the risk of giving her kids Down's Syndrome than she did at 18. God only knows how many autists have been born because of older mothers.

And having kids at that age destroyed her earnings potential, so it's good you could afford to make her a housewife. 60% of earners can't afford a mortgage on the median priced house, much less afford two bedrooms and a wife who doesn't work.

Women need to be persuaded before it's too late that they are seriously damaging their long term earning and happiness potential by putting off parenthood. I should find an investor to start a media company, I guess, because whining on an imageboard isn't going to do the trick.

Iktf bro. Just remember it gets better.
At some point you give up and it won’t bother you anymore.

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Have you tried the white dating websites?

Lol I think I may try the tinder thing for a laugh. I highly doubt I would get any matches, but it will entertain me

I honestly don’t want a girlfriend that based. Yeah yeah I know, but I would prefer to hide my power level and redpill a normie than date a supremacist. I’m assuming most of those websites are white trash racists.

Fuck you it is realistic. I did it. We're all living in the most prosperous society in all of history. If you at all care about your career and aren't lazy/retarded it's not hard to amass a fortune in the US in 10-20 years.

autism is not caused by older mothers (correlation is not causation, yada yada). I have more than 5 kids and none are autistic, most of them born after my wife was 30. Also, my wife works and makes 400k/year.

If that's your goal, then don't start off talking about starting a family when you meet a girl. You can't come off like you are trying to lock her down to a relationship, you have to let her think that it's her idea.

I'm a 30yo NEET who dropped out of college, imagine how bad I feel

>I get laid.
This isnt how you find a wife

>We're all living in the most prosperous society in all of history
>78% of the country lives paycheck to paycheck
>most prosperous society in all of history
This is why you guys get kicked out of nations

A year late from you but my intention is to use all my cash in investing and passive income so I can sufficiently go off grid and prep for the Boogaloo. In the comfiest way possible.

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It's not realistic for the vast majority of people. Like, if you wanted to say guys like you should get 20 wives and pump out 60 kids, that would be demographically realistic, but it's not socially realistic. 99% of people are never going to make $400k/year, much less amass a fortune by the time they're 30. That's nearly 10 times the median income. It's just math, user.
Likewise, the 5% of young Americans who are Asian can't provide enough brides for the 60% of young American males who are white. It's just math.

Congrats to you, if that's what you're looking for. You made it. Most guy's version of making it throughout history has been subsistence, a house of their own, and a family. Something has gone very wrong, because now mode expectation is a small apartment, little or no assets, and no wife.

% of the country lives paycheck to paycheck
Because they are retarded

found the kike

Nice greentext lol, first day on the job?

Move out of the urban shithole and into rural paradise. Not all rural women are trad wife material but your odds are a little better out here.

Also, if you're looking for a normie woman, it might simply be hard to find one that wants to settle down at such a young age, especially if you are only a moderately good catch. But I'll repeat, if she is going to want to settle down so young, it will have to be her idea, not yours. You can't pressure her into it, it simply won't work.

Stop wasting money on stupid shit you dont need
It is not hard

>It is not hard
Harder then greentexting?

>Harder then greentexting?

Just fucking knock them up you faggot. No girl wants to be a single mom. White girls do not have abortions. She will instantly marry you.

I drop little hints here and there, but it’s always pretty clear that they aren’t even trying to get into a relationship of any actual substance much less get married and have kids

Play an MMO and find some white women on there. FFXIV should be a good start.

Good job you finally got it!

Ask her to marry you
If you says no find someone else

You might find this to be useful, especially since you are looking for an specific type of woman.

>graduated college last year
You're just a late millennial.

"Dropping little hints" will come off as needy and insecure, with these normies, getting into a relationship has to be her idea.

Here's a song for you OP.

Have you tried not being ugly? Women your age don't care that you have your shit together, as they're not looking for a husband yet. The good job and income only becomes a factor once they near 30 or above.

Women are BBC only now, sorry!

What you really need to do is go out with multiple women at the same time and just wait for one of them to bring up the idea of being "exclusive"

cope harder, I'm not jewish