Wouldn't the world be better off with America? Less war, less obesity, less racism, etc.
Wouldn't the world be better off with America? Less war, less obesity, less racism, etc
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*without America
War drives technology. The most advanced technology still used today came from the Third Reich.
What if the world declared war on America to drive technology?
If you don't care about environmentalism then yeah, sure, gook.
Of course, but there would be more racism and that's a good thing.
Chinese people are genetically wired to not give a shit about anything but cynical self-advancement and economic enrichment, which is why you have nightmare fuel like chink workers running over children or old men being trodden to death in shopping malls. America is a White country and the only country Whites have as weaponed leverage. If America loses it's White majority and "whiteness" is 'erased', Europeans and their countries everywhere are under threat. A world ruled by China is a nightmareish hellscape.
fucking stupid faggot gook
It would just be replaced by China or Russia.
>he thinks the war did it
Americans are really unintelligent. It was the Nazi militaristic framework that advanced technology NOT the war itself. 30 German nuclear scientists nearly built the first nuclear bomb before 1000s of Ameritards working on the Manhattan project.
Checks out
Most of the world is sub 80 IQ waste that should be killed because they're only capable of consuming resources.
>Americans are really unintelligent
Says the Amerimutt memeflaggot.
>It was the Nazi militaristic framework that advanced technology NOT the war itself
Wrong. Eggheads in all countries are the same. Left to their own devices they follow their own selfish interests. It takes war and threat of being pressed into service to force them to collaborate for the absolute necessities of the state and produce the best technologies.
>30 German nuclear scientists nearly built the first nuclear bomb
Only because of the war.
It probably would be but its not up to you to decide that so go back to your hole and shut up
Just let the Confederacy remain
No niggers
America is one of the least racist countries.
Is this Team 8?
The world is better off with America you fucking retard.
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better mutts than bugs
The high obesity rates come from the spics and niggers. Yeah there's landwhales of every color but remove the browns from the count and our obesity plummets.
Plastic surgery should become illegal so that yellow roasties will kill themselves en masse.
That's only because it's filled with racist arabs and turks.
Extremely flawed picture considering Mongoloid countries are the most racist people on this planet.
Japan, China, Taiwan and Korea will also make it literally impossible for any non-Mongoloid to rent an apartment or house unless they but the entire thing.
>Divide and conquer thread # 9238393492394299
I'll humor you though, moishe.
>Less war
We don't want the sandnigger wars we are in and 90% of people couldn't tell you what they even were for
>less obesity
If I remember right, I think UK is actually fatter, but that's beside the point, people are fat fucks now because of the junk they put into food like high fructose corn syrup, that shit is pig feed not for human consumption.
>less racism
kys immediately
>I'll humor you though, moishe.
It's a yellow roastie.
The world is indeed better with the USA.
>Wouldn't the world be better off with America?
i believe you mean without
Not this guy again
>less obesity
Who cares, except Americans?
>less war
Holy kek.
>less racism
Holy fucking kek.
>less slide threads
Well there's no arguing with that