Why are we losing our culture

Why are we losing our culture.

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It’s been replaced with sportsball, Hollywood, and showing each other up on who’s the least racist.

tldr it’s the jews

ummm sweatie, you're not losing it
I'm taking it

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Because whites need dictatorship/authoritarian goverment led by their own kind. Fuck Hitler though, he wanted to germanfy all of europe erasing all other white cultures.


This made me laugh more than it should've.

Whos we? Faggot

What culture? Small dicks, War and self entitlement?

Consumerism and Christianity? Yeah that's going out of fashion boomer.

The United States never had a central culture. We've had spics, natives, niggers, prots, catholics, french, WASPs, Spanish, wops, micks all living here forever.

Some of the richest people in the world wanted it that way.

What other whites?


So transparent.

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why would non-whites which increasingly make up the demographics of the country, give a fuck about white culture, white history or white achievements? Import the third world, you culture becomes third world culture


because you won't fight for it

This culture?

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Because we are letting people who have a different culture live here

What culture? The US was too new of a country to develop any culture before it got over run.

Sorry not sorry

>Muh culture

We're losing our country to brown hordes.

I never got to this level of fruit ninja

Prob George Soro's work


How old are you? What culture are you comparing this to? I was born in 1985 and shit is exactly the same.


That's an interesting perspective. Underated post

wew lad

What's the difference between burgers & yogurt after 200 years? One grows culture

Because we have strayed from being a White Christian Nation. Isn’t it obvious? You could being Northern European Christians in and they would assimilate, but since 1965 it’s been niggers, poos, sandniggers, dotheads, and other assorted dregs.

a chauvinistic, sheltered and lame euro meme
you millenial jackasses who can't into appreciating US culture are almost as bad as (((they))) who actively work to subvert and destroy it
>good news (for me) like liberals and homos, you also will not reproduce
stay frosty, wizards

Mass immigration no assimilation