Picture This In Your Head

You're a black parent (doesn't matter which), and your son comes home with a girlfriend. "Yo mom, this be my new girl.", he says. She is white. How would you (the black parent(s)) react?

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I would kill my son and then kill myself for being born a nigger.

Most niggers don't like when their kids racemix, even with a white. Unlike whites they have some sense of racial solidarity. Show flag both of you

I wouldn't like it, Most Black mother don't like it.

The only acceptable response

Is it me or do mulattos just look like the spawn of fucking satan? I dislike niggers but Mixed race creaturos fill me with a deep seated bloodlust that makes me want to destroy things.

I would be okay with it knowing my grandkids will have white genes

Based and truthpilled

same response for everything I see



>You're a black parent
>(doesn't matter which)

Are you insinuating blacks have fathers?

Miscegenation is wrong no matter how you cut it. It lessens everyone involved, and their bloodlines.

>muh flesh worship

Repent faggot

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Hang my son for mixxing wit whitey

My older brother had a black friend when we were growing up. Somehow my parents and his parents still run into each other from time to time around town. The black friend is now dating some hippie sjw cunt. She actually told my friends black mom that she’s a self hating black because they act civilized and aren’t your average niggers.

Could you imagine being so insecure you get triggered over relationships that feature interracial couples? Kek only a poltard incel

Based. Canadians are never this insecure. Ameripoltards are on another level.

This. fpbp

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In rare instances that is. This isn't just America we're talking about, but other white countries with blacks in the population.

>"Yo mom, this be my new girl."

smack the taste out of his mouth for talking like a nigger. also, I'm a mutt myself anyway, so the damage is already done.

slap her repeatedly shouting you finna like that bitch??
To make sure she knows what she's getting into