Why are they so desperate to push tech on kids. I don't believe this horse shit for a fucking second. My little nephew is 8 years old and can't look me in the eye. Every time I see him he's glued to the phone. He comes over and I offer my hand and tell him to be a man and shake it but nothing. Last time he was here I was chasing him around the house telling him to shake my hand
and he was screaming and crying for a good thirty minutes. Kid is fucked up. Gonna talk to his mom
Why are they so desperate to push tech on kids. I don't believe this horse shit for a fucking second...
because automation is the future, we need more coders and programmers, not carpenters and plumbers you fucking out of touch boomer
STEAM is the future, get over it already
The electric jew will make your kids su servant slaves, goyim. Theres no stopping Israeli interests
>i-it's da JOOZ who are making us all more advanced in tech
You know, in my time I've found that antisemites (the real kind like you, not the memesters on here) tend to be mentally ill and ungrounded in their personal lives. You probably have a family that hates you and are one public freakout away from being committed in a state mental ward.
Although it's always funny to see the newfags on here that can't figure out that the whole gas the jews 1488 thing is ironic only.
because they want to data mine the shit out of you from age 2 onwards. think about it:
>they know everything you like/dislike
>they can target ads like Minority Report
>they can track all your purchases
>if you do no no bad stuff like look at degenerate anime porn, they can sell that info to employers, who will use it to control you
>if you ever run for public office in a non-mainstream liberal manner, they have 30+ years of data to smear the shit out of you
>they have voice samples to make you say literally anything
it's entirely about data mining for control of your life
>My little nephew is 8 years old and can't look me in the eye.
Who cares?
It's ironic for newfags, after a while it's no longer ironic.
billionaires dont let their kids near screens at all until a certain age and send them to special schools for this very purpose
>I was chasing him around the house telling him to shake my hand
Are we just ignoring this? Fucking autist.
Immature brains susceptibility to subliminal messages
>Implying you were never chased being told to pull his finger by an uncle
Not his finger
This. How many "children's" YouTube ads will Google push?
You should beat the ever loving fuck out of him with frozen pork
Jow Forums is the only place kids should be going online
Same. Ive seen a 3 year old get her tablet taken away while eating at IHOP, and she wailed like a coke fiend in detox.
It's TRAINING. In 1975 we had no cell phones so we were out riding our bikes all the time and playing baseball and getting exercise. This caused us to have normal healthy testosterone levels and not be faggots and trannies. They are trying desperately to turn young men into low T faggots, so they can be more easily controlled.
He doesn’t like you because you are old and creepy af. I wouldn’t shake your hand either
You probably have too much screen time then
>not carpenters and plumbers
Then who will build your cuckshed?
How can they say this with any degree of certainty? We've only had proper smart phones/devices for less than 10 years. You wont see the effect that will have on kids for atleast another 8-10
Yeah, it's tough growing up in a Christian household.
Bull fucking shit.
Most kids and teens nowadays are brain dead retards that have zero social skills and are completely addicted to their smartphones.
They can't even watch a movie, tv show or sporting even without checking social media every 20 seconds.
because mental health is measured by ability to fit into society. If anything not participating in enough screen type might make you 'mentally ill' by that criteria. It's humanity as a whole that's going insane through tech, not individuals.
I unironically discuss the jews with my mom and sister at family dinners on a regular basis. I have a successful career and am what you would describe as 'well educated'. Fuck you
>Feb 2017
>Alex Jones talks with Joe Rogan about how the elite want to use supercomputers to process massive information and inject information back into the world system to control the future
>May 2018
>Google's "The Selfish Ledger" internal video is leaked showing exactly what Alex Jones was talking about
This creates a feedback loop of reinforcement
>kid acts like a shit in restaurant
>tired parent gibs ipad as mute button
>kid learns to act like a shit in order to get ipad
>Last time he was here I was chasing him around the house telling him to shake my hand and he was screaming and crying for a good thirty minutes.
ITT: Baby Boomer afflicted with Alzheimers is confused and alarmed that no one wants to touch him or be near him.
>yes goy, feed your kids propaganda from our devil machines
I'm on to your tricks schlomo.
This is the exact opposite of what's happening. With the advent of easy to use GUIs, current generations only have a surface level understanding of how technology works. If you want your kid to go into STEM, teach them STEM related things. Don't let your kid sit on an i-pad watching spiderman scat porn on youtube for hours on end.
Same here. They disagree, but I tell them the uncomfortable Jewish truth every time they bring up some leftist nonsense.
Also, when anyone asks me about my politics I reply with "anti-Jewish.". It works well because you will never get that question from people you have to hide your power level around.
So they'll accept the mark of the beast easily
Pretty much. When I was younger I was pretty degenerate and looked at some pretty awful porn, did some faggy shit as well. You'd better believe that threatening to tell my family / friends about that shit would give me second thoughts about being active politically. Good lord I'm cringing thinking about it.
Best to get kids addicted to this skinner's box of instant dopamine release as soon as possible so they end up useless members of society dependent on the state. Of course you also have vultures who are just looking for new customers.
Of course, its totally normal for kids to throw tantrums and attempt suicide because their parents set a time limit on when their devices can use the wifi.
And having an entire generation grow up wanting to be youtubers is great for society
Do the opposite of what the jews say the article
Pretty sure that's just autism
>hello fellow fourchannels
The kid just hates you because you're a Jow Forums autist and probably have the charisma of a bad case of cholera