Greta is getting shit done. How about you?

Greta is getting shit done. How about you?

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>Religious mascot meets King Nigger

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What has she actually done to reduce global temperature? How many ppm of carbon dioxide has she sequestered? How many meters of sea water have been reduced? How much methane has she extracted from the atmosphere? Please, post one link to show what she has done to reduce climate change. I'll wait.

Lord knows what they did in that room afterwards

>come to america, the cleanest 1st world country on earth
>tell everyone who will listen through your swedish borking that they're bad
>go talk to obummer because ???
>maybe as a nigger he looks like the people who were fucking her back in sweden, or maybe he's the only political entity that will entertain the little spud

I'm gonna feel sorry for her when her 15-minutes are up and all her new "friends" throw her to the side and pretend she never existed.

What do you think David Hogg and Emma Gonzales are thinking right now?

I'm doing this.

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They re out there on free full college ride and job waiting them after it

What is she staring at, the props or his dick? Shes a supporter of mass immigration after all

Oh yea meeting that nigger is gonna reduce carbon footprint or reduce sea level get the fuck out fag, all this is just publicity look at her making money in the name of activism this is getting tiresome desu

That picture is hella cursed.

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Bruh she could smell the pollution as she came into NYC. Maybe if you stopped using aviation youd smell it too.

Greta is being taken advantage of by globalists to promote their agenda. You're blind if you don't see it.

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>thinking she is behind what she is doing...

You Naive fool!

me on left

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"Hey didn't I meet you at Epsteins island a few years ago?"

>getting shit done
U have no idea how many common day successful people are able to delude themselves that they add any value or productivity to anything they tangle themselves up with

ywn eat cold pizza in a church basement with the President. feels bad.

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what exactly is it that she is supposedly doing?

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>Greta is an abused and manipulated autist told by her handlers to chastise clean nations while ignoring the extremely dirty ones.


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is the turtle inside on bottom pic?

What's worst is the way commons see her, like she's doing that all by her self, going around the world and influencing minds and hearths of leaders and powerful people. This is the mind set of most people in the world and then you get something as "democracy". Literally a mind controlled clown world. Even normalizing degeneracy with lgbt propaganda is getting to speed, with all the algorithms on their side, all the cuckery by the media and constant bombardment of the messages, they can foist anything they want on the people and they'll eat it up and see it as "progress". Fuck this world.

>Greta is getting shit done.
If by getting shit done you mean generating a mountain of material to use against her and the niggers she hangs out with then you are correct

That pic of yours is shooped, but provides the proper context nonetheless. Soros is funding her global adventures.

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>america, the cleanest 1st world country on earth
I agree she and all the rest are wrong to focus on the first world. But the US is not the cleanest. And the inner parts of most major metropolitan areas in the US are not first world.

You dumb faggots, need to start spreading that the media is taking advantage of a disabled girl who doesn't know any better.

Seriously how have none of you picked up on this yet.

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"Inspires to take a stand against climate change"

How does "inspiration" mitigate climate change? Other then making people "feel good" for 5 minutes, it does nothing to fix climate. Empty virtue signalling is empty. Mood doesn't effect climate, idiot.

I don't know, I've repressed the memory. Now I have to post with my hand over my eyes.

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Europe has 300+ coal plants

US has 86

By landmass we're the cleanest in the world

No. I had wrong thoughts as a child and am currently being punished as an adult for it.

link to or name of full video?


she finna bouda du

yet climate change hasn't been taken seriously at any point in time before

>"I've fucked girls younger then you"

>Sinopec shill meets Sinopec shill
What's groundbreaking about this?



So is she ever going to do anything about China or India?

>be greta
>do nothing
>be famous
>still nothing done
>awareness braaah
>still hasn't done anything

I hate this fucking whore. She virtue signals. She meets people. She makes speeches. C'mon bitch. Do something. Anything. But no she's a fucking useless sack of fucking shit. If she bombed a coal plant i could say she's done a lot. But she won't because the climate movement is garbage and inefficient.

>What do you think David Hogg and Emma Gonzales are thinking right now?
"that free ride Harvard is giving us is pretty sweet, can't wait to start our easymode 250k jobs in Washington too"

>cole plants are the only source of pollution
have you considered an hero?

>b-but they are still developing countries
Let them have their cake and eat it too. Not their fault boomers ate yours long time ago and want you to starve. And btw, funny how that works in liberal capitalism, then they moved over there instead.

you can see the life being drained from her, and her quickly becoming Americanized

It might have "made sense" over in Scandinavia, but the U.S.A. people will make you look like you're silly until you come to heel and or let you down on climate change solutions

The Scandinavian ideal couldn't hold true

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Eating boogers is actually healthy for you. Strenghtens you immune system and allows new boogers to grow.

Trust me. Ive been eating boogers forever and im onlyy half retarded. Id be full retard if it wasnt for my salty boogies

I actually feel bad now for making fun of her. I'm two inches taller than Obongo and I didn't realize she was still such a little kid. Now I think she's being taken advantage of more than anything.
This pisses me off so bad how these Swedes have been getting abused by these sinister bastards. It's really terrible.

>cole plants are the only source of pollution
>have you considered an hero?
Maybe a two birds with one stone situation

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She's not as young as she looks, old enough to drive, what were you up to at 16. Hopefully not larping as pipi longstocking and being the face a carbon tax heist for the billionaires that already own everything.

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>Greta is shit

I think she must have some kind of hormonal disease. She's 17, she should have tits and be taller than like 4'9". In any case, it's why they picked her--she comes off like a little kid. Also, sage all greta threads.

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>And stay away from me and my girlfriend’s girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend’s black son, okay!?

Confirmed Coalburner
She’s worthless now

celebrity is getting things done, not normal.

is a figure head to the internal global pedo elite that are trying to tax you and everyone else with this bullshit.

Its a fucking tax
>its a fucking tax
Its a fucking tax
>its a fucking tax
Its a fucking tax
>its a fucking tax
Its a fucking tax
>its a fucking tax
Its a fucking tax
>its a fucking tax

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Crazy eyes, terrifying.

She has 90% of the MSM, and 100% of the Democrats helping, and pushing her and her ideas.
Civilizations always expand and grow during Warmings.
Except right now we are going into a Maunder Minimum, prepare.

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or you can just consume foods with lots of vitamin C brainlet

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>How about you?

I order extra beans on my burritos so I'l fart more and produce more methane than normal. That smug little twerp can piss off. I wouldn't have been bothered by her if it wasn't for the constant preaching of her simply existing. "Theta just made landfall in NYC, you're in trouble now deniers!" as if she's actually doing anything other than just spouting rhetoric while she should be in school.

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she cured global warming already?

Here she is wearing a Pantifa shirt. Yup, no agenda here, folks.

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>inb4 "h-have sex, incel!"

I really hope we get a surprise ice age.

Its a tax on air you aren't polluting. Think about that. Its literally a first world privilege tax.

Also 18 god damn capchas are you fucking kidding me?

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It's a good thing I can't come to the full realization and acceptance of that picture

because if I did I would probably kill myself

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It's literally creating a stock market out of thin air.

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>Greta is getting shit done
Yeah, and so will the next child they use as a puppet the next time people decide they value the opinions of kids

I'm fuzzy on what she's actually accomplished. Aside from virtue signalling. People who say this shit need to lead by example. Stop using all forms of electric other than solar or wind. Stop purchasing clothes, make your own. Stop buying food at restaurants and grocery stores, grow your own. Stop using all forms of transportation other than walking or a bike. Stop using all forms of social media and internet access. This is just a small list. Then start talking about what other people should do to "protect the environment".

>round faced proxy-grifter meets kang of kangz
>getting shit done
next you're gonna tell me Sonic and Mario at the Olympics was historic event, huh?

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Can someone get nudes of her.

ask Obama

I can't. I'm Canadian. Ask for me desu.

Retard alert.

The only kid they could find, who's parents would let them shove their fist up her sock puppet ass, and travel unaccompanied on a boat, across the ocean, with UN pedofiles, was this girl. FAS and downs.
Think about that

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She has the same bitch face as Ben shapiro


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When two Jewish puppets have the same master, it's not hard for them to meet

Quit posting this shopped shit. It’s Al Gore.

she looks like she's afraid for her life.

>Greta is getting shit done. How about you?

i am planning to buy a mansion next to the ocean like Obama did ...

You ?

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personally this is child abuse, she should be enjoying her life doing fun stuff, if she wants to go full retard later on in life that's going to be her mistake


I'm mutting someone's blood line.

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microcephalous bitch

You first, faggot.

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Do you think he busted a nut on her downy face?

Emma is growing out her hair and into her goblina features. David is seriously considering the possibilities of becoming Daisy. You know, Tuesday in America.