Apologize, you racist bigots
I think every American should apologize to all black people just as this brave white girl did
I miss her brehs
tfw no edgy loser gf
I don't even bother myself to give (you)s untill I see an apology here from every white straight male of this board for what you've done. and not only to poor innicent black people, but, most importantly, to any jewish person of the world. you must always remember 6 millions of souls slaughtered by cruel white men. and now look cearfuly at this brave white girl does. and never, never forget!
id fuck her ass
smash white males patriarchy!
Based trad-thot. Alas cooming is not on the agenda
white women must only date jewish men!
How is it even possible to be that based? I'd totally fuck the extra chromosome out of her, if you know what I mean.
Is she dead?
everyone watch this video and tell me black people are not monkies
People who did not commit the crime, cannot apologize for the crime and cannot take responsibility for the crime.
People who were not victims of the crime, cannot claim reparation based justice be provided to them for the crime.
All the slaves owners are dead. All the slave owners are dead. No one can apologize for anything.
you racist scumbag. how can you portray proud black people as sub-human monkeys like on this
you are right, my diversity brother. but they must apologyze anyway. just look at these racist bastards. they even make fake .webm's like this to portray proud black people of America as complete trash.
I'm sorry we didn't just genocide the lot of you. No really, I'm sorry we didn't genocide all of you.
But has she shown her naked feet
apologize for your pervert desires
HAHAHAHA i love watching animals in their natural habitat
Do you have a better quality one ?
why the fuck does she not shave her arm pits
So that you can shove your face in them and get the full effect of her cute smelly pheromones.
Now why would AMERICAN issue give you a fancy? You're Russian, and Russia does have it's fair share of problems.
how can you be so racist? they are just pure babies of nature. they act naturally and sooo happy been doing that.
how can you blame these beautiful and such innocent childs of mother nature?
ew yuck her teeth
this aint no pornsite for you mon ami
I think you should watch the video before posting this.
Yeah what's the story here?
Wow I totally forgot about this little whore. What is her name again?
What happened to her?
Would this considered cp? Saving this might not be a good idea
We need David Attenborough to explain these mating rituals.
>"...and she needs the black D'... which is just as equal as a death threat"
fucking kek, more women need to be like this
by which definition? are you retard or nigger?
based ash
blackmaled by an online autist for fap vids under the threat of suicide
i think she turned 18 last year
Any link with sound?
No need to repeat yourself
so why are you triggerd by this video?
I miss her, honestly.
some retard doxed her and she was forced to move out, and since those times..
Anyone have the girl that did peanut butter blackface on MLK Jr day?