Sum up your political views in one sentence

Sum up your political views in one sentence.

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Death to capitalism.

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One word: incel.

>Be Soviet Union
>need Lend Lease from the capitalist pigdogs to keep you from getting annihilated by the Axis

Execute liberals, niggers, jews, and spics.

Anime fag get gassed

Hitler did nothing wrong.

Within the political paradigm: Deport all spics.

In an ideal world: Monarchy now.

I’m deeply in love with a beautiful woman


this man was deprived his GET

Loving guns, hating minorities.

Leave me the fuck alone

>Eliminate poverty
Making everyone poor isn't eliminating poverty, user.

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"

These are some nice digits my friend.

Truth, peace, justice, fairness, honesty. Hard to find in any political group it seems

We must secure the existence of the Brapno state!

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Poor people are insane.

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you can't be an anti-semite if there are no semites

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Everything I disagree with was created by jews.

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I wanna fuck Satania so bad

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this but unironically

working left and moral right

Who said it was ironic.

recreational nukes.

There needs to be moderation and balance in all things.

I met Donald Trump once. He was in Scotland visiting as my parents are second cousins with his parents who had lived in my village.He happened to be at my house one morning whilst I was making breakfast. By at my house I mean he was just standing in the garden tamping around on some plants muttering "..killing taters, killin taters..". I didnt think he knew I was there till he froze and stared me right in the eye, and whispered, "ye dont want a case of the Irish, do ye lassie?". I said, N-no? He looked a me and just kept interrupting me saying No!..No?..No! as he pushed his way into my kitchen. He conspicuously protected his bosoms with his hands as if he was afraid they would brush against me as he slid by. Once in the kitchen he asked where "my ole man" was, but he had forgotten he had recently died. I stood there in a bit of shock. He pretended to look out the window as he snatched hot pancakes off a plate and shoved them into his trouser pockets. With out another word he slinked back out the door, stopping to tip the kipper tin he was wearing as a hat to say "cheerio" to a picture of my late husband.

Most people are stupid animals that need to be shepherded.

I really, really, really hate jews.

Burn it all down, start again


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I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.

>556 get
I think he got exactly what he wanted.

We must secure the existence of our people, and a future for white children.

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Everything is a lie created to serve the purposes of a pedophile elite and the only righteous cause left is acceleration.

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stop being better than me you faggot

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Kill Jewish Children.

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tits or gtfo ; on both accounts

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checked, my friend. also, is correct. 556 would definitely get me my results.

Only by accepting that I am not, am I

Finnish babbies.

>jesus christ's death age

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Autonomy and property rights.

I need no other words.

fuck drumpf and fuck white peepee

Ummm.... fuck kikes?

Based and blackpilled.

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I love the environment but hate Hispanics and muslims.

fuck kikes

Fuck off, tgis is mine.



be nice, or not...

majority rule is the most fucked up idea I've ever heard.

Fuck off

It didn't have to be this way

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Took way too long for somebody to post this. Jow Forums is dead.

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Leave me the fuck alone.

A sacred homeland for each and every race

I'm a white only capitalist for the most part and I like white nationalist and/or white only realms for the most part to keep this from going nuclear and/or exploding into total chaos which allow whites to have their own space and not always be jewed into something terrible and I like white freedoms and/or white liberties for that matter to as well, but the thing that is key and I'm finding drop it an/or the but in this situation is that is has to be well rounded capitalism in the more or so white only realm and must avoid extremes of the terrible capitalism realms that don't allow for proper success and such of people in a capitalist environment.

there. one sentence.

run on sentence - which is one sentence - I'm about to get triple life sentences probably for my English alone and how badly I butchered the entire English language, but who knows for now alone at least?

OP is a faggot.

Nothing is worse than being a bad person.

y'all can fuck off

Treading on me is a declaration of war

I wish the Holocaust would happen for real.

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Leave me the fuck alone.

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>eliminating poverty
>end famine and homelessness
Lmao trannycommies have lost it

I just want things to be simple.

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Niggers tongue my anus

Why not just not be a dick?


Leave me and others the fuck alone.

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I know nothing.

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I'm not an anti-semite, but you hook nosed bastards are really trying me.

Capital is sentient

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I'm mad that I am incapable of solving the problems I cannot control.

Fuck off we're full.

i thought you couldnt actually kill daemons only banish them to the warp. can gray knights canonically kill daemons?

End the fed and fuck off we're full.

14 words

We live in a society.

Fate Apocrypha was arguably the best of the franchise.

We must preserve the existence of our people and a future for white children


Giant Asteroid 2020

Rid us of race strangers.

You need one of the necron boxes, and the Grey Knights don't have many of those.

we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

That means you have to come home, George.

>Sum up your political views in one sentence.
Justice is the highest virtue that a civil government may have.

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