These might be Bibi's last days as PM
What are your thoughts
Israeli Election
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cant wait to see Bolsonaro & Gantz getting along.
>What are your thoughts
It was only in 2019 that the federal government examined SA's role in 9/11. The PNAC took the US for a multi trillion dollar ride, and all it cost was uncontrollable refugee waves in Europe, meanwhile accomplishing little else.
pretty upset since bibi was doing more to destroy israel than every muslim in the world combined.
No wonder why Tulshit was so afraid of Bibi.
Unless a war happens
>What are your thoughts
Hopefully Armageddon.
Whatever the final count is, the margin is narrow enough that Netanyahu will stay PM because he'll find some lunatic fringe to make a coalition with. This is the problem with parliamentary democracies. They aren't democracies. It doesn't matter how the people vote unless a supermajority supports a fuck the establishment party. The establishment only needs 34% support to maintain the status quo indefinitely.
I feel happy
It's looking bad.
Either Bibi is replaced with Saar the cuck who let an Ar*b fuck his daughter, either we have globohomo pedo Epstein associates in the government and maybe a literal Arab communist.
I would be ok with a Gantz-Netanyahu government though.
Can't you guys just go full civil war and purge all the unwanteds?
Netanyahu doesn't have enough seats right now
Good night Israel
Reminder that Cucky Gantz is a failed General who will prefer to risk his own soldiers over enemy population
So who's gonna win? Is lieberman based or cringe?
Go bibi
someone gives me a TL:DR link for non kikes to understand.
will there be war?
>Is lieberman based or cringe?
Depends on what happens tomorrow
>tfw you got redpilled on the crusades and they ruined a perfectly good Christian Byzantine empire
Whatever you yokels think is going to happen is not going to happen
It will never happen, he isn't corrupt.
And you will see him govern Bazil to the rest of your life.
Hopefully bibi gets locked up.
no, nothing ever happens
Yokels think Bibi will win and war will happen involving US
i really want to see the right of return. i will masturbate to the news reports
if he loses, civil war in Israel
that is what I predict
this is existential for the Ashkenazi kikes in Israel. Israel will become just another Arab country with some niggers thrown in for diversity. Hoisted by their own petard.
they will become an Arab country
Divine karma
Gantz is looking more like the winner right now and the next PM.
Do you think America may finally stop having its balls grabbed by Zionists after 72 years?
Next president of the US
Gantz would actually give us a better chance at peace.
Israelistan happening?
good hope he wins
Reminder that Bibi lost according to the previous election's exit polls. He'll get the most votes and seats again.
Liebermann is based in that he wants to gas all Haredi untermensch. Whether or not he is a mega based jew will be seen tomorrow. If he fucks over Netanyahu and aligns with Gantz he is a hero.
Dumbass, Saar is unironically more right wing than Bibi (for starters, he was against the disengagement from gaza, unlike bibi), and Gantz's party has people like Hauser, Boogie and Hendel who are also very right-wing
Also arapa have never been a part of any government, and they won't be this time either, or ever. They won't even recommend Gantz
We'll see tomorrow morning
I pray for union honestly. We need change but not a drastic one.
Will the previously Zehut voters save Bibi? My friends including me who voted for Zehut last time all voted for Likud so Feiglin gets to be minister
>Against US kikery ("mutual defense treaty"
>"Also on Thursday Netanyahu's chief rival Gantz assailed the idea as a "grave mistake", arguing it would strip Israel of military autonomy. "This is not what we want," the centrist candidate told a conference in Jerusalem. "We have never asked anyone to get killed for us. We have never asked anyone to fight for us. And we have never asked anyone's permission to defend the State of Israel."
>"Netanyahu has removed any ambiguity over his political needs, now he has lost it and wanted to drag us into war in order to postpone the elections," Gantz said."
Hes not the must US friendly guy.
Listen to the blue check marks, they are always right. Oh my fucking god, I really can't believe you posted this as argument in 2019 user.
Remainder Trump knew
>Right wing
Bibi is a cuck also don't get me wrong, continuing Oslo, funding Hamas, the right choice would've been Zehut, but they cucked out
Neither party has a coalition. Nobody wants a third round so the 2 major parties must get together. Problem is Gantz will sit with Likud but without Bibi. Bibi won't step down and Likud won't expel it's leader without proper primaries. Right now, or at least when the official results are published, that is the situation. But that could change depending on who the President chose to form a coalition, based on the number of MKs (representatives) recommendations. The catch is that Gantz needs recommendations from the Arab party even if they don't enter its government in the future. And that recommendation will not be free. Even then, it looks like Lieberman will remain a king maker. Then if the designated party leader fails to form a coalition, there will be plenty of arguments for all parties to recommend the second choice if they don't want to be voted out in the next elections for being responsible of another electoral round.
I'm saying there won't be much difference whether it's bibi or gantz, policy is going to stay the same. But now the hardeim might not be part of the future goverment, and that's always a good thing
Fuck Feiglin
I will return to Israel if Gantz wins, I miss it but im not willing to put 3 years of my life in military under bibi
Nigger cube shills coping hard.
Yeah but Meretz will be a part of it and in the case of a rak lo bibi unity government a literal cuck with an Arab son-in-law will lead the major right-wing party in Israel.
>if he loses, civil war in Israel
you just want a happening
It just so happens Iran is starting anuddah shoah right now too!
the jews will probably rig the elections like always
He broke my heart
what's he saying, some Jew translate
he is just thanking people
nah, it is fake news
>it's real
can't imagine being this much of a fucking shabbos goy
please be fake
real results
only 5% counted
bw last update for now - likud and gantz both 32, araps 13, lieberman 9, shaked 7
Did bibi start a war in gaza? Did he annex jordan valley? Neither will Gantz
I voted Joint List for the lulz.
Up to 15 seats as we speak
beck thinks he's redpilled but he's not
Shoo shoo stinky jew
hello the israeli ambassador to the US
he literally works for kikes and passes down his spare shekels to closet fag shills like crowder and shapiro
didn't you goyim hear over 6 gorillion jews have been moirdered awrady, whadda shoa!
I guess his new teeth won him the election.
He also wants to gas the arabs, which makes him twice as based
It's annuda shoah
Good bye Jewish King. Syria and Iran survived. Maybe try harder in another life.
Don’t speak so soon. He’s already been politically reborn once, he may do it again in another ten years.
Likud will reconvene sometime and work their kike magic to get him back into power at some point or another.
>What are your thoughts
peace in our times
Yeah giving some kike 4 billion a year to spy on us and genocide arabs (then get us into another war) is super based. kill yourself.
>in another ten years
When he's 80?
Abigail please.
Oy vey
>genocide arabs
if only
>gfuel codes
>Israel genociding arabs
>Also 3rd biggest party is Arab
Not sure if it's a good thing if he loses.
I never understand how there are so many defective votes
What's so difficult to enter a card into an envelope. And yes I know there are protests and trolls but they could've voted for the small parties that no one cares about or remembers
Fuck Bibi and fuck you Shlomo.
>using chrome on linux
what's the point, john?
top kek.
Such islamophobe.
>Oy vey goy don't be christian!
why the fuck is there zehut ballot????
All good stuff.
>Bibi getting cucked
>Israel getting more ARABed
Why would you want this?
people do that on purpose
a way to cheat is to draw something on a back of a note so it doesn't get counted
i mean to draw on the notes that you don't use
i'm not afraid of no spying. Everything's fine Avi.