If your country has never discovered an element it's a shithole and not white

If your country has never discovered an element it's a shithole and not white.

Attached: Success_breed_jealousy2.jpg (1891x1131, 332K)

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So, norway is not white? that mean that you aren't to?

>17 for USA
Pretty fucking good, for a country that was so late to the party.

90 Th is partly Norwegian though...

Found by a Norwegian, but classified by a Swede

Russia should really get some kind of bonus point tbqh, considering the periodic table itself was made by a Russian.

Based British exceptionalism

So you are saying that Romania is white?

So you are saying that the British are white?

Italy, Finland, and Romania are all not white, though. But otherwise yeah good take.

So you are saying that Sweden is white?


Attached: ARGENTINA IS WHITE GODDAMNIT.jpg (234x139, 17K)

113 is japanese.
That chart is outdated since 113-118 now have proper names

2! Switzerland rules for such a small country

Polonium was literally named after Poland and discovered by Marie Curie and first isolatedby german Willy Marckwald.

Why is it given to Romania?

What a stupid chart.

Daaaaas rite, we crackas now

I don't understand why this answer? I'm asking something different, not affirming my etnicity

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>almost the same population as Sweden

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I propose that we make a referendum where we write into our constitution that we invented ALL of the elements in the periodic table, and that everybody else is a liar.

Switzerland found Gd (gold) and Ng (nazi gold)

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Discovered by ((((American)))) scientists yea


Most of these discoveries were pretty late...

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>implying France isn't also infested with, and dominated by Jews
Whatever, frog. How many Nazi scientists did you guys steal after WW2? Less than America, I bet.

Ok this is much for my, by the way my family is actually german from lorraine

Yammy, give me that jew gold

Attached: goooooold.jpg (600x337, 30K)

My condolences.

>40m population
>not a single element

Why are they so subhuman? I can't think of any relevant Polish contributions to science and technology either.

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_Poland.svg.png (1280x800, 6K)

Kek. You don't have any. Norway sucks. Should be a vassal of Sweden

Te was discovered by a German speaking Austrian who lived in Transylvania in 18th century.

Norway is a kingdom, cannot be a vassal.

How about this, seeing as both of you are elementlets, you can both be puppets of Sweden.

Also 90 Thorium is actually MAINLY Norwegian (not Swedish)

You should have stayed with Austria my Magyar

Attached: Österreich-Ungarn.png (867x639, 562K)

And New Zealand for Rutherford discovering the structure of the atom.

The modern era of science started when the US were already around. So that isnt realy exceptional

Hafnium was discovered by Georg von Hevesy or George de Hevesy who was Hungarian

anyone heard of the element 117 or some shit that powers the usa's antigravity craft? sounds stupid but someguy was a reverse engineer for the us and used a rare element from elsewhere in the universe to create a floating craft i cant remember his name but he was a schizo sperg that apparently had all the math to prove his shit was real but we dont have access to the places where the element was from it had some shit to do with the alien craft found in nm that created the area 51 bullshit... does this ring a bell to anyone? i forgot a lot about it since hearing about it but i would like to watch the movie that recently came out fuuuuck bad memory cant remember sorry guys

And you should have joined Germany...
Can't even into mountains

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Proud of my German and Italian heritage , yee haw cowboy

Sweden sucks in warfare. They are little puppets. They lost almost every war you can loose (Karl XII or Gustav Adolf f.e.). Plus their colonizing project in North America completely failed. And on the top you are stinking protties. Swedes are disgusting and loosers, like Norway shit.

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at least we made carrots orange

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Epic post

We were never really into the HRR. Always doing our own shit.

Sweden has discovered more elements than amerimutts despite us being such a smaller population, fascinating

Atleast we aren't elementlets.

>discoveries of individuals are the discoveries of nogs who also live in those countries
No, fuck off, OP. The yellow toothed chavs of this place don't get any credit for my achievements or achievements of others.

That was the case for all of HRE.

Nah, that’s terrible since most elements were discovered after the founding of America

>no real punctuation

>tfw your country doesn't even have an element named after it
Can you imagine it?

Switzerland always fucked around with the HRE. And we had to defend ourself against the Habsburgs and Burgundy.


Six of Swedens discoveries come from german Carl Wilhelm Scheele.


Who gave birth to and raised those individuals, supporting the institutions who educated them, printed books, etc?

>but muh individual

Rutherford wouldn't have amounted to as much without the Commonwealth.

>but muh ECC

We got the stash baby

Attached: mooooneeyy.jpg (640x492, 118K)

Switzerland was a loosely integrated part of the HRE, as all other states.

Don't forget, based Germany discovered Amphetamine and free4-based Japan Methamphetamine, and for these those two great nations win Best in Show, hands down.

Attached: light it.gif (280x200, 861K)

He was born in Sweden

He was born in Stralsund.

We have a bit of cash too my mountain friend.

Yeah, Sweden.

regarded to post
>dumber than the unpunctuated sperg

Populated by germans.

Attached: image.jpg (938x847, 292K)

Integrated? We have our Eidgenossenschaft since 1219. Our won military force which always won in defensive wars

I don't understand. Whiteness is not a indicator of success. Italians don't have to be white to be succesful

>a single post DESTROYED the myth of polish whiteness and intelligence

He was a Swede dumbass, Germany didn’t even exist back then

Loosely integrated and all states had their own military and constantly fought eachother.

In a shed no less

No such thing as germans back then. He also was a swedish speaker first and forthmost.

>He preferred speaking German to Swedish


Attached: 042 - dtnzgLX.gif (250x194, 13K)

Literally making it up.

This. We should chose German language back in 18th century and became a German state to avoid slavshits, romanian niggers and serbian turk rapebabies.

Did you read why he preferred it? Are you too dumb too read or something? It literally says he preferred it since it was commonly spoken by Swedish pharmacists

Krautoid propaganda

>Pomeranians are all slavs in denial

I have an exceptionally high IQ actually, so high it's incredible. Capital of Texas? Toulmelouse (city of Zorro). Beat that you unpunctuated zerling

(ok, final beer)

In defensive case we always stick together. 1219 was a contract. We fought against each other when we didn't have an enemy from abroad.

It’s funny how he cut out the part right after it were it explained why he preferred German

It was his german families language, swetoid.

Checked. Austria-Hungary was a good monarchy

You're on a flag board son

Attached: Argentina sucks.png (1878x275, 68K)

So a man born in Sweden, died in Sweden and lived in Sweden his whole life is not Swedish now?

Collected by Jamie Carragher.

Wouldnt trust that data mate.

I agree, your country used to be white back when you discovered those elements.

No, he was german. Came from a german family, spoke german. Same as Kopernikus.

Per capita wealth

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He was a swedish man, just as Napoleon was French. Just because Slavshits like yourself are seething doesn't make it not true.

Explain how a man born in Sweden, lived in Sweden his whole life, worked with Swedish institutions and died in Sweden is not Swedish and is German which is a nationality that didn’t even exist at the time

Iceland can into economy.

Polonium - Po. French flag...

That could just mean that you have a few crazy rich people there and says nothing about the average guy.