Reminder that Israel has a right to defend itself against evil islamic invaders and full right to annex the west bank
Reminder that Israel has a right to defend itself against evil islamic invaders and full right to annex the west bank
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Netanyahu is finished.
Israel, like Europe, must pay for the service of US military conquest/defense. Our sacred blood and treasure does not come free. Or cheap! Thank you!
I want to kick his face with my fist
fake jew on a amemeflag talking about a fake country fighting another fake country
I think there is a resurgence in anti-4Chanism because at this point in time, Israel has not yet learned to be multicultural. And I think we're going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel is not going to be the same monolithic society it once was in the last century. Jow Forums is going to be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are going into a multicultural mode and Jow Forums will be resented because of our leading role.
Reminder OP is a faggot.
>IDF: less than 200,000 active troops. Most of them were forced to enlist due to mandatory military service laws and are very poorly trained and cowardly.
>Islamic world: over 1.5 billion people willing to die in combat just to btfo the Jews
absolute chutzpah
and other hilarious jokes you can tell yourself
*standing ovation*
>so brave
You bet.
Nigs will rape Barbara's dead corpse. Get fucked!
Reminder that white people have a right to their own countries and full right to annex the rest of the world.
>absolute chutzpah
Begs the question, why don't they?
Building drones that carry bombs is pretty cheap (see the LCCM-project).
1 million x 20kg conventional explosives would give 20 megaton over strategic targets.
All it took was 1 home made cruising bomb per 1500 muslims.
Who's that absolute basedgoy trying to point to our purely recreational McNukes? He looks extremely malnourished
Israel shouldn't exist and soon it won't.
>He looks extremely malnourished
All pacifists look as weak as they are. He probably works for some arabic interests, like the western pacifists under Russian or jewish influence.
>They are going into a multicultural mode
Nope, are law literally bans :DD
Okay, then they should do it.
Reminder that America has a right to defend itself from evil dual citizen Israeli domestic terrorists trying to dismantle the constitution and Republic.
He based.
And yet picrel
Israel does not exist
Reminder the only way for world peace to occur is for all jews to meet annihilation.
>right to defend itself
>evil invaders
Moralism is meaningless in politics beyond public perception. Israel has the strength to defend it's national interests and the influence to ensure it's backing by the United States, which is the world hegemonial power. That is all that matters in the end.
>over 1.5 billion people willing to die in combat just to btfo the Jews
Wasn't that exactly what happened the last two times they fought?
reminder that israel doesnt own the west bank AND currently has no military support from america for a invasion of iran over the saudi oil fields
iran and israel exchanged missiles a few times over the past 2 years. america doesnt have the man power for anything 400k troops. not 2 million or 4 million only 400k. the united states will probably lose the next war its in
Probably the superpowers on every side.
Umm sweatie, the USS Liberty didn't bleed actual blood, because ships don't have a blood circulation system.
they were spectators in ww2 and their caliphate got cancelled in ww1 they are all rattlers but no action the biggest muslim country indonesia is very secularized except for the shithole called aceh which has a boomer who larps as a sultanate
De jure isn't de facto.
Lebanon didn't have US support when we went headfirst into the War on Terror.
wow this jew really knows his stuff
i take back all the bad things i said about kikes
1920 is when palestine was created and it was predominatly european white labourers who built up the country until 1948 when the jews got the whole place for FREE
Skin a Jew child in minecraft and dump his intact head and heart in oxygenated electrolyte solution to keep him alive in agony!
Palestine never existed fuck off fredo
Your children will be kept alive in fluid!
Oh sweet summer child
>Palestine never existed fuck off fredo
That is the truest statement in the thread.
Why can't we just let the whole region go battle royale and whoever wins get to live in the desert?
Only condition is no foreign support.
ok faggot cope harder
Im actually incredibly curious at what that thing is in the video
Israel doesn't even have a right to exist.
Well that one particularly law is still running strong since 1950, you won't see here some pajeet PM like in ireland
Watch the video
I can skin your children amd keep them alive.
See above.
I can keep you alive In hell.
one day Rothschild Avenue Tel Aviv will be lined with craters instead of buildings. Payback coming. Revenge is best served cold.....
They can go ahead and try it themselves. We have zero obligation to help in any way. Why even use this argument when the biggest reason for true anti semitism is the fact that we seem to always be sending OUR youth to die in Jew wars. Jews can fight on their own. They never contribute the other way. No one would care if you invaded Syria yourselves. Yet you can’t seem to just do this.
I can unnaturally extend your Jewish life into a horrible pain filled one.
thank you based Swede
Fake history. The Kingdom of Israel never existed. “King” David was a bandit chief. Solomon never existed. The lands were part of the dominions of either Egypt or Assyria. The whole thing is a We Wuz Kangz LARP invented after the Babylonian captivity.
>full right to annex the west bank
This is the only real solution. Annex the entire Palestinian Territories. Give citizenship to everyone there. Watch as the government stops giving gibs to religious NEETs, makes peace with Iran, and finally elects a Prime Minister who doesn't suck the cocks of dead Zionist terrorists.
>islamic invaders
The only invaders in Palestine are the Israelis.
Lol that ancient Jewish kingdom. yea im just going to call you out on your kike behavior.
An Empire at its height doesn't mean it has a right to own that territory, there were other tribes there that had more of a right than the Jews did with their "Muh Chosen People"
Thats like saying Poland is core Russian territory because they were occupied once.
This is kike territory - Honestly tho they are not even the original people descending from these tribes but are Khazar Jew wannabees.
>Watch the video
>I can skin your children amd keep them alive.
Why would you, why should I care and why do you think you would have any chance to survive one minute in my home?
>thank you based Swede
What’s it like being an unfeeling, cold blooded snake?
>Big time chad
>Hardline nationalist policies
>Doesn't give a fuck about the UN
>Doesn't give a fuck about the EU
>Friends with based nationalists like Orban / Salvini
>Hated by unironic commies and other losers
Name a more based man Jow Forums?
Take your meds schizo, I've seen organs such as turtle hearts beat by themselves, its not that rare.
>projecting this hard
How does it feel to be more sensitive than leddit basedgoys?
Neither did the Kingdom of Israel, fucktard. The Jews have no more right to that land than the Japanese do.
You keep using that word, it's meaningless.
The only thing that is true in the world is 'might makes right'.
Whoever has the biggest gun takes all.
The loser can whine and cry all they want, makes no difference.
Israel has the land because they're the ones who can hold it. The Palestinians can't. All claims about 'muh right to this' are irrelevant. That's geopolitics and how it always has been and always will be.
Since when did they do a wordfilter for onions?
Why all the hate user? If you stopped believing Jow Forums infographics then that receding hairline would come later rather than now.
>Reminder that the Islamic Caliphate has the right to defend itself against the existence of evil subhuman infidels and a God given right to annex the Entire World
Radical Muslims are everything the pitiful whites fantasize about being. Regardless of the fact that they are puppets of the Jews meant to destabilize the Middle East, at least the put on a good show, at least the foot soldiers truly believe they are fighting the good fight. Even if they're fighting for show, for entertainment sake, they're still as respectable as the slaves that fight to the death in the Colosseum.
I don't condone violence, but then again, these people are acting in self-defense considering the global hatred, military oppression, subversion, and antagonization of Muslims.
You can't have a battle royale because Israel has nukes. Unless you divvy up the nukes even stevens than you can't have a fucking war. It's just nuclear armed countries shooting fish in a barrel with impunity.
>Yom Kippur War
>Soviet Union
I guess well wishes count as full fledged military intervention
>israel clay
>turk cl-
No, Israel owns the land because they are backed by a Superpower.
Take away their support and watch them Squirm.
Also meme flag faggot - Jews were the losers at one point but because the Europeans did a shitty job they've come back to bite us in the ass. Should've killed them instead of Expelling them 216 times.
>Wahbbism is destabilizing the middle east
That's cool and all but I'm tired of wasting American blood and treasure to prop up the kikes. They can take care of themselves but America ain't fighting any more wars for them.
>No, Israel owns the land because they are backed by a Superpower.
Yes, duh.
What's that got to do with what I said?
A big country supporting a smaller one for various geopolitical reasons, not the first time it's happened in history either.
The guy I replied to was going on about 'rights'. Who has a 'right'.
Rights are imaginary, all that matters is power in this world, and power grows out of the barrel of a gun.
cope jew
>Israel has the land because they're the ones who can hold it.
Israel only has the land because the US has supported them directly and has been paying off their larger neighbors to leave them alone. If they had to worry about their borders with Egypt and Jordan instead of just Lebanon, the situation would be vastly different.
>Israel has the land because they're the ones who can hold it. The Palestinians can't. All claims about 'muh right to this' are irrelevant. That's geopolitics and how it always has been and always will be.
Totally agree.
The Geneva convention and other treaties have cucked the west to a level so low that we barely even have nations anymore.
We are unironically at a level where using a ranged weapon (like a bow) would be considered immoral against an enemy soldier carrying a knife. The roman legions would be ashamed.
>You can't have a battle royale because Israel has nukes. Unless you divvy up the nukes even stevens than you can't have a fucking war. It's just nuclear armed countries shooting fish in a barrel with impunity.
So does Iran and Pakistan. And if Iran doesn't, they will within one or two years.
Little boy only required 80% enriched uranium (weapons grade is +90%). Iran has everything they need to build a few as well as mountains.
Nukes against Iran will not be enough, nor will it be enough against Turkey or Pakistan due to how many natural barriers hey have.
Israel has 100 nukes and 20,770 km2 surface area with little mountain terrain.
Dong Feng-4 (just 3.3 Mt) has an airblast coverage of 2,720 km2 and 1,310 km2 for the area where people instantly turn to fried bacon.
Iran alone has 1,648,000 km2 full of mountains.
Israel has enough to deter its closes neighbors but will never have enough to threaten Iran.
You have to remember, Israel is just twice the size of Hawaii or Puerto Rico.
>The Geneva convention and other treaties have cucked the west to a level so low that we barely even have nations anymore.
One of the weird things is that from ww1, where hollowpoint bullets are banned. So in war they can shoot you with an explosive bullet but not a hollowpoint. :^)
Makes sense right?
Based. Muslims are cancer.