Existential Crisis General

What's the point of all of this, Jow Forums?

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Forgot the memeflag

It should be a "choose your adventure" kind of a thing, but your Neanderthal tribe and their minions fucked it up. Now it's just Hell "lite".

There is no point. You make your own point in life.


Why were you kicked out of so many countries throughout history? Genuinely interested.

I don't memeflag, if that's the extant you niggers can think then so be it.
"My tribe" "your tribe" it's all a blimp in the cosmos, if it's not my tribe to piss in your coffe then it's somebody also to shit in your fridge. It's all bullshit and It's all fleeting in a cosmic blink.

It's a test.
And stop watching kutzkesagkt shit.

Some is OK, but they also push the open borders narrative.

Don't follow godless commies down to hell. Repent.

Me? I'm just a clueless monkey trying to make sense of this odd existance

to make frens :)

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I take everything with a mound of salt, everybody is clueless but try to project wisdom. This is not a kurzgesagt creation anyways and their opinion on other matters makes no difference here.

Maybe weaponize and profit off degeneracy and subversion.

I have no idea.


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The only purpose of any living thing is to eat, sleep, breed, and die. You get to choose what you do with the rest of your time.

To become old enough to post on this board. Seriously, nihilism is the philosophy for edgy 16 year olds.

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Basically get through life without the hordes of snarling psychopaths making you one of them.

The nature of the universe is mathematical, your sentience can be at some point in time explained as a mathematical equation, equations will repeat with time. This is fact. The moment you become inert mass, dead, your equation will repeat. Although since time has moved, time being the one changing variable to what you can consider your “unique” problem, the outcome will always be different. Infinitely so, until time is no more. The goal? That we may realize this and escape this space-time loop through some very, at present time, unachievable technology. Perhaps before the heat death of the universe and the end of literal time, we will be able to. Til then, just find whatever meaning you want in life. Assuming an infinite universe, that your “unique” problem will escape this time loop is assured. I am by no way saying anything about reincarnation, because theres nothing about a “soul” or past that connects to your present reality.

Gay af but it made me smile

Stop trying to advertise your youtube channel here morons it will backfire like it has for everyone else.

To die for Israel after the CIA false flags gas prices rising 12% due to a loss of 5% of the supply the moment things started to look like they were getting better for the first time in 45 years.


I haven’t let the world break me. I’m not completely sure there’s a heaven but if there is I want to go there.

To demonstrate that life is hell without the direct overt presence of the Lord Jesus Christ and total acceptance of his status as the All-Good Creator God.

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unfuck the universe
dunno... ask god instead of niggers on the internet

You get to see it you ungrateful fuck

Ouch Israel, those digits.

Heres another one then youtu.be/8kX62n6yNXA
I am greatful, but why this instead of nothing at all?

>it's all a blimp in the cosmos
Oh, the humanity!

Holy shit! Satan himself guides this Jew's hand, I feel so blessed

Why something instead of nothing? That's easy. Why this though? That's half the fun.

>it's all a blimp in the cosmos

This guy makes some fun videos sometimes but most of the time he's xkcd redditor tier.

Is there anyone in the earth that knows the answer for all this shit? Like the elite are really Moloch whorshippers with knowledge of the existence of all things?

Sounds like fun, I wish I was a guy like Jerry Heller or Weinstein.

We know there has to be an explanation for everything, but at the same time, the very existence of our universe itself seems to be an impossible to understand contradicting paradox to our human brains. I don’t believe any human is capable of truly understanding the universe. We lack the intelligence as a species.

Should we tell him?

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To mind control white people. You don't want them getting ideas all their own.


that's the point

the criminal masonic state we live under is a an inevitable procession of ape to human to x evolution

eventually these ugly subhumans will be brought to heel and it will be like they never existed

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>what is the point of the most self actualized species not wasting all of their effort to be subverted by parasites who use the whole of humanity just to further their animalistic hedonism

its hard to even articulate how much of a fucking disease kikes are because it’s unprecedented, the sheer amount of effort we make just to stall and degenerate, all for Jews to get rich and fat and fuck prostitutes


to coom

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Maybe I'm just a delusional kike but I am having a hard time believing people are inherently evil.
Muslim suicide bombers believe they are doing the right because they try to get humanity to realize they are on the path to eternal damnation when they could be with god in eternal bliss and they are prepared to give their lives for it.
SJWs, in their own braindead way try to bring kumbaya to the whole planet.
Hitler tried to do the right thing by getting rid of those he believed are parasites to soceity so that one day there might be something resmbling an utopia on the planet.
And the elite jews? Maybe they try to shepherd the masses to get to some transhuminist utopia? But that requires a lot of power but attaining and maintaining power requires doing some nasty shit. (Yeah I know its blasphamy even suggesting such a proposition on Jow Forums, espacially with a flag such as mine.)

The road to hell is paved with good intensions, or so the saying goes.

All life is the same shit as fire. Your exist for the same reason as fire. If you want a purpose, it is to burn as much as possible, that's the only real purpose, ensure that the human race burns everything that it is physically capable of burning, just like how fire naturally exists to burn until it runs out of fuel completely.

Compare cellular respiration to combustion. Literally identical. Meaning if human life kills itself off, burns only 0.00001% or less of what they are physically capable of burning over the course of the universe, they're absolute shit tier life. Survive indefinitely in order reduce chemical potential energy in the universe as much as possible. Exactly the same as fire. This is the only point of life. Any other superstitious, philosophical, ethical, humanistic, or otherwise nonsense argument is 100% pure delusion, all of that is fantasy bullshit. It takes one glance at reality to understand this shit, the reason for the existence of life is pretty fucking straightforward don't succumb to delusion.

Live long enough to achieve longevity escape velocity, and be wealthy enough to use anti-aging technologies when they come around. Then live to see humanity colonize other planets.

Ill find out when I die.

People need to understand this. Trying to maximize other shit is like having a wildfire that is trying to maximize how musical the damn crackling is. Life exists because it was ignited, inn the same sense as a flash point for fire, because there was potential energy that could be consumed, life perpetuates itself indefinitely so long as it can find more fuel, life dies if it cannot. It's just another form of fire, don't put too much fucking effort into this shit. Just end the human race if they can't realize this. The world isn't fucking magical gumdrop kingdom and people aren't special or meaningful or magical in the slightest, no different than any other form of life, no different from fire.

I got a shitty picture for you.

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We're just bacteria on a watery rock

To defeat the jews


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That's a good answer to what to do with the cards you were dealt, sure, but that's a boring question and purly subjective. The more interesting question is why there are cards to begin with.
Why there's something instead of nothing, why is there some concious observer experiancing all this unfold, why/how does something, whatever it is, exists instead of unending and eternal "nothing".

"It just is, accept it and make lemonade" is quite unsatisfactory.

So you're saying math says I'll get another chance at life? Will it be the same life on repeat or what?

>What's the point of all of this, Jow Forums?
>Space tiddies
Breast feeding small galaxies?

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Are jews white ?

>The nature of the universe is mathematical
The nature of the universe is explained by some using math.
Math is a language, invented by man, nothing more.

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Here you go.

Forgot your VPN you dumb gas sniffing over dogger

Can’t trust a kike

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the point is to figure out what the point is

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There isn't one, if you're referring to some ultimate grand "meaning".

To find Jesus and accept salvation offered by him.

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To exist into infinity with clarity and good spirits as Donn, Danu, and Finn intended.

You're in one of the hell dimensions and the demons are feeding on your suffering.

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To ponder on the meaning behind all this is a natural human reaction before the absurd that is existence. It's inherently human to ask such, considering we are, first and foremost, tool-makers. From the sticks from which our ancestors generated fire to the ISS, everything we make has a purpose, so when we look around at something we don't understand, we naturally ask, "What's the purpose behind this?". The thing we have to understand though, is that applying such human reasoning on things which weren't made by human hands will lead nowhere. It's unwise to assume something has a meaning simply because it exists, though predictable given our history. At the end of the day, this user may've gotten it right Be well user, Jew or not, we're all together in this.

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Ecclesiastes 12:13 kjv

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

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>t. pic related

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To reject the sinful nature, turn away from sin, and through Christ the Redeemer be purified and worthy to stand before the Lord and join him in the kingdom of Heaven.
The ultimate test.

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Believe in Christ with all your heart and soul.

>VR waifus

Get that money

Buy an island

>What's the point of all of this
To serve the Lord


God gave the world to Satan and He put his children in charge of the world to torture the rest of humanity until it all ends in flames. The jews. Your people. Demons on earth. The corrupted. The anathema. The abhorrence.

To find out what baseline reality is

Why would an infinate being create a multiverse just so some meatbags on some rock praise and worship it? Is that all there is to it? It's as shallow and meaningless as the hedonists' YOLOism.

to fugg qt3.14 traps like pic related

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Doesn't exist and there is no proof of it.
If God is infinite then there is nothing else TO worship. We are literally worshipping the source of everything. One that gave us a life and a soul.

Why? It's incomprehensible, but God made us to be something like Him. We are expressions Goods infinitude, iterated out through the millennia. Our worship and our attempts at being "good" are outpourings of God's love through the centuries.

To suffer and then die.

I like where this is going, user.

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>Every time you fucked, you fucked yourself

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Accrue wealth, breed

>An infinite being
>Pure love
>Creates universe for meatbags to suffer in, creates the devil to decieve, creates hell
> No needs or wants because that arises from biological necessaty
> "Worship me puny ones"
> Creates baddies, Knows everything they would do
> Damnation in hell for etrenity anyway
> Pure love


And all this goes under the rug with a good ol' "God works in misterious ways, believe me I've got it all figured out", right?


personally I'm leaning towards some kind of testing/building stage for your own growth which needs to be exposed and surrounded with horrors of both man and nature. I don't know if I fully believe this yet though.

This video made my nose more crooked by 10 degrees.
Yeah, that's a good explenation and yet, why test when you know the result beforehand?

Fuck off you useless cunt

It's better that it should come from us.

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>why test when you know the result beforehand?
I don't think trying to put yourself into the mind of the creator makes all that much sense. Maybe he just likes seeing every one press the same colored button or there's a far more elaborate purpose. The parental joy of seeing a shitty drawing and placing it on the fridge is universal to anything with reproductive capabilities.

It's like a game, you know? For example, most men get a huge objective with huge and unexpected rewards/sightings/experiences when there are Events. Examples of events have been the WWs, exploration of new continents, philosophical hype, etc. Right now we're in the Eventless times of the game, which serves to give some breath to players and send the message "hey, don't slack, prepare for the next event!". Now, you may ask, what this next event is? Is it war? Racial, perhaps? Is it space exploration/mining? Is it delving deep into robots, new layer of internet, AI and such? Nobody knows, and the only thing we, mere lowly players can do, is wait for the Dev Team to bring in the events, and knowing that the events take quite some time to arrive (70-300 years), the answer for us is to procreate, so to keep the influx of new players, and preserve the legend and stories of not only you, but also of your ancestors, as a "passive buff" to vitality/stamina for the generations to come

to get a glimpse of what reality looks like beyond the big fat sleep. Life is just a very brief glimpse of what the universe is like.

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nothing, which is only distressing if you were raised on (((religion))) so were ever convinced otherwise

kind of like how if someone came up to you and said you'll never be a billionare you'd response would be like "yeah duh" and not hurt since that was always self-evident, but if they actually tricked you into thinking you were going to get a billion dollars only to reveal it was all bullshit then you'd be fucking butthurt

Climate change heat death is the next boss, good luck stopping something tied to gdp growth

That's one shitty mmo, all grind no raid.
All those past events you mentioned, they never happend for the likes of you and I.
It was just good ol' toiling at the field/factory for practically everybody, you just remember them as big events when looking back in history. Happenings never happen, have you learned nothing lurking here?
Events are ongoing all the time, only we're npcs in someone else's game.

Does anything other than yourself really matter?

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Sadly a lot of people aren't frenly

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Dunno, but on the bright side you may get another opportunity to find meaning all over again. Universe existed once, it may be cyclical. In this timeline nothing makes sense though