There is literally no evidence that child sex dolls increase child sexual abuse...

There is literally no evidence that child sex dolls increase child sexual abuse, if anything there is evidence to the contrary. So why do people seethe so much about it? Do you also hate lolicon?

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You're a Turd Flinging Monkey and DDGAY disciple. Those Jews peddle those Diddly Dolls to guys. Fuck those Jews.

Send address, I'll give you a free doll.

IDK, the smaller ones look easier to lug around, and also a lot easier to hid in the closet when your parents bust in their room

It's like there's focus put on this rather innocuous activity and not the actual problem of human trafficking, especially with spics and muzzies.

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>why do people seethe so much about it?
Because we know it is mere facsimile of a pedo's drug of choice and the s/he will ultimately go for the real thing.
>Do you also hate lolicon?
Yes, but I hate the consumers/generators of it even more. Thanks for asking, Brock.


The only people that care about this are women because they know their pussy is the only currency they have. I heard a radio segment about this fairly recently where the all female panel said sexbots of any kind are disgusting and misogynistic because the owner can do whatever it wants, however it wants, without consent. Lol

Anyway I'm not an incel and can get sex but listening to women get all up in a tizzy about a masturbation tool had me searching for my sides

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Please volunteer for the study nearest you to help gather even more data.

I thought Japanese made loli dolls...

it's a doll. A victimless "crime".

There is no evidence sex harms loliz
Is what your post meant to say

it's because the people like you that want them are completely broken ass men. normally nature would have offed you by now but our weak sick society allows you to live and coddles you like a baby so jews can make more shekels. necking yourself is the correct course of action but again only a man would ever come to that conclusion and you loli fags aren't men, your boys.

>Do you also hate lolicon?

>why do people seethe so much about it?
Because we're talking about someone that has sexual fantasies towards children and sex with them is considered immoral and vile? The pedo may never act on his fantasies and attack children, but he gets off on that idea.

No one is talking about men buying and fucking normal sexbots, you autistic fuck. What's being discussed here are pedos.


How many dolls do you have?

you're not white, argentina.

Yo wtf

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these dolls are an easy way to keep track of freaks.

But there is lots of evidence that bullets to the head cure pedophilia

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I can't tell if posters in this thread are actually anti-pedo, or if they are just frustrated roasties realizing they have more competition.

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Japan is the most openly pedophiliac country in the world and child rape there is almost non-existent, as opposed to the pedo-hysteria West where it's rampant.

Now, now, castration accomplishes the same thing.

the world is run by pedophiles

you are on the wrong side of the law

Would be fun while on meth

My hand is pretty strong competition against roasties , so there's that

Japan also factually does not report most pedo crime in order to keep their numbers low

i don't care if you wanna fuck a doll desu

Just 2.

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>implying you don't care
>post implies you do

and how does it do that?

If you didn't care, you wouldn't have posted, if you really didn't care, you wouldn't have replied back

you should be beaten to death, faggot

How man normal coloured lights do you own?

>country with open child prostitution
>no child rape

behold, the spic's solution to every problem

why in the fuck would you want to rape babies
serious question?

>There is literally no evidence that child sex dolls increase child sexual abuse
I agree. The pedophiles that buy these things will just go rape children anyway. That's why people that buy them should be killed in all cases.

immoral habits should be sanctioned with individuals responsible ostracized by the society, not coddled and accommodated

So I guess the next step is legalizing cheese pizza, huh? Man you degenerates don't skip a beat.

Or maybe I posted because I genuinely don't care

Woah is that a real baby in the crib?? You do realise a baby shouldn't have all that stuff in the crib while they sleep that's how they suffocate or overheat aka cot death. Also why would you keep loli s3x dolls in same room as your child that's pretty fucking sick

Sorry lady, you didn't believe the slippery slope theory when you voted in gay marriage and trans-rights

japanese are weak manlets

Post your tiny benis

But if you didn't care ,why are you so intent on arguing how much you really didn't care?

And it always works!

The depraved seek to steal the innocence of others, since they engage in debauchery and lack such a virtue.

>So I guess the next step is legalizing cheese pizza, huh?
Unironically yes. It was legal in Japan until 2014.

the baby rapists are sexually attracted to babies I bet

But these would probably reduce attacks

Just like to be comfy.

It's a Reborn doll. Look it up on jewtube.

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its time to go normie

>literally no evidence
you're a fucking moron of the most basic magnitude. of course your orgasm is going to direct you toward a certain form. sexual attraction is built, and anyone who is dumb enough to build themselves attracted to a child's form, is going to be a danger to children.

>Do you also hate lolicon?
not until you mentally ill faggots shove it in my face. why can't degenerates keep their fetishes to themselves? you don't see straight people behaving this way and don't try that seeing the forest for the trees shit because it's not true.

yep, that's why your society is so great

because roasties lose their only leverage on men

Whet can one procure such an item?
I'm asking for a friend
For research purposes
In mine craft

I do. I actually hate the people who create this stuff, because they're literally helping people build themselves into failures.
I hate the people who promote it, I hate the people who want to use it. And I would rather see them dead, with me included if needed, than let them set a generation up to be abused.

You accused me of not not caring.

No, I said I care that you said you don't care, so that mean you care and I don't care

original ones
ofc the chinese make shitty cheap ones not long after

99% sure he's this guy

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I'm great. Fuck societies! Dead criminals are a good thing!

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>the actual problem of human trafficking, especially with spics and muzzies.

The only problem with that shit is that the United States is not dominating the fucking market, they're fucking giving free money to these degenerate minorities because they're so god damn delusional they think this is a good idea.

It's the exact same shit with drugs. There's no fucking reason as to why the Mexicans are flooding our country with drugs, when should be flooding every fucking country on earth with high quality American street drugs.

If there is money to be made. That money is going to get fucking made. No fucking questions, no fucking crying. That's how the world works. Knowing that this money is going to be made, then why the fuck are we letting god damn terrorists make this money rather than making it our god damn selves?

I don't give a fuck if the USA is making money by killing people and children with drugs and sex. It's either the USA doing this, or it's terrorist minorities making money by killing people with drugs or sex. Literally nothing fucking changes except for who makes that damn money.

If you want to cry about a child or something, just make another god damn child. Replace the child, no problem. Beyond that, you don't even need freedmen making the damn children because you have prisoners who you can literally force to birth children until they die. That's free fucking money, literally buckets of cash, both from trafficking and just outright slavery. That's a fucking milk cow, and you're not fucking milking it you god damn degenerates.

The only reason that this is a problem is because supply and demand forces the CIA and other terrorists to abduct civilian children to meet the market demands, rather than just deliberately create them from slaves like prisoners.

You shitheads are why this crime is so prolific in society, because it makes shitloads of money. If we flooded the market, terrorists can't make money, supply and demand. No more cartel.

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>come to Jow Forums
>why you shoving loli in my face
are you retarded

You asked why people feel disgust at the notion of a grown man fucking a doll that looks like a kid and I gave you the answer. Normal people don't have to tolerate pedophiles nor be sympathetic towards them just because they aren't actually harming kids. They're deviant and don't deserve a place in society.

Imagine trying to make sex dolls illegal.

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>I'm great. Fuck societies!
are you 14?

you're a real sick guy

What is normal is not what is moral. Normal people also support socialism and mass immigration of gross people like you.

That's hideous. Not me man...

You can't argue that there are literally bigger fish to fry.

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What does Christ say about committing lust in your head?

Approximately one in five boys and men is pedophilic or hebephilic. The general stigmatization and criminalization of pedophilia and hebephilia should be reconsidered in this light.
There have been many children documented to love and desire adults sexually (Rivas, 2013; Kilpatrick, 1992; Rind et al., 2014; Rind, 2013; Rind, 2003). There is not a single scientific study showing that children only love and desire children and do not love and desire adults.
The love and consensual sexuality between children and adults are normal and according to many studies not harmful (Rind et al., 1998). Younger children are not harmed more than older children because of sexual relationships with adults (Finkelhor, 1979; Rind et al., 1998). The amount of the age discrepancy between the sexual partners does not significantly influence the sexual enjoyment or the positive or negative results of a relationship of a child with an adult (Kilpatrick, 1992; Rind et al., 2014; Leitenberg et al., 2003).

Of course children should be well and specifically protected (Rivas, 2013), but pedophilic and hebephilic boys are children, too, and also have a right to protection. To stigmatize pedophilic or hebephilic boys as mentally ill and to put them in prison for their love are detrimental to their mental health. Only unethical sexual behavior should be punished

Further reading:

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Is that what people tell you their objection is? That they think it will 'lead' to you you 'becoming' a pederast?
No, user its a sign that you ARE already a pederast, and this behavior cannot be tolerated. I understand that you dont understand why it cannot be tolerated. You are wrong. Children are not to be diddled and anyone who disagrees will be removed from society. Immediatly and with gusto.

Pedos must be burnt alive.

No. But let's get back to the point. Are you a defender of the human rights of criminals? Are you a pedophile? Are you a woman? What the fuck is wrong with you to oppose the death penalty towards pedophiles without any trial?

>Anyway I'm not an incel and can get sex
I'll go ahead and doubt that heavily.

you need serious help sicko

>tfw gf bought them for herself
Shame. The cash could have been spent on PC parts....

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see Consensual sex isn't actually harmful. Pedoscare was literally invented by feminists to make all men suspicious.

>Pedos must be burnt alive.

There should be a gold plaque with this inscription in every city in the world.

I just have to wonder how did you end up like this?

why don't you put a baby in her instead of keeping weird dolls around

Met the love of my life a decade ago. Been a hell of a time!!!

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This is like a pedophile training doll. Anyone found with something like that should be drowned.

I'm saying that we created this problem ourselves. Due to prohibition, we essentially give endless free money to terrorists because we are unwilling to make that money ourselves.

"bigger fish to fry" is not the point here. The point is that terrorist should never have the capacity to make any sort of money, the USA can't give these lucrative markets to terrorists like the cartels.

>If there is money to be made. That money is going to get fucking made. No fucking questions, no fucking crying. That's how the world works. Knowing that this money is going to be made, then why the fuck are we letting god damn terrorists make this money rather than making it our god damn selves?

The kids are going to get abused regardless of what we do. The only thing we can change is who profits from this. We can either give endless millions of dollars to terrorists like the CIA or the Cartels, or we can add millions, billions of dollars of taxable revenue into the economy.

That's the only fucking point here. Prohibition changes nothing except who gets the money. We fuel terrorist regimes like the Cartels and the CIA because we're too god damn spineless to accept reality.

What bigger problems are there than organized crime, drug trafficking, and the violence that result from these things, these subversive terrorist entities that are fueled by government complicity and support from things like the CIA.

You're changing nothing by complaining about it. Those kids will always get trafficked. The only choice you have in this matter is whether or not the profits from this vice go towards building infrastructure and educating non-slave children, or if you would rather have the profits go towards funding beheadings, torture, and terrorism in Mexico that inevitably bleeds into the USA.

That it. It's not a yes/no on raping those kids, those kids will always get raped regardless. Its either fund your own damn country, or fund motherfucking terrorists.

He's just gonna try and rape the baby...

Reborn doll

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>No one is talking about men buying and fucking normal sexbots, you autistic fuck. What's being discussed here are pedos.
But they don't fuck children but dolls. Isn't there a pedo manga genre, called Shota or something? That's also not compareable to real child porn.
I'm not trying to defend it but I think police could be used for other things than for hunting down doll fuckers.

You seem in fairly good shape, just how ugly are you?

>That's hideous. Not me man...
What's the difference? How are you any different from that guy?

This is some fucked up shit, mang, it's almost like some other fucked up psycho should hunt you down and torture you

ya, it's not weird at all.

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your gf's a rubber doll isn't she kek

i dont even know what lolicon is.

kill yourself. If you don't care about anything you can leave a trail of brains, or if you still have modesty you can hide your death as if it were an accident.

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