We should have not put Brett Kavanaugh as SCOTUS. We should’ve put up Garland since he never raped anybody

We should have not put Brett Kavanaugh as SCOTUS. We should’ve put up Garland since he never raped anybody.

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Other urls found in this thread:


But as a serial rapist, I know I'll be better represented in court.
Stop trying to deny my human rights, you fucking bigot.

Men who know how to really live, not get suppressed.

>Number of combined acts of being a nigger
>Kavanaugh 0
>Obama 1,000,000,000,000

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>Number of made up allegations: All of them

Anything is possible if you just tell others it's true.

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Both Obama and Garland Raped me, you better update that graphic of yours.

womp womp

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This meme is false...Larry Sinclair accused Obama of sexual misconduct... then he was off'ed and everyone forgot about him

when Obama's gay accusers surfaced... liberal bloggers had them arrested

Source: archive.is/IAXHc

Based leaf

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Obama raped my bum, I have video

obama covered up the black on white rapes for years.

race statistics in crimes alone so whites can't know the truth alone.

and it's jew trump. both are leftists / liberal / democrat types though.

trump / obama - left / liberal / democrat types

left will eat their own ;)

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Obama raped me and 24 of my friends while garland watched.I'm a grill so it must be true

a code-word for being pro-roastie

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Allegations. Anyone can make them. Op touched other anons.

They have the same number of credible accusations though.

leftism is a cancer - it must be cut out.

left are eating their own right now with jew trump / liberal trump / democrat trump in office and such who is a leftist / democrat.

left are calling themselves Nazis. trump is a set up man to the military coup of America alone.


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Confirmed incidents:0

and of course in the minds of libtards the accusation alone is proof of guilt.

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Why do you keep making these Kavanaugh threads spic? This is like the 4th one.


Garland Raped me

Change the number now!

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For some reason every election somebody decides to go on a raping spree

Are you forgetting about Maggie Nixon? The little girl Obama raped when his tranny husband didn’t want to.

Boy that sure would make me feel bad if that was important

RARE! What happens there?

at this point I wish he was a serial rapist

women deserve this

Philosophical conversation.


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That's why they voted for him, though.

No third line that says make artificial wombs and genocide both? I'm disappointed, user.

What are you talking about? garland and Obama raped me 25 times each

All this shows is that non-Democrats don't make malicious, baseless claims for political advantage.
This isn't fair to them. One or two of these wymen are actually insane.

He’s still alive dipshit

Garland raped my sister in 1987 and has yet to be exonerated. See? Anyone can play this fucking retarded game.

then why aren't they?

I was at that party. It’s true

Jesus too had false accusations leveled against him by the authorities, but still do we love him

Garland raped me and 24 other boys once back in the 90s. Now garland has 25 allegations and is worse than Kav.

oh hey it's you again

Garland and Obama raped me. I personally know thirty people that they raped too.

Me too user

Why do you hate whites?

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>Number of Supreme Court cases voted on by
>Brett Kavanaugh: X
>Merrick Garland: 0



Zero brain.

such a lovely song

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>tired b8 threads are back

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>le allegations are proof of wrongdoing
Notice how they'd change their tone if you mention that Obama had allegations of being born in fucking Kenya
>uh uh well those are bullshit allegations that people can just throw around without proof

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No more lieberals SCJ desu, they are a scourage to humanity. Case note? Abortion.
Another case note? You fucking progs and the 2nd Amendment.

>there on threads on Jow Forums that are not b8

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That makes 26. Hold me I’m scared

I made a thread that wasn't bait once, it got ignored


If that the standard we could whip up thousands for your 2 guys.

Don't reproduce.

Why does Obama have 0? I allege that he raped me, right here and now!

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Nobody wants to FUKKK a NIGGER!

That is how it works, any thread that is not baiting, will not survive

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Nobody wants to FUKKK a NIGGER

Not even other NIGGERS!

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Because leftists fight dirty, and conservatives are controlled opposition

Forgot about her user. Obama was bi, and had a child with this woman.

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Obama raped me

Kavanaugh's bullshit scandal was just to distract his support of indefinite detention. Garland a deep state asset, too, but they couldn't give him a good bullshit controversy without ruining the mainstream paradigm.
Has Trump blew up an American citizen, yet?

Obama raped me 25 times while Garland watched.

Maybe because respectable right wing women don't use their pussy as a power chip.

>Rape is bad because it's bad

Nice try kike

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>when the word 'substantiated' is conspicuously absent

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Look at all this shit. All 1 post by this ID, phone posted, anti-Kavanaugh shilling. This board is going to be un-usable in a year from now.

Obama raped 26 people I know of.

Pilpul. Gas yourself kike. You can’t change the law. Innocent till proven guilty. Deal with it kike.

The board has been controlled by kikes forever now. Mods are kikes.