It turns out that the guy on the "Pure coincidence" picture is in fact against Israel. He is anti-Zionist, and is one of the leading members of the Neturei Karta denomination of Orthodox Jews. He claims that most Haredi/Hasidic Jews are against Zionism. This Rabbi has even attended a Holocaust denial conference in Iran, during December, 2006. In one of these videos, Bill Maher interviews him, but cuts him off abruptly a few times, and edits his speech to make him sound bad to audiences of his documentary "Religulous," which mocks religious people. In another video, this same Rabbi appears on Fox News. Not only is he an anti-Zionist Rabbi, he is also made out to be an anti-Semitic Rabbi, too, based on what I've seen of his depictions in these interviews. Do you know anything about this guy and the group he is a part of? How influential are they?
This Rabbi is Anti-Zionist
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lol when the mutt slave get error...a jew that say holocaust fake
Israel is a state of mind, not ill-gotten territory.
Haredi jews are the niggers of Israel. Fuck off Bibi shill
This guy is Haredi and is against them, though. Why might that be?
So where does he think jews should live? If the answer is "in white countries" then he can fuck right off.
he's for international jewish dominance
Most American Hasidics are anti-Zionist
There are no good Jews.
>Orthodox Jews.
>claims that most Haredi/Hasidic Jews are against Zionism
No, they're just fucking welfare leeches. They'll say "the state Israel isn't should exist yet" but they're glad to suck up welfare while they dodge the draft and have a dozen kids.
We have these welfare leeches here too. Fuck them
a lot of orthodox jews are opposed to israel. that doesn't mean they are psychopathic talmudists that believe the rest of humanity needs to be enslaved or killed. It just means they don't believe in any return of jews to Israel without their messiah
Hello JIDF
JIDF made this meme as a controlled opposition.
From what I've heard of him on YouTube, he's more of an "in Muslim countries" kind of guy. He seems very focused on the Jewish-Muslim dialogues of talks.
Like 500 naturei karta members in the whole world jfl
Aren't they allied with the Satmar dynasty, or do they disown the Neturei Karta, too?
I'm joking in my own way. Us spiritual jews are woefully underrepresented on the world stage. Zionism has absolutely ruined our traditions.
Are you Neturei Karta, or of another group?
He'll go in the gas chambers last. Or he can chose his own suicide method.
If being on Jow Forums long enough has taught me anything its that to never trust a Jew.
I think the Karaim have it right, Zionism is Political Talmudism.
This so much. I've never understood why pol would dislike Israel since its purpose is to give jews somewhere to live that isn't your country. Unless you're an americuck giving them billions
The Karaites are against the Talmud, yes. They are basically the Protestants of Judaism; Sola Scriptura is a concept that they are defined by, if not by that name. The Talmud is a collection of extra-biblical writings. Supposedly, all Orthodox Jews follow the idea that they must incorporate the Talmud. I am not aware of any Rabbinical Judaic group that disavows the Talmud's authority, compared to the original Old Testament Tanakh, especially the law books of the Torah.
The collected postings of anonymous contain more wisdom than the talmud, argue with me over it!
Pol doesn't know much about anything. They think Zionist Jews control even the anti-zionist Jews (no proof) because it has to be the Jews and only the Jews because they want to suck Hitlers dick.
Good for him. He can fuck off to the JAO in Russia because Orthodox Jews follow the Talmud which approves of pedophilia and is anti-Christian.
Related: – Screenshots of the video above
Is he a critic of the stuff he's talking about, or does he agree with it?
who cares if he hates israel, he still wants to enslave you and me.
He said he just wants to be left alone, free speech style.
my fucking ass, he wants to wait for the moshiach to return before they can go back to israel, it's the same shit.
So what? I still say pour boiling bleach into his rectum.
He is a critic.
I wasn't sure about that, at first, but he did do a big exposé. I just wasn't sure if he was talking matter of fact according to the ideals represented, or not.
Netanyahu Worked Inside Nuclear Smuggling Ring
FBI Treasury Customs investigation of MILCO - Heli nuclear trigger smuggling to Israeli Ministry of Defense
bill maher is such an insufferable fucking faggot.
Why does nobody understand this? Obviously Israel itself has betrayed, subverted or overtly attacked my country more than once, but I recognize that the Jews have to go somewhere and that with no Israel suddenly 6 million Grabblers would be huffing and puffing into some new gentile host.
Gurvitz is a liberal Israeli Jew critical of religious Zionism and Judaism generally.
They will be told to fuck off to the JAO:
Rarely, he would say a few things that I may agree with, but I dislike him.
Birobidjan is a meme. It was likely set up to secretly facilitate Jewish emigration from the USSR through Asia to the US. It's 99% gentile. Moving 16 million people to Siberia would be far less pragmatic than shoving them into the Levant and letting them battle it out with the Arabs.
They protest alongside pro Palestinian activists here in the uk. Watch the documentary on them, they are extremely based and call out pissrael Jewry. Pic related
I'm ok with both.
Still, they are anti-Christian and their bullshit religion is not compatible with the West. They need to GTFO.
I am.
Based non-zionist Jews still hate goyim, drink blood, mutilate and rape kids, charge 40%, and dream of the day when Jews rule the world as their own Messiah and each own a thousand goyim slaves.