Why does the world hate us so much?
Why does the world hate us so much?
We let the jews destroy Europe's last chance.
Delivery vehicle for poz
>the world
Its not "the world" passing mass migration bills to breed us out of existence through attrition, pushing abortion and feminism to kill white birth-rates, and brainwashing perfectly friendly and innocent newcomers that Whites White privilege and muh Colonialism are the enemy, thats our elite's fault.
you're just mad you didn't get to be captain ginyu
>a drug addict who couldn't listen to his generals
>Europe's last chance
Europe's time has cum.
because we rule the world as the anglo scot empire
Because Canadian men love to eat dog treats.
Jealousy at the sight of superior people
>everything from the North, South, East and West is covered by the glorious Anglo
That's why.
i mean yeah anglo, but what about the scots?? we helped a lot too establishing empire
>US isn't Captain Ginyu
holy fucking cringe thinking anyone but the US is relevant
Yeah we got a ton of Scotch-Irish and Scottish here too. They're good people, like to keep to themselves.
You guys meddle too much with other people's business. That wasn't so bad when you were just spreading civilization and helping other countries to grow, but now you are spreading cancer only. It really sucks now.
It makes sense you fucking moron
>Recoome is a dunce but tanky and super strong
>Jeice is clearly an Australian with his voice and second in command
>Burter is Jeice's friend and have Anzus synergy
>Guldo is Canada because he's the odd man out by not having red, white, and blue in the flag
>Britain is Ginyu because he likes to change from English to Scottish
Hitler had 200 IQ.
I got a 201 IQ, you half-breed.
Shut up abomination, your country and the grotesque actual subhuman genetic mistakes it produces is the perfect example of why racemixing is wrong.
Yeesh, mutts and their inferiority complexes
>dixie memeflag
>calls others mutts
because we r best frens :)
Funny how America's the retarded one. Also with retarded strength.
Canada is pretty accurate as well, nothing but slimey little grubs.
the EU will hate you until you turn brown
Because our government is full of Jewish puppets
Poles out, Pakis in
I was always partial to Jeice as a kid.
OP's pic makes a lot of sense really.
This Mr. Verhofstadt seems like an unlikable fellow.
Thanks fren
>Proud Celt, or Scottish for the laymon.
Scots-Irish is a term used to denote people emigrating from UK northern Ireland.
Irish and Scottish are the same, the last remnants of the once vast Celtic era, pre Roman.
I'm well aware what Scotch-Irish means.
Bruh, I moved here about 2 weeks ago after an 11 year quest to be with my (now) fiance. I'm from England and I'm 100% white. I love this country, and it's a pleasure to be here. It always makes me happy to see Americans that like us bongs. Cheers m8. Oh and don't worry, I'm a 2A absolutist.
Wider than I, Mohammed
>kiwi 1 & kiwi 2
>a fucking leaf
>hated by anyone but wh*Toids
nobody really cares about you
We are the most powerful race the world has ever seen, and we have brought about the destruction of the white world. I do blame the Jews but we anglos have slipped up
>we'll just keep piling over flags
it looks absolutely believable tho
dont compare me with the fucking irish
Then why are you using such a shit term? There is no such thing as Scotch. If anything it's Scots-Irish.
You joined a sinking ship but I'd gladly fight with you.
Welcome! This country was founded on freedom loving English and Scottish like you.
Because a lot of Scottish people that came to the US were from Northern Ireland, it's not that hard.
>The Ulster Scots, known as the Scots-Irish (or Scotch-Irish) in North America, were descended from people originally from the Scottish lowlands, as well as the north of England and other regions, who colonized the province of Ulster in Ireland in the seventeenth century. After several generations, their descendants left for America, and struck out for the frontier, in particular the Appalachian mountains, providing an effective "buffer" for attacks from American Indians. In the colonial era, they were usually simply referred to as "Irish," with the "Scots-" or "Scotch-" prefixes becoming popular when the descendants of the Ulster emigrants wanted to differentiate themselves from the Catholic Irish who were flocking to many American cities in the nineteenth century. Unlike the Highlanders and Lowlanders, the Scots-Irish were usually patriots in the Revolution. They have been noted for their tenacity and their cultural contributions to the United States.
Genetically its the same, the native language is the same, the MC surnames are the same. You're stupid little spats are just that, spats.
because you guys actually did something
>Genetically its the same, the native language is the same, the MC surnames are the same.
Why is the Canadian wearing an Eskimo hat and why does he have slanted eyes?
Not all of them, my Scottish ancestors came directly from Colonsay and were among the first in the new world (1755). They started in Prince Edward Island.
Yes they wanted to differentiate from Catholics, as they should. Mine did as well. it's just a useless term today.
What is the difference between Anglo and Scot? I mean, Scot is Anglo too, ins't he? Cause it's certainly not a Continental nation.
>Not all of them
I never said "all of them". Settle down.
wow, what a retard - not all scots are the same race faggot, im blonde and blue eyes - not an irish black mongrel
>Canadia and Yankclapistan with the white countries
Kinda. Anglo is always associated with England. It can't be an English Empire if it wasn't just the English that built it. I mean the first actual UK was under a Scottish monarch.
Scot is Celtic, Anglo is Germanic. With interbreeding obviously. The Celts came to island thousands of years prior.
What? Do you think Scots are Celtic? Come on, the Scottish Lowlands, which is the heart of Scotland, is an extension of northern England. It spoke Scots langhuage. It is Anglo.
Are you dense?
these guys fault
This is probably why a lot want independence. No one recognises that we're just Scottish. Not Celtic, not Anglo. Again, a lot of Scots will side with either-or, but we have a very unique and difficult dialect, culture, land - and yes to an extent, race.
According to them we are slaves to the Jews ya big dummy. Are they wrong?
have lived in 3/5 anglo countries, can confirm no one is white
Scots is just an English slang. It arose in the lowlands because of English being the new main language due to influence. The Scottish native language is Gaelic which is a Celtic language. Northern Irish and Scottish Gaelic are very similar.
Did we though? Because from what I remember we didn't force anyone to adopt our cultures, speak our language, listen to our songs, watch our movies, imitate how we dress.
Neither did we force them to start killing each other en mass. Neither did we force them to borrow money from us so that they may continue said killing. And when the killing was done, we didn't force them to borrow money from us so that they may rebuild. Neither did we force them ally themselves with us, or join our little clubs. No one is forcing them to stay either
>Wouldn't listen to his generals
Said his generals after getting their ass handed to them. You know that that meme has been debunked and is now mainstream fact right? His generals literally got to right the wests version of history, do you think they didn't shift the blame?
When I use the word "Anglo" I use it to mean English speaking, not Anglo Saxon. Many Jow Forumsacs do the same from what I've noticed.
What's the difference between a Czech and a Slovak? A Serb and a Montenegrian? A Russian and a Belorussian? Get it?
Because we're superior.
cuz they ain't us
Scotland is roughly divided by people to the north south, east and west. The west (where Ireland is) has ties to Ireland. The rest doesn't really.
Could be worse, we could've been Irish
Well where do you belong then? Do Scotts thin about themselves as Anglo?
And Irish aren't Anglo, right?
>Northern Irish and Scottish Gaelic are very similar.
Yes, but that is only for Highlands. THe core of Scotland is Lowlands, isn't it? And Lowlands were Germanic speaking, the spoke English or Scots. So I don't know about the Scotts being Celts. Only Highlanders, but they are minority.
Le 56% southern trash amerimutt
Many asians in canada. Just as they made the american bulkier they made the candaian asian
>When I use the word "Anglo" I use it to mean English speaking, not Anglo Saxon. Many Jow Forumsacs do the same from what I've noticed.
So what's the difference between Anglo and Anglo-Saxon. In Continental Europe we use Anglo-Saxon to describe the culture of USA, CAN, GB, AUS and NZ.
Anglos are all majority non-anglosaxon like the rest of the british isles.
Why deny that the Scots are Celtic? Celts where the race of all of Europe besides the slavs and Germanics. Unless you're talking the Picts.
Alright, I chuckled. Have a (You).
>to describe the culture of USA, CAN, GB, AUS and NZ
English/British culture today was race yesterday.
Are you Scottish? Mate, I can guarantee you right now I am. No one gives a fuck about being Celtic or Anglo, we want to be fucking Scottish and thats that.
'celt' isnt an actual thing.
the anglos are majority 'celt' too, some are 100% with no anglosaxon genes.
some parts of scotland are more 'anglo' than parts of england.
Welcome brother. I moved here 6 years ago, at first I wasn't sure about it because I was still a teen and lost all my friends, but America and Americans won me over. I suggest you do a deep dive into the founding fathers, their ideals is what really made me understand the country and inspired me to give a little back to it. Heading out to bootcamp in a month.
The Angles were a Danish tribe, it along with the Saxons, a German tribe, invaded and settled Roman Britain. The Frisians were there too.
Anglo is the shortened version of Anglo Saxon
It looks like Scottish are partially culturally Anglo.
>I'm Scottish, I care about lineage as far back as it goes. You're talking in national terms, whwn I say Celt its in racial terms. Europeans are Celt, Slav, or Germanic in origin.
Language and genetics are not the same thing. You're speaking English right now but you're probably not one.
Because our country is 241 years old, and has never NOT been at war with SOMEONE.
God Bless America, but yeah.........we are sort of cunts in the grand scheme.
Because they ain't us
Are you an actual mongo, go back to fucking reddit
We wan to be fucking Scottish, nabidy gives a fuck about anything else - no european, no shitty irish or english, we're scottish
im a proud unionist, but im scottish through and through - we are our own race and people
The Scotts, the Irish and the Welsh are Celts by blood. Everyone in the British Isles is very similar to one another culturally, to the point that you're barely able to tell the difference if you're a foreigner.
Even most English speakers can't really distinguish them until they open their mouths or in the Scotts case, larp as drag queens
My family is from the Islands (Colonsay) and allied with the McDonald clan, we have a lot of Irish and Nordic influence. Though none of the Nordic genetics.
No Irish are not Anglo, Irish and Scottish are not Anglo genetically.
also we're an ethnostate basically, 98% white
>I say Celt its in racial terms
anglo-saxons didn't genocide the 'celts' in england.
Depends where in Scotland. The south east very much is.
>not Anglo
Because you destroyed the world that the greeks, romans and spanish created?
>There was no single 'Celtic' genetic group. In fact the Celtic parts of the UK (Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and Cornwall) are among the most different from each other genetically. For example, the Cornish are much more similar genetically to other English groups than they are to the Welsh or the Scots.
ur aw you americans cretins? nae cunt is celtic unless yer fae some glen in fenianland
How? Muh colonialism? Geddafuckouddahere.
Nah just you Americans mostly. No one cares about Aussies and leafs Us Bongs are irrelevant.
Celtic is nowt to do with Celtic football club. They’re completely different things, even pronounced differently. There are ancient Celtic inscriptions all over Scotland left by our ancestors
Anglo's are have a lot of Germanic blood, the Celts did not.
What fucking part did Iberoniggers have in creating the world we didn't lmao
you didnt create shit tho manuel.
>We are sort of cunts in the grand scheme.
I'd say that's mostly true since the Spanish American war, not before though. Most of our engagements before that were pretty justified, and most importantly, we actually left when the fighting was over
Yea I realized that I phrased that poorly, should've said Pict Gaels instead
Ireland is still mad England came in and made them use forks and bathe