Whats going on with 8

quick rundown

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Is it up?

8 c h dot n e t
let us know

no new data

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Q user shut it down to push the Q/tard paranoia. When bombs drop on Iran they wanted to quell that rebellion in advance.

>Love Big Brother

Owner was being blackkmailed, had legs broken, snitched and told cops.

Closed due to AIDS.

they are going to make a new software to take down illegal content on 8 since there have been so many shooters or something.

still down

It won't be back until after the 2020 election cycle, and even then there's a good chance it'll stay down unless you can get normies to care more about shutting down child rapists than internet edgelords.

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Owner said it wouldn’t go up until new software was implemented to curb illegal content like child porn, etc.

Q people will tell you, the child porn that appeared in waves was life scarring for anyone.

The “software update” is project Ghidra... we’ll see if we can trust the NSA, lmao...


i still dont know how some still fall for it
i used to follow the shitty qmap.pub to see "HAPPENINGS"
>then i saw the pro regime change shit


8 c h dot n e t
is closed
08 c h dot n e t
is the future

nah, 8* members will just come here...

It was all niggers anyway. Maybe not skin color but definitely personality.

its full of autistic retards, horrible shitposters, unironic /b/tard try hards, actual criminals, russian propaganda agents and CIA trying to scoop up tards. Oh and pedos...lots of them.

This site got much better when they left and much worse when they came back.

where did the /cow/boys migrate to?

>Q people will tell you, the child porn that appeared in waves was life scarring for anyone.
Check out the new on this faggot.

>full of autistic retards, horrible shitposters, unironic /b/tard try hards, actual criminals, russian propaganda agents and CIA trying to scoop up tards. Oh and pedos...lots of them.
You just described 4 to a T.

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Honeypots all the way down. The entire internet is.

t. Newfag

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>t. Newfag
Most likely been here longer than you.

fuck off im leaving this shithole once an alt pops up anytime soon

whats going on with the stormer?

Pretty funny that there's already many in existence. If we all just picked ONE & went there'd be no problem.

It's happening boys 8ch alternative is up!

- Fresh new Jow Forums board
- No captcha (or gay pass)
- Tor posting
- 50mb file limits
- Free speech respected
- No shills


How many iterations has there been of 16chan?


I've given up and will laugh while they and their children are raped and slaughtered

yeah, i already visted alot of the alts, but shit like space is slow as shit and the rest are dead with months between posts, we need a new site not join an existing alt thats been dead forever

Lol... Nice try, shitshill.

Endchan would be a good alternative but it's a functionally shit site unfortunately though it has a certain charm. The trouble with Jow Forums alternatives is that they're all isolated and dead or dying and their history is more likely to get erased. 8(haha)chan is the only REAL alternative and it's gone.

No update on his Twitter, is he hiding?


please tell me that the schizo guy from oregon isnt involved with that site

i like the layout btw

I mean there's no unity in where we roam to. There's enough users among all the dead/slow as shit alts for one halfway decent board with 100/200+ pph. But instead of all being on one they're spread out all over the place.

Even another new alt is just going to suffer the same exact fate.

Julay dot world as far as I can tell. There seems to be a lot of drama going on with the mods after it came to light Mark wasn't doing it for free after all.

Cant wait to leave this raging dumpster fire.

8chn down and faggot trinity of glp is banning everyone.

Should be up and running soon.

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Until the incels start killing people and then it's closed.

>Even another new alt is just going to suffer the same exact fate.
nothing lasts forever, if the new alt goes down, make another one

thanks m8, is that you PPP?

But their was no child porn I used 8 chan since 2016 and as far as I can remember I never ran into any illegal content.


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Typically it was never up for long, but it was definitely there. If you weren't in a thread it was posted in for the couple minutes it existed you'd never see it.

Jow Forums was relatively safe but before Jim took over /b/ was constantly covered in jb it was fucking disgusting.

>the child porn that appeared was life scarring for anyone
if by scarring you mean "boner inducing" then yes

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we're all moving to 0xchan.net when it launches in october. 8 will never reopen.

Nay, just an user doing my part.

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>Q literally shutdown his hive center to make his movement seem more real

Wow. You 4chin idiots will never admit Q is real, huh?

please dont post my husbando, jahans is too pure

heil Jahans


>quick rundown

It's up and great as ever.....

but on TOR in the deep dark web....

I love it.

If you don't know how to get there you are a stupid retard....

But autistic retards criminals shit poster's slavs /b/tards and CIA agent's are all a part of what makes internet community's entertaining and fun to be a part of.

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You don't need 8 anymore.
You are ready to be stupid everywhere.
Spread your wings, Qtards.

God I miss jahans threads

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I don't know, but I think all Q niggers should fuck off. You are not welcome on Jow Forums. We do not care that you lost your home.

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It was especially prevalent on /b2/ but was mostly clothed child models. Actual cp was quite rare and usually only posted to fuck with mods.

...and see complete lack of discussion, just shill threads, repeated over and over. Can't wait for 8 to come back.

Swing by tarrantchan.org while we wait

1000hours in paint

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seriously, what going on with the daily stormer. i check it earlier its up. i check it now it down. what happened?


you could just leave Jow Forums anyway.

Commit rope neck crescendo

It's been dead since about 2017. Who gives a shit? I will, however, give it it's props for being a great site from 2014-2016. Good times, but these chan offshoots never have a long life span.


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>check the site's tweets
>every single reply is by boomers
Since when did boomers use 8c? I know about the Q retardation, but i never actually seen them on the site.

All these faggots talking shit about ∞ are giving themselves away. Why the fuck do you think it earned the nickname fu11chan and was known as cuckchans big brother? BECAUSE IT WAS BETTER THAN THIS CESSPOOL.
Fucking shills don't remember it was ∞ that found the Shias fucking flag. ∞ got shit done while faggots here were like feeder fish.

>Q was the only thing on 8ch
I think I visited that board maybe twice. It wasn't even listed on the home page. This revisionist history that it was the main focus of 8ch is retarded.
He's got a thread on julay(.)world, but it needs more cocks

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>a fucking toothpaste
into the trash it goes

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>Q people will tell you, the child porn that appeared in waves was life scarring for anyone.
Could you give a rundown?
I am out of the loop, what was happening in 4+Jow Forums?
I stoped lurking after the board quality went to shit and the shills flooded 2*4/pol/.

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I coomed on Jim

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Did I mention Q you retarded fucking Muslim? Get fucked sand kike

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>It was especially prevalent on /b2/ but was mostly clothed child models
Then it wasn't child porn you autistic cunt.

>...and see complete lack of discussion, just shill threads, repeated over and over. Can't wait for 8 to come back.
Infinity as also flooded with the same behaviour we see here.

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kys Q nigger. your site is dead and it's never coming back. now fuck off.

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I also coomed on Wayne Lambright

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wrong webm

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That's the problem that you are not seeing, 8ch alts are insecure and not run by official 8ch staff. It's dead until it returns (or not, probably not to be honest)

Did I mention Q? Fuck Q. I went to that board maybe twice and when I did I talked shit and told them Q was a kike. So how about you fuck off pedo fuck

user I was replying to was talking about jb. There were endless threads on /b2/ with retards screeching that girls in swimsuits were cp.


no u


We in here...

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I'll open up tarrantchan for posting if you guys want?

Trifling ass nigger

do it mane

>not run by 8ch staff
it isnt supposed to be, 8chuck is dead, time to move on to a totally new alt with new owner and new culture


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Fuck off back to your honeypot glowfaggot