African Americans deserve israeli citizenship!!

It has come to my logical conclusion that these light skinned African Americans likely descend from Jewish slave owners and thus also Deserve Israeli citizenship. The idea that Jewishness is only passed down through the mother is racist bullshit to excuse Jewish men for the enslavement and raping of African women. African Americans are the result of black African men being cucked by Jewish slave owners and they deserve acknowledgment and are entitled to the Jewish homeland of their ancestors.

It's the only decent thing to do.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>A few Jews even became prominent slaveowning planters in the Old South ... as successful as these Jewish Southerners were by Southern standards, they represent a very tiny percentage of the 20,000 Jews residing in the antebellum South who could, or would, ever aspire to own a slave. About 5,000 Jews owned one or more slaves - *about 1.25 percent of all the slaveowners in the antebellum South.*
Source: "Encyclopedia of World Slavery" by Junius Rodriguez, you can find the book on Google books
So turned out only 1.25% of slaveowners were jews, at least in the south

Attached: 1566586432175.png (699x532, 308K)

Then you might say
>5000 out of 2000 jews owning slaves is 25%! that's huge!
Well it was pretty much in line with the rate of ownership in the south amongst white people which was 25%-50%
See here source
>ALABAMA - 35% owned slaves
>FLORIDA - 34% owned slaves
>GEORGIA - 37% owned slaves
>KENTUCKY - 23% owned slaves
>LOUISIANA - 29% owned slaves
>MISSISSIPPI- 49% owned slaves
And so forth

Attached: 1566586468290.png (1251x841, 79K)

Also more additional info
>Of the 145 vessels, 135, or 93.1 percent, were owned by non-Jews; they carried 14,643 slaves, or 91.2 percent of the entire 16,043. The remaining 10 vessels, or 6.8 percent, belonged to Newport's Jewish merchants, and they conveyed 1,400 slaves, or 8.7 percent.
>Hence, insofar as one can judge, during the years in which they participated in the slave trade, Newport's Jewish merchants were involved in FEWER THAN 10% of Rhode Island's voyages to Africa and in fewer than 10 percent of the slaves the colony's businessmen carried away from Africa. Over the entire course of their colony's involvement in the African slave trade they were responsible for a still smaller percentage of slaves, for they did not participate in the slave trade prior to 1753
Source:"Jews, Slaves, and the Slave Trade" by Eli Faber

>Also in 1830
>It determined the population of the 24 states to be 12,866,020, of which 2,009,043 were slaves
As per And jew population in 1830 was 4000-6000

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Thanks for the bump, feel free to refute any of it

why not?

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revisionist history

great debating skills

all they have to do is get blood tests and your jew lies are irrelevant.

Your pic related is bogus. We have enough factual information on how despicable the jews are without need to spread easily disproved misinformation

>literally citing peer reviewd articles
>muh jew lies
have you low-iq retard even notice the sources you're citing don't say anything about muh 78% slave owners? Your source is literally the number of jews in america per each year lmao

Attached: 1566589590713.png (993x880, 71K)

>passive aggressive ad hominem
right back at ya

>being this defensive

Scared kike?

>gives fake sources
>doesn't bother refuting anything from my peer reviewed, detailed sources
>y-you're s-scared?

these are both from the 20th century
people want original sources or as close as you can get to it. you should be smarter than this, jew

what part of niggers getting blood tests making your autistic screeching irrelevant didn't you understand retard? any nigger with Jewish blood has a right to his Jewish homeland your racist kike.

Don't care about niggers. Are you going to give credibe sources that back up you claim that "78% of slave owners were ethnic jews", yes or no?

>17 minutes from OP to Response Team
Everybody, take note of the random jew who swooped in like batman to tackle this topic.

It doesnt even matter if the numbers are real or not. Just take note how they are trying to manipulate you.

There is a strong possibility that the OP is working with him. Classic controlled op. If you will have to fight a battle, have your ally be the one to start it with you.

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>pretending to be a retard who can't read,

great kiking to you faggot.

of course it's a fucking memeflag.

This is the obvious fix. Israel must give reparations to American blacks in the form of citizenship. Its the only way anons...

no one cares about your shitpost retard, it's about the pic you posted, stay assblasted
still not an argument

>still not an argument
neither is "peer reviewed" as it has been proven to amplify bias more than diminish it but you defend your sources with that bullshit. give me a valid source and i'll give you a valid argument, clown.

>muh peer reviewed sources

Here's a list of largest slaveowners in the US in 1860 according to census. Look at all the jew names.... kek.

One day Africans will swarm Israel. Just a hunch

They absolutely do. It's horrible, what African Americans have had to endure at the hands of jews.

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How about you give ONE (1) credible source to your claim (whatever it is), which you have yet to do so

And the abuses continue

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Worried Shlomo?

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55% of Mississippi population was is that even possible? Why couldn't they just have an uprising since they made up the majority?

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>your claim
my claim is that your sources are shit and i gave you a source right here peer review is a joke. a jew in the mid 20th century publishing statistics about slavery and getting other jews to peer review and publish it is proof of nothing.

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>10% is not severe overrepresentation
lmao 20k jews to a few million whites?

>this triggers the diginigger

That's the kind of shit i'm talking about, posting a fake infograph like you just did, without any reliable sources, and anons on here will eat it hook, line and sinker
Here is some info about Dewolf family
Can you link me to sources about their supposed jewishness?
Also Jan de Sweevts is literally a fake name lmao
See >About 5,000 Jews owned one or more slaves - *about 1.25 percent of all the slaveowners in the antebellum South.*
And see here>rate of ownership of jews was pretty much in line with the rate of ownership in the south amongst white people which was 25%-50%

>being this much of a retard.

Actually the point of my thread is African Americans with Jewish ancestry clearly deserving Israeli citizenship and the pic is just a random image from google search. The numbers of niggers in America who deserve their Israeli homeland is currently unknown.

Attached: jewslavery.png (863x1080, 69K)

>source: 1860 US census
Here it is
Can you show me or does it say in any of these sources that 4 out of every 5 american slave owners were jews?

Show flag. Then we will debate.

>source: this picture
sure thing
again, you said
less to up to 10%
that's over representation
not that it matters, your sources are meant to be in agreement
also 1.25% of slave owners is still over representation for their own numbers
you just play with numbers

1. stop posting wiki links. wiki is the least reliable shit in the web.
3. anons are confusing the rate of jews who owned slaves with the rate of slave owners who were jewish.

Attached: 2019-09-17-200537_833x775_scrot.png (833x775, 149K)

m8 they're liars, they won't even respond to you

Are you retarded? Can't you see OP's picture? I'm arguing against the mug 78% jof slave-owners are jews
>and nearly 40% of jewish households across the country did
See >Well it was pretty much in line with the rate of ownership in the south amongst white people which was 25%-50%
>ALABAMA - 35% owned slaves
>FLORIDA - 34% owned slaves
>GEORGIA - 37% owned slaves
>KENTUCKY - 23% owned slaves
>LOUISIANA - 29% owned slaves
>MISSISSIPPI- 49% owned slaves
And so forth

Attached: 1568763816589.png (1251x841, 103K)

so you agree the African American descends of Jewish slave owners deserve Israeli citizenship?

It's their birth right.

>trusting random pictures on the Internet made by kikes
go kill yourself
show your flag
all statistics have been edited and hidden, your proof means shit but since you can't blame jews for anything it's obvious they're guilty

Whatever, not my problem
Here's the source
Literally the 1860 census

40% of total jewish households vs 25% of total american households. you're comparing the entire nation of jewish households to the southern states households and including the jewish number in the total percentage of households. learn to statistic, lad.

Nowhere does it say "25% of total american households", link only shows that as per 1860, slave ownership in southern states was 25%-50%, depends on the country. Slavery was already long abolished by that time in the northern states, and slave ownership there was 0% for both whites and jews

Extremely powerful post. Underrated. Jow Forums should look into this. *Imagines a meme campaign involving these types of themes to red pill the niggers about the jews...

I want to beat the dumbass Zoomer that madethis inforgraphic.

it was prob a jew who made it.

Lol. Ive seen you and sources before demon. This demon wins anons. His memeflag, souces, and internet censorship are incontrovertable due to your lack of motive for serious inquiry set by the sustained erasure of sources that refute him. JEWS WIN STFU GOYIM. Lie down and die, it really is easier.

Nice idea. Israel needs diversity, and this way Jews can apologize for their role and their white privilege.

Smart thinking, OP. Jews should not pass up this opportunity for social justice.

What other marginalized ethnicities could we help send to Israel?

Those circles always rounding people up and making them work for them

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And how does this convert to a per capita ratio? Wouldn't that give a clearer picture of Jewish slave ownership? Like 13/50?

The fuck, an OP that replies?
And a Leak no less.

The fucking sources cited in the OP pic do not even support that claim. It's fake. Stop posting it.

No shit. It's disinformation in an attempt to discredit real info about the Jews and the slave trade.

Attached: Jews Rome Slave Trade.png (1011x312, 25K)

Attached: Dutch colonies.png (694x216, 18K)

Attached: Almost 40 percent of all Jewish householders in the United States owned one slave or more.png (1006x606, 62K)

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It's a most peculiar coincidence that with respect to IQ, black folk are quite strong in the verbal dimension.

I know there are user's who have the pics of the literature on the jewish slave trade, and there ownership of the ships with cross references, Ive seen them here before..

If you post them I will save them for later use.

Jews were over represented in the slave trade. They were not 78% of slave American owners, or anywhere close to being the majority of slave owners.

We're on to you kike.

Attached: 1562877812064.gif (900x900, 1.91M)

Please stop posting this. Its confirmed fake and gay long ago. Does nothing but discredit the real criticism of jews in the slave trade

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>confirmed fake and gay
>doesn't confirm it to be fake and gay
Burden's on you user

same guy, lol

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Read the first three replies. Or find a larger version of the OP image and read the "sources", two of which do not even fucking mention slavery. It's embarrassing that so many of you morons fell for such obvious bait.

FYI, that's a parody account made by one of us.

It's established fact. Pilpul won't save you from African justice.

>read first three replies
>first three replies are an obvious kike
>jewish sources not neutral

Attached: image_5a7786fd865c7.png (642x504, 147K)

Ok heres the proof:
Read the "sources" in the image. These sources don't back up the claims in the image. If you deny this you are no better than a brainwashed leftist SJW retard.

Jews WERE over represented in the slave trade. They WEREN'T 78% of American slave owners or anything close to the majority of American slave owners.

>jewish sources not neutral
The alleged claim in the OP is supported by Jewish sources you dumbfuck. In fact they're the same ones cited in the image. How fucking stupid are you?

Call the ADL, it's anudda shoah!


Oy Vey shut it down

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It's established fact. Pilpul won't save you from African justice.

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No it isn't. It's contested like a mother fucker in all there 'for the goyim' outlets.

Attached: 1508313581329.jpg (6120x5020, 2.82M)

There's no sources to support the claim that Jews were 78% of American slave owners or the majority of slave owners. They WERE OVER REPRESENTED THOUGH. Are you smart enough to understand the difference?

What the fuck are you even talking about? I'm saying the fake claim in the OP's image is allegedly supported by the same sources as user posted here:

You mad bro? Your salt is palpable. Kike.

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It's established fact. Pilpul won't save you from African justice.

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