How does Jow Forums rationalize race mixing when it comes to a white man and asian woman but not in any other circumstance?
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My Uncle said the Japanese are honorary Aryans, so its a win. Plus hafu girls are cute af
When has that mix ever produced a good child?
There are only 2 races. Hot and Not.
Hahaha if this thread takes off, you'll see there isn't anything close to a consensus on pol in regards to WMAF.
muh dick
The results are good when mixing is with Asians. Shit with everything else. That was easy enough.
>When has that mix ever produced a good child?
When has it ever not?
The little girl could pass for white besides the edges of her eyes. Cute happy family.
asians have higher iqs so it wont negatively affect society
What a damn beautiful family.
We are creating the master race user. The combination of the two most successful cultures on the planet.
Nah, Asian male/white female is a million times better than the reverse.
Koot senpai. :D
Both are fine bro. Both create superhumans.
Asian plus white creates a beautiful thing. High IQs plus high beauty equals awesomeness.
case in point?
for me race mixing is mixing with filthy western southern northern euros
japanese are white
because this place is filled with brainwashed anime watching cumbrains thats why.
Research the Noahide Laws. Jews, Catholics, and Muslims are in agreement. The false Jewish law they all created mentions Jesus 0 times. They agree that those who disobey their contrived laws will be beheaded. The one world government is coming under the antichrist.
Every president since 1991 has signed and upheld the Noahide Laws, starting with Bush (H.J Res 104).
The Third Temple is in the process of being built.
September 25th, the process starts.
70 Nations will meet. They sign the agreement. Then, an animal sacrifice on the Mount of Olives.
japanese are the only other actual humans alive on the planet other than white europeans
it's still frowned upon but if you're going to flush your bloodline down the toilet you may as well get an iq upgrade for your racially confused social leper kids with a big tiddy nip gf
because weeb faggots infest this place
It's a net win on IQ and the culture has some value.
No race mixing.
The girl looks "okay" but she still looks weird. Miscegenation sucks, man. I have hardcore and i mean HARDCORE yellow fever but my kids coming out like this mean I would never pursue it. They would look so much better as full Asians and not give you that weird goblino vibe.
i always come into these threads just to make this exact post and then jerk off the the cute happas everyone posts in reply.
When the portuguese met the Japanese they literally referred to them as "white" and were in awe of their cities...then proceeded to enslave a handful of them leading to Japen being closed
tl;dr Japs are more white than Iberians
Pretty simple. Asians (in particular the Japanese) are pretty much at the level of whites. What they lack in innovation they make up for with pure intelligence. They also are the only other race of people that are attractive/good compatibility for breeding with whites.
no Racemixing send all white people to the caves of Newfoundland with 4 chan, and mattresses.
Japanese are not Asian, baka Shinji.
anything plus white is wrong. Don t breed with the low value incel white men. Asian men good luck but its the time of Masculine brown and black man.
the whole point of racemixing is banging hot asians, not making attractive daughters. why would you want hot daughters, so you can worry endlessly about what kind of self-serving chad is blowing out her pussy every night?
Some people here do but I certainly don't.
I admire several things about Japanese people but I would never race mix. The idea of having children that don't resemble me at all is horrifying at like a base instinctual level.
A good household family situation, ideally, should be maximum /comfy/.
I'll tell you what is not comfy is your kids looking like foreigners and at holidays you have grandpa and grandma Ching Dao and Ping Xing over
fuck that shit
Get off my board shitskin. Whites and Japs only
All you white bitches are getting no ladies of any races. You are incels debating shit on pol that will never happen for you in the real world.
There is literally no anons on Jow Forums advocating that. Just you shills.
I use to ask them the same question, but one day I saw a thread that explained it.
>Don't ask user, you really don't want to know.
Shitskins taking over! come out in the real world and call one of us that. You limp white dick pussy.
If I was going to have a daughter, I would prefer her to be attractive. Why would you want some ugly ass bitch walking around your house all the time. I would just teach her good values and live in an area free of niggers.
Great Nippon will have beautiful hafus as its citizens. This Japanese girl is composed of 5 different races.
You wont have a daughter.
because Jow Forums is more biased and harbors a similar cognitive dissonance the world carries, more so than they'd like to admit.
No one will fuck you, go outside and call someone a nigger pussy.
Hybridization creates a mess of improper development as the genes regulating growth fail to work properly.
yikes, thanks for the heads up.
None of you will ever get laid. So why even worry about this shit.
lmao mudkips truly are subhuman savages
I want to know
I would gladly accept to be sacrificed in a nuclear strike just so this flag could be erased on Jow Forums forever.
Because Jow Forums is one person with one coherent and consistent worldview.
okay, faggot.
the problem with nationality mixing is that it produces a child that doesn't have a country or a people. they have nothing. say, for example, an Irishman and a chink have a kid. now that child is not Irish, they cannot relate to Irish history or culture, but they are also not a chink, because they are not fully ethnically chinkese. it is best not to nationality mix, it is what's best for the child. it's the same with race mixing in a when, only if your child is white mixed with something, then they aren't white.
Fact is you never would come. Wouldn't have to be a pack. Just one of us and you wouldn't say anything cuz your soul from the core is full of bitch. No one will fuck you cuz you just smell like and act like a total bitch.
not allow
shes cute but more japanese looking women are cuter
kek is arming the missiles as i type this
You should just walk outside and yell your theories to a POC in the real world. You little bitch. How's unemployment?
I already married a qt medium titty nip. Keep coping nigger/spic leafs maybe you two can 69 at a red roof inn after your dish washing shifts are done.
(You) Wrong
>produces a child that doesn't have a country or a people
She’ll have two. Checkmate Mohammed.
Race mixing with the Nippon Axis allies would be a cardinal sin as a Germanic.
Post your hand with timestamp, retard larper.
>child doesn't have a country or a people.
Why do you imbeciles say "Asian" when you are talking about Mongoloids and why do you retards use the most cherrypicked pictures with photoshop filters and shit instead of normal pictures?
Luckily you are an American. :^)
>comparing racemixing with an asian to a nigger
go away nigger cat
both are subhumans, what's your point, retard?
My asshole brother keeps telling me "DUDE BRO YOU'RE TOTALLY GONNA GET AN ASIAN CHICK AND MAKE LITTLE HALF CHINESE BABIES" I am sick and tired of his bullshit, I hate chinks, they're subhuman communists. Chinks are butt ugly too, and the other Asians aren't as bad but I want my kids to be white I am not creating half breed mongrels.
> why do you retards use the most cherrypicked pictures with photoshop filters and shit instead of normal pictures?
>Uses a cherry picked picture
Go to any East Asian city and look around. If you are not blind, your opinion on this matter will most likely change.
That gook looks like any other gook, you retarded rice roastie. You can't hide behind the meme flag.
Lol k, im not an incel, I can talk to women its not that hard. White men in general very socially akward and spend most of their days in doors. No one please stop respoinding to me with being an incel. An incel responsing back with you never get laid, doesn't bother me cuz I have a gf and plenty of past partners. It hurts you though that you re an incel( not you, whoever responds that way). Im on here so that you motherfuckers stop thinking you are in the majority or you re about to start a race war. We would win if you tried there's more of us and we are already killing you in all aspects of life where I live.
Because HAPA is the way of the future. White women are roasties, so what else can the white man do? Create a new, more powerful race, is what.
ok mohammed
also you saved quite an amount of asian shoolkids there. really makes me think
at least Japan and China have been important countries during history, can't say the same for yours sweetie
How is it cherrypicked? It’s a group setting with normal lighting unlike the ones everyone else is posting.
>Go to any East Asian city and look around. If you are not blind, your opinion on this matter will most likely change.
Are you retarded? Why would my opinion change? If I go to any Mongoloid shithole, I'll see that they look like pic related and not like your cherrypicked garbage. You realize that right, you can't be that fucking stupid.
No, those are Mongoloids, and you shouldn't be calling anyone a pedophile when you have yellow fever.
Cool story bro, one problem no one of any race will ever fuck you. Kind of a big problem there bro.
They don't, this is a false conception that you have created in your own mind. The only people on this board who seem to advocate that position are trolls, shills, boomers, and weebs from /a/ that are foreign to this board.
That's just what your dick thinks.
What the hell is on that plate?
high iq + high iq = high iq
Racemixing with niggers is good only if you care about physical strenght
average strenght + nigger strenght = nigger power
Herro laowai prease race mix with japanese women so communist china and israel can take over ja- I mean to create superior hapas haha!
Based sven