What's so bad about antifa again? You don't see them shooting up churches or running a car into a crowd.
What's so bad about antifa again? You don't see them shooting up churches or running a car into a crowd
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At least one of the recent mass shootings was by an antifa fag, so I know you're full of shit.
So it's only a 1:2000 ratio.
No kills - but not for lack of trying.
This just proves you're incompetent.
They have good intentions, there's no disputing that... it's just that they're the most insufferable collection of people alive right now.
>They don't kill people with guns so they're good people
>they have good intentions
>larping as lefties while being paid by jew social groups is a good intention
Why should they? They’re the ones who’s ideology is being pushed on college campuses and media outlets, they’re the ones who have been constantly making progress and taking over for the last 50 years, they’re the ones with the power, not right wingers.
They aren't going to make it are they?
poo poo pee pee
>Last 10 years
>Antifa only a thing on a large scale for 2 years
>Totally fair comparison
That's because the average Antifag is a pussy college kid larper. MSM-approved herd creatures with nothing to back up their words.
The right is just more hardcore.
What ever it is, Antifa represents an ideology that if given authority would kill 50% of the population based on critical theory feminism.
you've been utterly destroyed
btw, killing leftists (read: traitors) is a civic duty
Maybe your little tracker should compare right wing vs keft left wing
Antifa are the good guys. Stop eating the Jow Forumspill.
They’re all useless losers
I personally would count all deaths caused by the neoliberal ZOG homo nigger breeding machine as "Antifa" because the governments in that category are all opposed to fascism.
Category error.
>every killing by anyone who's so much as said "nigger" or "faggot" on Xbox Live is right-wing.
>every fatality from niggers mugging and robbing people is not considered left-wing, even though the forcible redistribution of wealth at gunpoint is a staple of left-wing ideology
Yeah, keep cooking those numbers, faggot.
>leftyshits cant into guns
this is old news, similar to the statistic that women fail at suicide more than men because they dont use guns as much
Almost all mass shootings are by left wingers or antifa supporters. One of the last ones was by a bernie sanders supporter. you shouldnt make it so obvious user
Weimar Germany killed hundreds of thousands of Germans through their blatant and pernicious abuse of those people. Stalin killed ~40m (is the about average estimate from highs of 55m and lows of 30m) kulaks because they were “the bourgeoisie”. Mao killed 60m Chinese in his glorious pursuit of an anti-capitalist state
Even if you multiplied all of the deaths from all of the Crusades (which were a series of defensive wars after 700yrs of Muslim conquest absorbed most of Byzantium, pushing them about halfway into modern day France) by 100, you wouldn’t have half the deaths that Antifa and its resulting violence and slaughter have provoked and created
When did these "right wingers" kill so many people? Is she counting muslim terrorist as "tight wingers"?
antifa killed people in greece
antifa is fully supported by the regime and institutions of power, there's no need for murder when the state will help you
dont forget the jew who shot people over madden, the la creatura who shot up the school & every arab shooter since they're counted as white in the census.
The reason right wing terrorism is way more common that left wing terrorism is because the far right/ultra-authoritarian is the fringe. Terrorism is only generally practised by people with little to no power or representation.
You finniggers should stop competing with canada for who can be the most abhorrent shitposters. At least Autistralians are funny and lighthearted, we can see the faggotry and bitterness oozing from your cuntposting.
Except her chart is wrong. Plenty of leftist mass murderers, including spree shooters.
>good intentions
No. They are weak hooligans and impotent individuals who use the power of the State and the power of mobs to exert their influence on lone individuals because they are cowards.
They hate for the sake of hate - nothing more.
She'll probably argue with anyone who points out it's absurd to have ZERO for antifa but so many for the so called alt-right, calling them the biased one.
Antifa are pedos, satanists, and funded by Satanist George Soros. You are literally pawns for a larger chess match and in the end lose your souls and end up in hell
they're the most privileged terrorists!
Ah that subtle “Continue ->” link. gg
>right wing
when you are so far left you are right to right wing
Tight wingers?
>Implying Pedophilia isn't a feminist jew trick to lower white birth rates
Little girls are supposed to be married off at 13, but instead they're being let to become degenerate whores until their 40's when they finally decide to settle down.
Name one person that's died
>anarchist revolutionaries with no kills
Leftist are the ones, who brought Muslims into Europe, so every single murder by Muslims should be counted in the antifa bracket.
Sauce day shit nigga
Killing is not the only form of violence or intimidation. But more importantly, they don’t have to use violence as a means of communicating their message. They have other options. The right wing does not.
Does not account for self-mutilation, faggoty, STDs, and flushing kids down the drain.
>What's so bad about antifa again? You don't see them shooting up churches or running a car into a crowd.
Antifa is the exact same people as the White Supremacists. All "White nationalist" Attacks are perpetrated by the Jews. To think that humans like the ones on this website, sitting around on a computer, being dysfunctional degenerates, are capable of accomplishing anything, let alone a successful terrorist attack is fucking retarded. These people are basically deformed mentally retarded children, yet somehow they are functional terrorists?
Every disgusting plebeian is 100% a puppet of the Jews, they have no autonomy to think beyond the propaganda that they are force fed by the Jews. Everything on this website is just controlled opposition used to empower the Jews, to create the illusion that disgruntled white people exist.
Think about all of the edgy faggots who talk shit about women on the internet. Now think about how many rapes those people are responsible for. Easily damn near 0, because these people don't even have the confidence to talk to a girl, clearly they're not going to have the reckless aggression and willpower it takes to commit first degree rape.
There is a profound difference between who people claim to be on the internet and who they actually are. The only reason the Jews may save white people is because they will realized that they cannot function in a non-white dominated society. The Jews will instantly be subject to endless persecution explicitly because of their white skin. White dominance is a necessity for the Jewish parasite to survive, especially in a society dominated by impulsive, less so intelligent, more easily deluded, more so violent minorities.
Think about nonsense black power conspiracy memes. That's how basal and stupid antisemitic propaganda would have to be to reach the black community and cause endless outrage against the Jews. The Jews would be blamed for every shortcoming a black person has experienced.
Proof any were right wing and not schizo jews?
>inb4 the media told me
The right can't compete really.
Communism has killed more than any ideology
>against the empire
The empire were the good guys.
Unironically based and redpilled.
T. Known Boss
Theyre the gutter trash kids you see in Seattle and Portland. Theyre literally teen angst mixed with being too stupid or lazy to function in society but have the time and energy to "protest".
I like how they equate a political group with an entire political party in that chart.
Jesus Christ, how can someone be so wrong and so right at the same time. Jews are the architect of the melting pot, American jews will never feel completely at home until the USA is majority non-white. Because only in this sort of "everything goes sort of mishmash of a melting pot", only in a society like that is the tribalism of jews something that goes unnoticed, and is accepted."
You don't see the right doing that either.
Remember all the times people warned leftists about fucking with the right because we have the guns? Well, this is it. You were told time and time again to just leave the right alone, to live and let live but you didn't fucking listen.
Now they're fucking shooting people and it's your own God damn fault.
they are ineffective at getting kills, you shouldn't conflate that with them being 'peaceful'.
Also half the reason why righties are acting up is because of antifa acting up in Portland and in other places.
so you’re saying antifa is ineffective? i agree with you kike
also consider
Comparing one organization to literally everyone else combined seems a little bit unfair doesn't it?
I mean right wingers are against Islamic immigration so you definitely have to put every Islamic immigrant crime on the left side for example, 9/11 and the gay club thing.
“Right wing” can essentially be whatever the hell you want it to be, like how anything left of center is called communism so it can be ignored.
Antifa is a very specific (sub)group that might be comparable to the tea party as opposed to 1/3 - 1/2 of the political spectrum.
Meme or not, it’s a scummy argument