Big ass for President 2020
Big ass for President 2020
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I want her squeeze the sweat from that tank top into my mouth
Nothing special about ole plain jane here.
At least no tattoos
1 succ = 1 vote
urge to colonize rising
Nuclear Warhead for president.
Make America Glassed Again
She might after a hard fucking from Jamal.
Have some self respect for Christ's sake.
That’s not even her. All of these Tulsi pics are of some actress that kind of looks like her. All the good ones
>Projecting this hard
Just say it, you fantasize about niggers
More pics pls.
I'm voting for coconut milk mommy now, sorry Drumpf.
The no tattoos is huge. They get the dumbest fucking tattoos too, like a donkey. Not kidding about that one, she lifted up her shirt, and she had a fucking donkey tattooed on her back.
Man that foundation is laid on thick. Makes me wonder what colour she really is.
Her face has so many acne scars it literally looks like a golf ball.
ugly for president 2020 lmfao
Big mouth needs punching!
she looks like anthony cumia underneath it all
O-ooooh a woman!
Voting for the thicc honkey
It's coooooommmm nigga
KYS can't even fucking meme right.
Let’s not go overboard here.
>advertising thread
Wtf is this? Mods! Also who the fuck gives a shit about another leftist cunt that wants to take your rights away
Someone explain why fake news NBC would be against Tulsi.
ur my new fav poster
I'm going to need a Jew check on that nose
late 30s, no children. Shouldn't be in politics, should be having kids. What is wrong with her.
lol, black air force sarge is having none of it.
>She might after a hard fucking from Jamal.
>Have some self respect
Do you read what you post? Do you not realize the things that come to your mind?
Because Mommy thinks all Americans are her children.
This. Having children should be a prerequisite for a political career.
old fugly disfiguered mutt, but i guess different strokes for diff folks, and her counterpart is biden...
btw, muricans are nonexistent in this sport, wonder why?
No negroes, must be cringey for em :D , but there's actual sprint involved eh, what gives? I mean how hard can it be, the rute is ALWAYS the fucking same, oh wait:
no, no poles in bouldering nor lead, kinda agrees with everything race related with regards to your biology routine here, bonus points:
apparently niggers can't run whenever there's any obstacle at all, like carrying a baton and managing a curve at the same time:
This, dont understand the hype
Found coconut milks dad
Not voting for a dog eating bugman
Crazy eyes. no thanks
ass pics plzzz bruh
either way, burgers are kind of over this fetich adter close to a decade of shitshow at this point, and tulsi seems to be in similar position to (((sanders and ron paul in not fake media at all - what i'm saying is i do not envy your job shilling for this roastie, at all
dunno - old shit does not work for timestaamping so the second link is 15 mins in
3rd is 45:30
bitch literally looks like Noriega
50:30 for jessie pilz
jewtube link, she wins by 8 seconda agaisnt phwnomenon of janja gambret - where're your nig nogs, it's all i'm asking, and maybe why your poilitics curves around a dried up cunt that sweats doing meme excercise
I want her to squeeze my head between her thighs
Tulsi Gabbard is the only candidate who’s loudly advocating for major realignment of U.S. policy in the Middle East. She understands our country has fucked itself, for wars that didn’t leave the American people better off.
>if only you knew how bad things really are...
You think she can gape her asshole?
>loudly advocating for major realignment of U.S. policy in the Middle East.
it's done, it's infn place and working right now thanks to orange jesus - iran is not invaded Assad is still alive and kicking
you're talking about Trump, and you don't even realize it.
I just fucking wonder - wtf is he going to do with global debt/ currency shithsow, gotta hurry up and wait i guess
yes just like men having a family , its in the bible as a prerequisite for being a pastor or bishop/overseer teacher, "able to rue his own house"
Does Norway not have a political system you can care about?
oh she can, either way it's a 40 yo mixed asshole - how much would you pay for it?
that skin is not attractive,
I don't know in my mid40s, what type of mix is she?
burgers are so superficial, don't you love your politics when you can choose betweed half dead pedophile and idiot instagram whore against orange jesus? what's wrong with you
German Samoan Euro, oh wow, I bet the Samoan in her can take it deep.
shutup kielbasa, you can't lecture us on anything.
some islander or sth, hint:
thinkin bout holes is not good in politics, ever
So brown.
Just say "brown", Polefren.
All we need to know. She has to go back.
Those are brazilian monkeys, not pacific islanders.
Why aren't you having kids?
>not pacific islanders.
any sport achivements by them?
When was the last time a male candidate tried the whole look how pretty I am thing
Oh yeah Justin Trudeau.....
Competitive eating?
So also a brown island female?
>What is wrong with her.
>Why aren't you having kids?
baseless assumption
I think in Rugby, yes and american football :^)
Life really passed me by. I had it all and lost it. I just want to go home.
grabbing at straws - pls entertain me with examples
If he hadn’t pulled out of JCPOA, and sanctioned Iran, they wouldn’t be desperately enriching uranium right now. The Gulf wouldn’t be showcasing how laughable America’s credible threat of force is, in the region. Trump reneged on the deal, out of a sense of extreme and misguided confidence, that he could threaten and bully Iran into unconditional, nuclear capitulation. He pretended and bluffed lthat the U.S. was prepared to do what it would take to win a shooting war with Iran. Iran has called his bluff, and the United States is humiliated.
Tulsi Gabbard wouldn’t have seen the gain in such over the top, aggressive, foolhardy actions. Trump has no foreign policy, only impulses and grandiose gestures—as a result, all of our allies are extremely hesitant to join any of our ad hoc coalitions.
Trump has catalyzed the already waning global influence of this country.
For all of these reasons, I’m aware many Eastern Europeans couldn’t be more delighted with my president.
Imagine straining to get her on top of you while her heel is diggin in to your leg, im not as strong as I used to be but I would give it a shot.
Don't listen to , you might have just found a new way to use this
tulsi spelled backward: iSlut
I like her. Too bad she won’t make it to the debate.
Sad part is she would probably win if she posted nudes.
>Tulsi Gabbard wouldn’t
choose to get railed up her ass when she's not satisfied with "bull" she'd been hooked up with, justst fuck me harder, faster, "wtf" - she excllaims, as her ratings as potential fuckhole sorry "sole superpowe commander an chief" go down
i know u're a limp wristed faggot paid pennies to penn this bs, i am entertained, a bit
Dunno if you noticed but i dont care about trump at all. I am immensly entertained with his phiscal and monetary influence/policy. it's like watching a critter get into a tight spot and trying to get out - for all of them, worldwide
>President Thot
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I'd rub her down with coconut oil all over her ass and tits.
She'd get more votes without the bra underneath. I can't wait for in 20-30 years when we start getting world leaders with r/gonewild accounts
Wish I had a gf or wife like this, I'd wrestle with her all the time in the bedroom, even let her win once in a while. I hate life.
>wtf is he going to do with global debt/ currency shithsow
(((the fed))) runs the economy
short the market
crash the market
count the money