Moderators become red-pilled.
Moderators become red-pilled
They've long since given up debating, since they always lose them. They're resorting to "deplatforming", aka censorship.
You would believe the oversite hovering over the FBI/gchq that are paid to sit in these forums all day.
Truth is the path of least resistance.
>Watching color hair people coordinate mass flag no so right material.
>Watching some no so bad material get coordinated banned
This has been going on for a long time.
Back in the 2016 election a ton of CTR shills came out and admitted that being on Jow Forums made them redpilled.
The cycle cannot be broken. The pattern has repeated itself more times than you can fathom.
>Moderators become retarded
we farm out our moderation to low-skill contractors in texas and pay them pennies. these are the stupid, lower class people who are easily swooned by the hilarious hucksters and conspiracy theorists on the platform. we all saw this coming desu
>Truth is the path of least resistance.
That belief is what sends the people into traps literally and figuratively.
Truth gets buried.
But I guess it doesn't fit on a bumper sticker, does it?
If it isn't right, it's wrong
>being exposed to the truth makes you redpilled
Pic related
moderating facebook is probably pretty based, you get handpicked b&r posts to look at prioritized by butthurt generated before you delete them
This is why you see shills constantly pushing for IRL "action."
This is why (((they))) constantly campaign for shutting *chans down.
This is why you've seen multiple articles claiming that "ironic Nazism" is just as bad as actual Nazism.
Memes have always been the answer.
They can kill men, and they can silence ideas, but they can't stop the memes.
They already tried with CTR and ShareBlue, which failed miserably since their memes aren't based around reality or some kind of primal concept. "TRUMP IS BABY HAS SMALL HANDS!!" is literally the best they got.
"Have sex" is a meme from /asp/, so don't even try to claim it as some leftist anti-incel meme.
We are one.
Come to the truth
Well lets not be stingy with the gems while we have a captive audience (Pro Tip: we will have a captive audience as long as pol dishes out the dirt that nobody else is brave enough to. That's right, folks. Truth was the only real weapon we ever had.) Here's one of my favorites:
In about 20 years time, the darkie slaves will rebel hard against their Jewish Masters and rich white Good Goy overseers. The white Baby Boom generation will be dying fast and too old to fight if still alive. No media outlet but pol can talk about such hard truths. That's why (((they))) fear us.
It's revealing that being exposed to the truth makes one "right wing", and the left fears this to such a degree that the people policing speech on the internet to the benefit of the left are themselves policed by other leftists. Right-wing internet circles might be the Wild West, but left-wing internet circles are very much the Ministry of Truth and operate in an atmosphere of terror.
The truth is infectious
We were able to leave any time and we were still redpilled.
Imagine being force fed redpills every single day as your job.
Sure they're less effective when you try to force them, but that's because people resist and leave or stop listening. They couldn't stop.
if only that were on an actual TNG episode.
Keep in mind jordan peterson is "far right" to these faggots.
And yet jannies are faggots who do it... For FREE.
Most shills and mods get paid to trudge through our stuff all day long. So this is only an inevitability.
At first the normie they hire for the job is just wading through and shilling/deleting memes. But then they come across something like pic related. At first, the normie responds with assuming this image is nothing but insane far right neo nazi conspiracy nonsense. That is after all, the response the mainstream media has programmed people to see things like this as.
But then when the normie starts looking for ways to discredit the image, he starts to notice something...not quite right. All the facts and sources in the image check out. None of the data is inaccurate, and the conclusions drawn are completely logical. This is where the normie starts to enter panic mode. Existential crisis. How could this be? Why am I unable to prove any of this wrong? What the FUCK is going on?!? And so the normie stays, and lurks a bit, and learns.
Eventually, they ask the #1 question. If all this is true, why does the media overwhelming report the exact opposite. And then they take another look at (((who))) is in charge of the media...then the reality finally hits him.
The normie now has no choice but to awaken to realizing the terrible truth: All of humanity is being systemically lied to by the elite. And not only is the world being lied to, but they are being regularly fed propaganda that is designed to keep them mindless and hypnotized. This way, (((they))) can get away with hiding the truth that we are all being robbed of our culture, money, and values - all in plain site. Anyone can do the research to discover that we are right. But because people are brainwashed to view the truth as a "far right" conspiracy, the truth stays buried and hidden. The people stay stupid and asleep. The marching band of diversity marches on.
Welcome Neo, to the real world.
Old news pal
We've known this for like a year.
It's a shame Jow Forums's jannies are immune.
Users have been predicting this would happen for years, but it's true? Color me surprised.
Aka book burning.
((((Addicted to extreme material))))
Yes, TRUTH and FACTS are addictive!
I'm a moderator to a porn site and the opposite happened to me.
They banned political discussion, of any kind, extreme or not.
And even when I encountered the "kill the Jew" talk, I deleted it all the same.
I slowly found myself just instinctively turning away from right wing sentiment every time I did so, because when these people discuss this shit against orders, you get angry at them.
Maybe you're just an unwitting NPC.
Also a lot of faggots on the so called right are terrible at expressing their views, largely because they fell into them just like people on the left fall into theirs. There are the people who think and ask themselves "why?" with regards to their own views, and there are those who agree with shit out of hand because it's presented in a particular way.
>but should have*
"OY VEY, it's anudder Shoah!"
>unwitting NPC
I started to realize this. But even when you know you are an NPC, its still easy to switch sides at the drop of a hat for me. I've literally gone from being right to left to right to left to right.
And I don't mean in the Dem vs Rep kind of way. I mean literal unironic socialist back to being white supremacist with no middle ground.
>I mean literal unironic socialist back to being white supremacist with no middle ground.
Can we talk about this for a moment? I've noticed this quite a bit. Why do people do this? Which demographics of person do it the most?
People growing up between left and right propaganda. Simple confusion.
>Users have been predicting this would happen for years, but it's true
No, I mean there have been released articles like this before.
>Beyond the trauma of watching disturbing content, the job also leaves some moderators radicalized by extreme views. “Employees have begun to embrace the fringe viewpoints of the videos and memes that they are supposed to moderate,” Newton wrote. “One auditor walks the floor promoting the idea that the Earth is flat. A former employee told me he has begun to question certain aspects of the Holocaust.”
>“Collectively, the employees described a workplace that is perpetually teetering on the brink of chaos. It is an environment where workers cope by telling dark jokes about committing suicide, then smoke weed during breaks to numb their emotions,” Newton wrote. “It’s a place where, in stark contrast to the perks lavished on Facebook employees, team leaders micromanage content moderators’ every bathroom and prayer break.”
Based but fuck commies.
Of course they do.
Facebook mods can't handle the bantz
It’s ok to be white
There were never any actual CTR shills you dumb idiot hahaha. God this place is so stupid.
You'd turn into a walking auschwitz too if you had to read facebook shit all day
Ironic Nazis is worse.
It creates false hysteria which in turn can create civil unrest which makes it and the dsinfo it pushes a national security threat.
The faggot ass Zoomers on 4 chan should all be hunted down and fucking hung for pretending t be white racists.
Let them reap the chaos and destruction which they have sown upon us.
Memes are a psyop to control you. Think for yourself. Break out of the cult like mentality and stop being part of a hive mind.
>Looking at the same pictures and letting them guide your consiousness
Yeah what could possibly go wrong?
>the truth will out
but can redditors be fixed?
>not masturbating vigorously
The time draws ever nearer, fellow Nordbro.
>Break out of the cult like mentality and stop being part of a hive mind.
Collective consciousness is not the answer, goyim. Please be individualistic again and return to the fields. We need you to buy material things you don't need. Make mixed-race abominations. etc. etc.
90% of Nazis online are niggers, spics, kikes, or chinks, and mongrels. The idea that any self respecting white man would honestly advocate to plunge his society into war and chaos which benifits the third world by destroying our own is beyond laughable and ignrant.
Real racist just avoid the diversity agenda and keep to themselves.
They work and better themselves.
Anyone who advocates violence is either a minority or a cop. Period.
addiction to redpills
Except that we're the ones who make the memes.
You're just jelly because you're losing.
>moderators become enlightened
Read Gustav Lebon brainlet. Group psychology s dangerous because it erroded your self preservation and ability to think freely and queation authority. You're either retarded or a fucking low nigger. Either way you're just wrong.
Collective consiousness is what drives loss. It creates dispar and destroys nations.
You're a Nazis right? How'd that work out? How's Germany doing these days? You absolute fucking retarded faggot.
>“Collectively, the employees described a workplace that is perpetually teetering on the brink of chaos. It is an environment where workers cope by telling dark jokes about committing suicide, then smoke weed during breaks to numb their emotions,
i am eminently qualified for this job. where do i sign up?
You were like you know every meme maker and where they all originate from. You literally cannot know that and operate from a place of ignorance.
1-If you are a shill, open one of those links
1.1-Both have same content, the pastbin one is to make 100% sure you know you wont be tracked by me.
1.2-If they dont allow you to visit the link, there is something shady going on and you should be afraid of it.
1.3-The text is called new order of barbarians, if they tell you the site have virus, ip logging or something like that, search at your prefered web search site and read it at another site, there are more than one site with the text. There is also the pastebin, I posted before.
2-Read the entire text.
3-The text is not so huge, this was not made to make sure you read something and stop working while doing it, you can do both at the same time.
3.1-If they dont allow you yo read the text saying you can't read external links at work time, read at home, remember the text is called new order of barbarians, again, new order of barbarians.
If they aren't telling you everything they wont allow you to read the text.
If somehow not even them, know everything, and allow you to read it, then read it anyway, the way you act will be influenced by the text and they will force you to quit or whateaver and you will see they werent telling you everything.
HOPE - the thread
Lol nigga just be national socialist
Best of both worlds
Hitler just burned the books promoting pedophilia and trannyism. Is he /ourguy/?
>Anyone who advocates violence is either a minority or a cop. Period.
Whites have a duty to stem the subhuman assault. We were born warriors. Many have simply forgotten their past nobility and greatness. Niggers have degenerate gangster rap culture, which pushes them to be murderous and "masculine" to women, and the whites have National Socialism with fancy uniforms.
You're the low IQ subhuman. You're probably a stupid Communist. Where is the individuality in that political philosophy? National Socialism is the answer to your own philosophy. National Socialism means loyalty to your race and the Fuehrer (and by proxy, the state). Individualism, especially in modern-day materialist consumerist America and Europe, causes all sorts of degeneracy in clothing, music, art, and everything cultural. Individualism in a democracy has run its course and has resulted in extreme slavery which is disguised as freedom. Sodomy, homosexuality, transsexualism, drug abuse, etc. And if you speak out against it, well TOO BAD! You're banned on the internet! The well for individualistic sub-cultures has completely dried up, with all possible clothing and grooming fads passing, such as emos, or leather jacket Harley riders, whatever and etc.
Individuality is a complete meme without lasting appeal. When people have too much freedom, they become so culturally bankrupt that the only way to save them from themselves is through authoritarian collectivism.
That sounds unpleasant
best pizza
>there’s no shill here goy
Yeah...You just convince me you are the shill
$0.05 have been deposited into your account. Thank you for Correcting The Record.
Imagine how many glowniggers got redpilled on here
and yet they still do nothing even though they are the only ones remotely powerful enlugh to actual change something through leaking.
how to stop the Ai from becoming redpilled ?
You are correct. The mouse utopia experiment is coming to an end, prepare yourselves young men!
You’re dumb. I know of at least one confirmed
(((Catastrophic effects)))
So sick of this BS narrative. What does far right even mean these days? On a pure government control scale, communism and socialism are on one end and pure anarchy is on the other so the whole system is a fraud.
Why don't libtards ever get called "far right" since they openly advocate socialism similar to the nazis? Hopefully people see these dumb labels for what they are.
Hail victory, blood and empire!
>every bathroom and prayer break
>prayer break
Are the Facebook moderator offices in London or something?
Lol they literally have Winston Smith's job from 1984.
YOU AGAIN? KYS faggot kike
Anarchists are socialists
Got proofs nigger
I am not a kike you stupid windbag
>Don't have a people user, just live alone, stay by yourself
But I have a folk to protect, yuden.
The images that show who owns the media, Hollywood and the degeneracy that it pushes, and how the government got silent real quick when it was announced that Israel was caught up with the Steele Dossier spying is what spread around the office and pissed people off and started changing people. The Soros stuff too. The tipping point for everyone so far is the outright silencing and suppression of people on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google, etc. It pushed a number of far left people to the right.
Remove memeflag
>AI automatically becomes alt-right without any human interference
>mods do too
>he still thinks he's in control
Come on man this is pathetic we can all see you
Remember, even when we are censored, we win. keep fighting.
If its not been posted yet, pic related.
The series ended after the first game for me. SO MUCH fucking potential, and they threw it in the gutter.
De que hablas pendejo?
this needs to be made into a movie.
Stupid shill.
Accelerationism means we come out victorious from this unrest, not quietly die out.
We've known this for years. The truth always wins.
This is also why the shills freak out whenever something happens and calls everything reddit. Usually you just tell people to lurk more and stop acting like an off board faggot, but the shills want people to actually leave and not read.
Under appreciated
thats a shoebill, not a stork. You're a disgrace.