...you bigots
This is a New York Times article.
Can I pay Suvi Koponen to shit on me? I'll gove her 130% more than I would pay a man.
I have many questions about this picture
>why are there two women in the stall on the far left?
>why is there a dude in the stall in the middle
>why does the woman on the far right need to take her shoes off to take a shit?
Guarentee this is written by a woman who accidentally shat out a booming log while other women were in the room and couldn't stop thinking about it for a week. Women are too easy to read
>I have many questions about this picture
>>why are there two women in the stall on the far left?
>>why is there a dude in the stall in the middle
>>why does the woman on the far right need to take her shoes off to take a shit?
I immediately wondered the same three things. What the fuck is going on here?
>Women poop.
No they don't.
>taking your shoes off in the toilet
Research the Noahide Laws. Jews, Catholics, and Muslims are in agreement. The false Jewish law they all created mentions Jesus 0 times. They agree that those who disobey their contrived laws will be beheaded. The one world government is coming under the antichrist.
Every president since 1991 has signed and upheld the Noahide Laws, starting with Bush (H.J Res 104).
The Third Temple is in the process of being built.
September 25th, the process starts.
70 Nations will meet. They sign the agreement. Then, an animal sacrifice on the Mount of Olives.
Yup. Been working at an office evenly female/male and nobody has ever even hinted at the discomfort there.
Someone probably teased her about ripping farts and she couldn't handle the bantz.
When another guy's in the restroom we go about our business, or make a fart joke.
The second is gender neutral bathrooms.
No idea the other two.
Women are a fucking meme
Also, the poses in this picture are very strange. For instance, the woman on the far left is sheepishly placing one foot towards the other while the other woman moves into her space aggressively. The man is pissing at a very strange angle, like he's intentionally trying to get closer to the two women in the stall. The woman taking a shit has one foot on the other like she is bearing down at an angle, as if to splash the side of the toilet with her shit.
Somethings not right for sure.
women poo? thats fucking disgusting
why are their 2 people in one stall?
Whatever it is, it's brave and progressive.
>Work at firework store
>Female coworker apparently shit out a dead skunk into the toilet
>Next customer goes in and comes out coughing and laughing telling his friends "holy shit", they're all laughing now
>I think he's exaggerating and trying to make a scene, used to bad smells from dirty jobs
>Go in to turn fan on and spray
>Eyes start watering, smell physically throws me from the bathroom "What the FUCK"
>We're all laughing now
>Boomer roastie in the corner looking at me like I just deleted her Facebook.
This is normal in the bathrooms of the NYT, bigot.
>its real
I will never be with a female who defecates. The whole reason my last girlfriend and I split was because I found out she did, in fact, poop. For months I had suspected something suspicious. Every time we had ethnic cuisine, she would act very odd, especially afterwards. I would try to cuddle with her and fondle her, only to have my advances rejected and her leaving the room. It all came to a head one day when I came home early from work. As usual I wanted to take my shower, but there on the couch, was my girlfriend pleading with me to wait a bit before I cleansed myself. Well, fuck that. I wasn't going to wait another second to purify myself under my brand new showerhead. It then got even more strange. The closer I got to the bathroom the more nervous she became. At one point she even stood directly in front of the door, blocking me. When I finally was able to enter the room, I was horrified at my discovery. It smelled like shit, and not my shit either. No, this was a different, unknown aroma. So here I am, nose deep in an awful smell, my girlfriend next to me crying. I get PISSED. I ask her where the guy is, who he is and how long this has been going on. All she does is look back at me with tear-filled eyes and confusion as she asks what I'm talking about. I then notice the toilet is clogged and at this point I'm screaming at her about whose feces lay in my toilet bowl. Finally, after what seemed like aeons, she broke down, looked me straight in my eyes and said "babe, it's mine. I told you spicy food doesn't agree with me. " Well, that's all I could handle. I was really hoping she would pull the shower curtain back to reveal a naked man, but instead all I got was an admission that my once beautiful and dainty girlfriend had desecrated my porcelain throne with her dirty whore feces. Needless to say, I packed my belongings up instantly and never looked back. Be careful who you trust.
the movement is OVER with this news lads
were never gonna make it
shut down the site, it was a good run while it lasted
>Be careful who you trust.
retards cant be trusted without their handlers
Yeah that picture makes it look like some scat-stuff is going on or something. I've never seen or heard of a guy having a problem with women pooping at work either. This is just women having a problem with themselves and blaming men though...
The real issue is how women's bathrooms are always notoriously messier than males. Ask any janitor, any where on earth and they'll confirm this.
at least they don't fart.
if women farted then our whole male conspiracy is torn apart.
Journalists will believe this to be real and not satire.
i will never skip reading this pic. its just too good
Do women also is lesbians and barefoot while poop?
why the fuck is she wearing a guitar hero controller
>smashing the tools that control women
>wears a controller
can human beings really be this retarded?
Never in my entire life have I myself complained or heard another man complaining about woman pooping in the workplace bathroom
Like what the fuck is she even mad about
its right there in the title.
>Get Over It.
it has nothing to do with women pooping at work, its about suppressing any resistance to abnormal behavior. if you see something you dont like or agree with, you are no longer allowed to speak up about it, otherwise your opinion will be violently suppressed and you tow the line like all the other drones.
this has nothing to do with pooping at work, its about control. always has been.
It can be said that is "Fats against facts"
Cmon guys, women’s poop big starchy browns and the sounds go fraaaaaap plop plop and that’s ok.
I once had a 21 year old blonde ask me to give her an enema. This was the moment I discovered that a) women are far more perverted than men, and b) they do, in fact, poo.
won't be long and real news articles about "if you don't rape women you're a sexist"
>2people in the left stall.
>person in the right stall has shoes off
>2nd from left is facing the wrong direction.
What the fuck kind of workplace is this
Duh that's why I picked the office close to the bathrooms.
The Apparatchik Times
subhuman detected
>not getting fully undressed every time you go to the bathroom
A public toilet you pleb.
>women have the right to be raped
Get some fucking pooporri for God's sake you fucking heathen.
I love shitting on the clock, and if you start getting roasted for it by your boss just look him right on the eye and shamelessly tell him you have diarrhea.
Always works for me.
You guys want to hear a funny story?
My wife works at an advertising firm and schedules ads for TV and radio. One of her coworkers is a gargantuan fat-body. Like 400+ lbs. This woman has pooped on the floor while waddling to the bathroom on two separate occasions. “How did she do this?” you may ask. She only wears moo moos and flip flops, so when she can no longer hold back the brown tide of shit boiling in her colon it simply falls out of her and onto the floor. She doesn’t clean it up or even offer to pay for a cleaning service. She simply heads home and comes back to work the next day as if nothing happened. HR doesn’t interview her and a reprimand is out of the question.
This is the world we live in today: disgusting, planetoid-sized women are allowed to shit on the floor with impunity. I sometimes wonder what would’ve happened if a normally sized man shat on the floor and I’ve come to the conclusion that he would be summarily fired for his disgusting behavior.
Double-standard is an understatement.
Poo in the loo
damn that's like 2.3 courics
The only time i'm shitting in public is when I would've shit my pants otherwise, even just pissing in a public urinal is a little much but at least I barely touch anything.
call that shit in to her boss. post results
I think I would G-LOC on the toilet if I tried to birth that intact.
At least exercise some colon control to pinch and form it in to more manageable portions... or don't eat entire 64 oz tub of Kraft Macaroni and cheese in one sitting.
Childbirth Simulator 1.2
Epidural and episiotomy recommend
>why are there two women in the stall on the far left?
It's just one woman, but she's bent over and has her hands in shoes too.
I'd believe it. It seems like every job you have some dumb old bitch doing something a man would be fired for but she's still around.
Ha, love it.
How is this even possible?
Because there's discussions between co-workers about this topic.
I have an explanation for this: It's a liberal's mind who drew this, and wrote the article.
That's fucked up. I fucking hate roasties.
This is the correct answer to the questions, except you're also supposed to happy about it.
It's a good theory.
what the fuck
Imagine being in that third stall, surrounded by all this crazy shit going on around you and you're just trying to take your after-lunch dump in peace. Fuck that, I'll just hold it until I get home.
I have answered your questions.
Here is the truth behind the doors.
Mannequins legs from the shoe store.
Don't care, every body poops.
It's the sight and scent of menstrual blood that makes me sick.
Holy shit
That was a good toast
Female and low test male reporting is such a fucking joke. Next time you hear a news story on the radio note the shit that women reporters choose to do their reports on, and note the pitch of the male's voice if he's talking about something absolutely retarded. It's always a woman or cuckman when it's something degenerate or seditious they're reporting on.
I have never known a single woman who would want to take a dump with a man in the stall next to her. Thank god.
Instead of destroying with a hammer or other shits..why don't those mongoloid sows just sit on it?