What do?

I’ve inherited 4.6 million dollars. What would you do to invest it?

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100+ acres, a great house, an intelligent and fine wife that wants to raise many children and home-school them, some beer, a nice pool table.

Research the Noahide Laws. Jews, Catholics, and Muslims are in agreement. The false Jewish law they all created mentions Jesus 0 times. They agree that those who disobey their contrived laws will be beheaded. The one world government is coming under the antichrist.

Every president since 1991 has signed and upheld the Noahide Laws, starting with Bush (H.J Res 104).

The Third Temple is in the process of being built.

September 25th, the process starts.

70 Nations will meet. They sign the agreement. Then, an animal sacrifice on the Mount of Olives.

Buy a house, put 3 mil away for you to live off the interest, have some fun, get a new car, wardrobe and computer. Then use your time to learn skills that you want to learn. Look for opportunities within your relatively small means along the way. DO NOT buy or start a restaurant or bar. Also, send me a few shekels please. Not because I’m a good guy, just cause I’m broke: 0x2F4504fa0725c8463Acbe55A2ac8Fc193FDB0359 Thanks!

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Electronic billboard that does legit ads, and a front company that purchases time on the board for some low key redpills, such as the fact that IQ is 80% heritable.

soapbar and lampshade emporium

Invest it all in a shitcoin, whichever one sounds like it has the coolest, techno-futurist name.

Post your receipt on Jow Forums and it will probably create enough hype amongst those retards that you can effectively dump it the next day with great returns.

Buying a home seems practical but the real estate market seems high right now. Are land and home prices going to correct in the near future?

Billboards, but ones that say "Israel did 9/11"

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I'd buy a house and land in the midwest, buy a new truck, new boat, a sweet workshop, finish going to college, take a travel break in life, and still have $3 Million left to live off the interest.

I don’t know. Buy the house you want to live in for a reasonable price and it doesn’t matter much. I’m in a suburb of Detroit and just bought. 4 bedrooms for under 300k. If the market crashes, the price will dip, but probably recover. Besides, I have to live somewhere.

Put 2 mil in a diversified dividend portfolio. Buy land somewhere comfy. Rest hookers and blow.

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Brapbarns. It’s more than a meme, you can live the dream and develop technology worth millions, even billions to the beef/dairy industry of the future for recapturing methane to sell for fuel and reduce pollution.

Real estate is reasonable if you buy in the right markets. If you go near any major city, especially on the East and West Coast or in Florida, you are fucking yourself.

Why are these posts happening every month or so? Jewish tricks?

Depends entirely on the market.
But even in a bad market, if you spend frugally, you'll be all right. It's only a bad "buy" if you sell.

just go hire a jew to help you, they may be just the worst people but they are rich for a reason

Turtle habitats

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hookers and blow

>Buy 1 million worth of gold, bury it.

research investing, start a business, buy out a small farm and make a deal with a farmer to send you fresh food.

Aristocrat dividends are great. But any stocks or bond are horrifically over priced at the moment. Wait for the big dip thats coming, and use your newly acquired investing knowledge to buy the right assets.

Don't spend it all, don't buy a fucking house like everyone will tell you. Taxes, maintenance, insurance, and the current prices are way to high right now.

I'd put 1 mil in Litecoin and forget about it for two more years. Then reassess from there.

1 mil in gold and silver coins.

I'd take a 15 year mortgage on a nice middle-class house in a nice neighborhood, and live comfortably.

I'd buy a couple hundred acres of undeveloped land in the mountains and dig out an underground shelter just in case SHTF...

I'd make myself very well prepared in general...

The rest would go into various savings accounts and I'd make an automatic monthly transfer to checking for spending money.

wait on real estate, the market will probably crash again soon and you'll get way more value, OR wait until rising sea levels finally spooks insurance companies and you can pick up million Oceanside properties in Cali for free.

Bitcoin, thank me later.

Unironically Euros.

invest, grow it.
then fund stuff that liberals hate for exposing their lies.

Cocaine, fast cars, beautiful women. Congrats you made it bro. Just don't feel too bad in a couple years when you're living on the streets. They say the flame that burns twice as bright burns out twice as fast. Don't worry about the future.