Canada Elections 2019

NDPs on suicide watch

Attached: poll1.jpg (1274x680, 77K)

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I think it'll be similar to New Brunswick provincial election. Probably will be even or close between cons and libs and third parties like green and ppc (maybe bloc idk too much about quebec politics though and how popular they actually are)

>paying any attention to a CBC poll


its not a cbc poll, retard, its the cbc aggregating a collection of independent polls.

Can anyone explain what this means to a Burger that doesn't know anything about Canadian polotics

They are getting rekt in Qc

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conservative party leading "popular vote" which doesn't mean shit because the prime ministership is won by majority of seats which is heavily in the favour of King Cuck.

prepare for another 4 years of hell.

This is the party leader of NDP

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but dont worry, the death of the working people's party is ok because they have a diverse leader

I thought he would aggressively round up the poos and other minorities, but he's just a beta wet noodle. NDP MPs are constantly resigning or defecting.

He seems like an alright guy, but rather inexperienced and his party's policies are shit. He's too foreign looking to be electable in much of the country anyway, despite all the propaganda about how pozzed Canada is.

Most non-poos wouldn't vote for a poo anyway.

So the NDP, Liberals and Green continue to do their thing while the Conservatives are limited and PPC is too insignificant to tip the scales in any meaningful way.

I watched the debate and the only thing Scheer was fully committed to was being a zionist

Or the English language for that matter. That said, it just means one of our shit parties is shit although it doesn't matter because all of the major parties are globohomo trash.

Fuck me if the federal Greens get any sort of power at all. Provincial Greens are already grasping BC's Premier by his balls.

federal greens dont seem that bad desu

with two provincial seats in BC the Green Party has effectively destroyed Canada's petrochemical export industry

say what you will about Greens but they get a lot of shit done with what you give them

tipsy may will put canada on a straight path of prosperity

Yes they can "get shit done" when it comes to destroying. Let's see if their push to a fully green, no fossil fuel economy will actually create wealth.

If the greens win any major power and use it to continue fucking over Alberta and Sask we'll leave.

Civil War hype hype hype

May promises to surge the military, freeze all Chinese holdings and make criminal and polluting corporations to rebuild impoverished areas using forced labour AND SAVE HUMAN CIVILIZATION

no wonder Jagmeet is getting his ass kicked

Attached: may3.png (924x661, 1.16M)

I'm voting Bloc Québécois just for the kek

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Popular vote means nothing here. It's done by seats, which means we'll get another 4 years of Trudeau. But to explain our parties:

>Bloc Quebecois is a French separatist group. They are center left with a vested interest in preserving Quebecois culture.

>Green is a far left party. Radical environmental group. Like want all cars to be fully electric by 2030, complete blocks on all coal, oil or gas, and shut down of all nuclear. Plus a focus on other environmental shit.

>NDP is far left. They used to literally copy platforms from the communist party. This time they're lead by a sikh. Ever since their last leader died they have been drifting even further left.

>Other is just a random assortment of other parties. They won't win anything. Not even a seat.

>Liberals are our centrist party. By centrist I mean left wing. At least as much as Kamala Harris. For the last 4 years they have ruled with a majority and proceeded to wrack up a deficit of ~19 billion per year due to Trudeau virtue signalling with money. They'll get another 4 years probably.

>Cons are our "right wing" and by that Iean centrist. Scheer capitulates to Israel constantly, doesn't really want to reverse any damage to our social fabric and is less charismatic than any one else running. But he's basically the only right wing choice so he is who you get.

>PPC is our group. Still a little soft on some things but pro gun, pro nationalism, pro resource industry. Tends to get portrayed as a neo nazi or as bad if not worse than Trump.

His actual policies before becoming head of his party were shit.

NDP needs to do better so left vote is split

It's coming down to Sheer or Trudeau.
So the next leading is going to be either a kike, or a cuck.

The funniest outcome would be a conservative minority that goes into coalition with the greens

Libs are going to get 100%.

It means they fuck dogs.

Same as everywhere else I suppose.
This shit never ends.

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By the looks of that polling, minority government one way or the other.

We will rebuild aboriginal longhouses AND MAKE THE POLLUTERS PAY FOR IT.
We will build walls around oil rigs AND MAKE THE OIL COMPANIES PAY FOR IT.

At this rate, it doesn't seem to matter who's running the show anymore.
I'll vote for the kike so long as he doesn't wear ducky socks

Attached: trudeau-socks2.jpg (650x367, 63K)

>sitting right next to Yousafzai
Gotta stick his feminine dick into every progressive hole, I guess.

Democracy: The notion that the public knows what it wants and deserves to get it good and hard.

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m'lady, eh

the fact he's in ndp tells you all you need to know about him

>Democracy: The notion that the public knows what it wants and deserves to get it good and hard.

That would be populism. Canada doesn't run on that. The political class; the parties, NGOs, media and the academy just does whatever it wants while maintaining the illusion of consensus. It's oligarchic.

What’s this losers platform going to be this year?

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Anyone who votes other than PPC is a serious cuck.

PPC is the only logical choice.

"Dude, weed. Still lmao!"

Carbon taxes will go up
Larger payouts/concessions to natives
Some prescription drug coverage
Some minor other things

Yah...the same way cancer isn’t that bad

Their letting mad max into the debates with hope of splitting the right so truedope can win again

A lot of the dipper’s base isn’t at all happy with their ‘leader’

I know Libs who are voting for PPC. Actually 6 of them. Even asians in Toronto who voted Lib are voting for PPC.

Don't listen to our media, it's fucking twisted.

Max is polling way more than you think.

30% Canadians want less immigrants.
30% percent want the immigrants to assimiate.
30% Don't mind where it is at now, but don't really want more.

Only 6% of Canadians want more.

So 60% of Canadians could potentially vote for Max.

As for the VOTE SPLIT MEME. If Trudeau somehow winds up with a minority Gov, the Cons and PPC will completely vote down everything. He won't get anything done.

Holy shit the NDP is nothing without Jack Layton

This PPC gonna catch people way off guard. Debate gonna be fun.

Best part about representative democracy is when the minority government makes decisions for the rest of the cuntry... Our system sucks so bad.

Let's all become PPC members. Even goyim need money to beat kikes

When people say the popular vote doesn't matter here, I don't think they're painting an accurate picture because Trump didn't win the popular vote.
40% of Canada's population is enough to elect a majority government. That's what Trudeau got in on, 40%. 6/10 Canadians didn't want him to lead.
It's a fucked system he claimed he'd change, but I guess people voted wrong so it stayed in place.

>30% Canadians want less immigrants.
Quebec's ahead of the curve on this issue
>A poll conducted by SOM for Cogeco Nouvelles and published Wednesday suggests that 55 per of respondents think Canada shouldn’t accept more immigrants in the wake of anti-immigration measures announced by U.S. President Donald Trump, while 36 per cent are in favour of welcoming more immigrants
This was before the Haitian 'refugees' showing up fleeing the states.
'refugees' who disappeared from the system and went rogue

The huge issue with Quebec is there enabled twats who vote to steal money from the rest of Canada... They won't vote right wing cause Bernier will fix equalization and they will be forced to create wealth. BUT Bernier is the only Poli who will actually let Quebec be French Canadian of European heritage.

>independent polls

I'm expecting my PPC yard sign to be delivered and set up sometime this week.
Hopefully Mad Max makes a good showing so ordinary canadians can stop pretending to be full multiculti

What excuses are current lib supporters using to vote for Trudeau, despite all the shit he put us through, including 2 breaches of ethics?

He will cuck. Might as well vote for the conservatives so trudeau isn't prime minister at least, which is a constant embarrassment