The results are in
Trump vs Warren 2020
Don't think it will work this time, they've learned they are voting against trump rather than for a specific candidate. Smears like those against Hillary are irrelevant this time.
Doubt it democrat rhetoric has gotten 10x more laughable the past few years than it was even then
Dems are fucked until they chill out a bit
Time is sadly on there side but that time hasnt come
Shameless self-bump
One more bump
People said that last time too
Looks right to me!
Medicare for all = General election poison
>Voting against Trump
We'll see
Lmao Romney was such a loser
>215 Democrat electoral votes
>323 Republican electoral votes
user, you have it backwards. Plus, I doubt Trump even breaks 200 votes at this rate.
I think Trump would win Nevada and New Mexico (and possibly Colorado) as well, but maybe not Maine. I can't see how the democrats' non white base in the southwest would get excited about a white woman (claiming to be injun) from Massachusetts
It's going to be a very close election despite how awful Trump has been, he has a cult-like base of support in rural states that the electoral college favors.
Key states:
The election, much like 2016 however, will be decided in states like WI, PA and MI. If Dems can drive voter turnout to those states, it will be theirs.
2016, these three states were won by a margin of less than 100k votes total for all 3 states combined in favor of Trump. Democrats really need to have an incredibly strong voter turnout though in general to win this election, so people have to be extremely motivated to get out and vote.
Here's the thing, if Democrats do NOT turn out to vote in 2020, after witnessing the incompetence, the ineptitude, the lack of intelligence and dignity from the Trump administration, they absolutely deserve to lose. Think about all the millions upon millions of people that just don't vote no matter what, you have to convert just a small percentage of those people to vote to win those states.
Obviously, Trump, despite everything, still has a massive advantage, and any Democrat that is overconfident in thinking Trump will be defeated easily / resoundingly hasn't been paying attention.
Agree with this map except Iowa being blue.
That said, MN, WI, MI, and PA are the important states here. I think every other state on this map aside from Iowa will go like this in 2020. If the economy stays strong and (likely Warren) is high on unfavorables after the cycle, Trump will be hard to beat.
I would vote Trump over Warren. However, I would vote Andrew Yang over Trump.
>Democrats are willing to have tax payers fund for all of their "free" giveaways and you think Republicans will have a chance against the gibs party
I really can’t see Warren winning. She is way worse then Hillary. At least Hillary had some crossover appeal
The general you mean? She sounds smart but kind of naggy. Trump is good at messaging. He'll make it tough for her in the midwest. I live in PA but I dont know what the fuck is happening
I'm wondering whether Biden wold risk putting Warren in the VP position.
I'm guessing his corporate sponsors wouldn't allow it.
Fuck that if Biden gets the nominee I will vote for Trump out of spite
This is the best Trump can hope for in 2020. If he actually speaks truth and calls the democrats anti-white he'll lock most of the Midwest up easy, but he'll never do that because he thinks the media backlash would actually hurt him
I cant see Biden winning the nom. He looks too weak. NBC poll earlier shows him losing whites to Warren. While he's demolishing everyone in blacks, the early primary states have no blacks.
Obama won Iowa twice brainlet
Minnesota will never go red prove me wrong
PA and IA trend red
2024. It'll go blue in 2020
WTF does Obama/Romney have in common with Trump/Soc? Obama won because he was "Black" and perfectly matched for the optics of the moment.
Wrong. Voter turnout favors Trump.
Pls Lord make Warren the nominee.
Hope so but I really doubt it
Democratic rhetoric is scaring the shit out of immigrants, legal and illegal. They will vote for Trump. It's likely going to be such a large landslide that the DNC will spend the next 4 years saying it was cheating
Sell me on why she should? Would pocohontas still hurt her and not be baked in? How does she do in midwest?
Expect a collapse in the Belt and a Collapse among midwestern farmers devastated by the Tariff war.
Yeah and the same election cycle Texas and Florida could go blue, shit is lookin bleak lads
I think R's will turnout in droves there because of Omar, but it sadly won't be enough. They're just plain outnumbered.
ConAgra doesn't count as midwestern farmers you dumbass.
If you think he is gonna win Penn again you are coping. He only won there last time because the Dems were lazy in that state and thought it was a shoe in.
the number of full time farmers is nearly zero at this point. Everyone who farms also has a side job, and they all understand that China has been eating our lunch for the better jobs. Nobody in the Midwest doesn't have family that has lost work due to "outsourcing." Yes, the tariffs could hurt. They haven't yet. Right now lower taxes are still helping, as is their son being employed.
And we haven't even started talking about the actual candidates.
Crazier than some of the brainlets here saying he'll win Minnesota?
>Here's the thing, if Democrats do NOT turn out to vote in 2020, after witnessing the incompetence, the ineptitude, the lack of intelligence and dignity from the Trump administration, they absolutely deserve to lose.
I think the couch potatoes that didn't vote 2016 know what's at stake here. Plus, with Texas going BLUE, Trump is fighting a losing battle here.
The only way Trump loses Penn is if Biden gets the nom.
Biden isn't getting the nom.
Biden is guaranteed the nom
The fix is in
Warren or Bernie? I think Warren is the best chance for the win, but I like Bernie's ideas more.
The dude is fucking senile and his eyeball exploded with blood. He won't make it to Super Tuesday. He has never won Iowa and after Warren wins Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina Biden will be toast.
Best chance to win what? The nomination?
Warren is too radical to win Iowa.
Oh she will be GREAT for the Midwest. Keep up the tax hikes and climate agenda + free college + debt forgiveness + wealth tax. PLEASE RUN ON THIS.
A good economy makes people fat dumb and happy. What you see an an outrage (crowd size gate, two scoop gate , and sharpie gate) may not be the motivator you think they are.
If you nominate Warren black turnout will tank. Sure she will get the lions share of those that bother to turn out but it won't matter.
The dems will win the popular vote and lose the electoral college yet again.
He might still with SC because of the black vote but the whites decide every place that matters.
Warren is a comic strip. It's unbelievable that people like her are convincing to anyone except corrupt businessmen who can use her stupidity to get shit passed. Anyone who thinks she has leadership qualities needs to take their head out of their asshole.
>The dems will win the popular vote and lose the electoral college yet again.
If this happens, the outrage will be crazy. And they cant do a damn thing about since even RBG said there aint no overturning the EC without an amendment.
The Gynarchy in charge of the dems has decreed it will be Warren.
If you want proof even the left leaning media has turned on Joe. They don't even mention Bernie anymore because he is cannibalizing her vote.
>Texas is no longer deep red
My dude I'm from South Carolina and i can assure you that like 80% of the democrats here are Le Centrist types who are basically in favor of welfare and that's about as far left as they go. Biden will sweep Carolina.
She's fucking catnip to Wine aunts and she's essentially stolen Bernie's economic platform out from under him. She has good animal cunning which is why the DNC will rally around her once Stuttering Joe has an aneurysm on stage.
To change the electoral college all you have to do is get the people with power to agree to hand it over to people that hate them.
>She has good animal cunning which is why the DNC will rally around her once Stuttering Joe has an aneurysm on stage.
If Warren gets the nom the party will splinter. She is anathema to half their voters.
Trump is going to win in 2020 by a landslide and when the salt starts to flow, we must capitalize.
Let's say Biden pulls the nom out of his ass, he still has to get MI, WI, and AZ to get it done. Of those three, the only one guaranteed would maybe be MI.
They're all pretty much too radical to win Iowa
Biden's rhetoric is not centrist at all. He has to say the most retarded woke shit while simultaneously projecting the
Lunchpail Joe image. It's not going to work.
That's essentially every candidate the Democrats have. Biden would do the same thing.
I don't think it would go that far, but it won't result in her winning, I don't believe. She could be a decent loser candidate for the DNC, someone clean enough to help wash away the
>2 in the back of the head
image that the Clinton's left behind. But she's a professor, her entire life has been mostly academic, she's held no leadership positions.
I expect to see her cucking herself to fucking Merkel, or worse, getting in a stupid cat-fight to try to prove a masculinity that can't exist.
>The dems will win the popular vote and lose the electoral college yet again
I don't see how the electoral college could repeat the same mistake again. Trump barely won 2016 through the EC anyway....I read recently it was 70k votes spread across a few midwest states.
Those same voters will likely vote for Trump again, but who will the 2016 couch potatoes vote for? Who will the 15 million new eligible voters vote for?
What has Trump accomplished for the couch potatoes, the college graduates with 60k in student loans?
What percentage of women today are pro-choice, and will this have any effect in 2020?
Trump won it by 10%. A lot of ground to make up against the incumbent president.
>What has Trump accomplished for the couch potatoes, the college graduates with 60k in student loans?
It was the DNC that told them they should go to college. It wasn't the grit and get-er-done crowd with Trump that told them to try to become SJW's and get a degree in something they can't get hired for.
>Time is sadly on there side but that time hasnt come
Truest words ever put on this site. What the fuck are we gonna do in 2024? Pence doesn't seem interested and another Trump won't sit well cuz of Bush I & II. Enjoy the next 4.5 years I guess.
>What the fuck are we gonna do in 2024?
I don't even consider myself a Trump supporter anymore. Everyone is a fucking puppet. Might as well just cast our ballots for Ron Paul till he dies.
How exactly is it scaring them? I thought the Democrats were doing a good job of making them happy?
We need to insure there is a contested convention on the dem side.
They don't have winner take all primaries and anyone who gets over 15% of the vote gets delegates.
If you have an open primary in your state vote for Bernie so he gets delegates.
If the super delegates have to decide the dem nominee chaos will ensue.
I do truly think a third party will eventually be viable down the line. As you can see here if some mook managed to win the "Empty" upper plains alone that could throw a close election into the House. Given the low number of voters in those states it's not out the question.
As always, voting independent in a sea of blue.
California Uber Alles
>What the fuck are we gonna do in 2024?
The Boogaloo will begin next time the economy crashes. Last 3 years have been about bettering myself and prepping for the Boogaloo in various ways. 2024 will be about fighting the Boogaloo or finishing it up. Long term if nothing ever happens America just swirls around the toilet more until it's finally flushed by 2040.
The economy will decide that.
Maybe Pence will get dropped, but who knows? Depending on how a second Trump term goes who knows what the fuck thing will be like? I gave up on politics after fucking Romney.
Why do kikes like you lie so much.
Fucking Oven dodgers
Remember, at the end of the day, the democrats MUST choose who'll beat Trump, the republican nominee.
And so far there have only bean two that've been said to even have a chance against orangeman; the deteriorating Biden, or Yang.
So just nominating Bernie or Warren, knowing they'll lose hilariously, is the worst decision the democrats could make.
YANG 2020
Maine was was way closer than any of those states and already gave 1 of its 4 electoral votes to Trump
Continued here. Hell even one state could cause chaos if it went indy.
Can you imagine the butthurt in pic related?
We need to all move to Montana en masse and vote third party
>after witnessing the incompetence, the ineptitude, the lack of intelligence and dignity from the Trump administration,
What evidence of ANY of these descriptors do you find among democraps? Are they going to “improve” the economy? Don’t make me laugh.
It all banks on the economy, Ohio and Florida. Will never change in that respect.
You really want to look out that far?
I predict China will be attempting a full takedown of the US currency, and rolling heavy in Asia and Africa, and basically by that point the fate of both will have been decided by 2019-2024. The Hong Kong situation will be either open war, or open crackdown. Either way there will be bodies, the only question is how publicly. The US failing to get involved will make nations less apt to resist China.
If we did invade Iran, we'll likely be fighting Chinese and Russian proxies there. There will be radioactive cleanup in Iran after ordinance destroys depots later found to have been holding materials.
The US will be stagnating after a decade and a half of growth, if not just barely coming out of a minor recession. Brazil and China ramping up grain prices will shift US markets to vegetables, and companies that can find storage/package solutions to provide fresh meals will be able to cash in on the surplus of various fruits and veggies smaller farmers are playing with to try to stay above water.
Elon will still be telling us he's going to Mars
(though if he does actually, then there is a major shift in tech for the benefit of the US, which will help our case in Europe, South America and Asia).
The only question, will Google sell the US elections to China?
Iowa South Dakota and Nebraska all go blue this year, mark my words.
I lived in Pennsylvania for 6 months around the time of the election
The rustbelt will never go blue again
2016 wasnt a fluke it was the start of a permanent transition, democrats no longer represent the values of those states
Romney was pretty much the worst candidate ever. aside from McCain. and Hillary
You forget that all this was decided long ago, the whole election cycle is just a circus to make us think we have a choice.
>Blue Upper Plains
Nebraska and Iowa maybe. Dakotas fuck no
Early days.... but all of the Dems are too extreme for centrists. Maybe Tulsi would have a shot
So Fauxcahontas would ban hydraulic fracturing and destroy American energy independence. Good thing, anons?
Blue Texas in 2020 is a laughable thought
It will be a couple more election cycles before it becomes a swing state
Arizona and Georgia are more likely to go blue than Texas
>swing SC
Map was retarded the first time and still is now
Biden wins Texas? Do you sniff glue?
keep screeching against the evidence
I don't think there's a better person for the office than Trump, at the moment. To be honest, I'm not sure there will be a person as good for that office as Trump in my lifetime. He's clearly a much better politician than anyone believed, and he's far more clever, and cut-throat, than anyone the DNC has put up in my life. Very few people understand a room like Trump does.
These were BEFORE El Paso too. If you think Texas is deep red next year you're mentally ill.