I found the problem why everything on the internet today is shit

-Women are in heavy minority on the internet.
-All products and contents on the internet in 1995 was interesting.
-A majority of people on the internet are Men ages 25-44, while teenagers are insignificant.
-This gave for a demand of high quality content.
-The discussions on boards(BBS, Fidonet) were civil and engaging, many topics were discussed soberly.
-No shit posting.
-No bans.
-No faggots
-Admins are extremely cool
-Internet felt like an actual interesting place to be.
-Main culture of the internet is free speech, anarchist leaning, science and philosophy oriented.
-Most of the content is textual, articles and essays written by users and discussed.
-Sharing of interesting and valuable information is trending.
-Internet is dominated and fueled by users.
-Kikes are rarely blamed for anything if mentioned at all.
-Subhumans are not a center of attention.
-Internet is racially predominantly white

-Women are teens are in heavy majority.
-All products and content on the internet in 2005-2019 is literal dumpster quality trash.
-Ages 12-24 heavily outnumber the older age groups.
-This gives a demand for brainwashing propaganda and low quality content
-The discussions on boards are nonexistent, boards and social platforms are full of butthurt rage, low energy trolling, shitposting.
-Bans are everywhere for anything
-All people, including adults are treated like 3 year old children being punished for literally anything the admins wish.
-Dominating culture on the internet is left-liberal polit-correctness and "sjw" type of behavior
-Most of the content is pictures and videos, text messages are literally limited do ridiculous 140-2000 characters, anything of value is very rarely added. Internet is dominated and fueled by politics. -Kikes are being constantly called out for their fucked up behavior
-Subhumans are the center of attention
-Internet is racially dominated by kikes, niggers, chinks(complete cancer)

Have I missed anything?

Attached: 1.png (1729x1077, 928K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>women bad!
Lmao have sex incel

kys, fag.

sounds about right
thank you smart phones

I didn't say women are bad.
I'm just stating the facts, that when teens and women were the minority on the internet, it was better, the quality of content and discussion in general was much much better.
As soon as women and teens started dominating the internet, it became shit.
Does this make women and teenagers bad or good? I don't know. But the facts is that the internet that is full of women and teens is total shit.

Now, lets look at why women and teens flock on the internet.
-The destruction of relationships between men and women. Women in 1995 were busy dating, just like most men were. The internet was a special place for people who were specifically interested in sharing viable opinions and information. Today people are interested in getting a fuck on, on the internet and looking at pictures and videos
-Dating apps
-Flashy trashy videos
-Social platforms, where everyone gossips about everyone
-Infantile incentives, like ultra easy time-waster games and purposeless chats

Women and teens are not bad, they are just a target consumer audience who react to commercial adds more actively then men age group 25+

Internet today is build to be a brainwashing for political agenda and a space for commercial adds(via flashy useless mediums like videos, pictures and social media). Understood? Hopefully you can snap the fuck out of your reflexive perception of my post. It's not about women at all.

>-The discussions on boards are nonexistent
>post ignored
point proven

It's how everything online goes, user. Even on a micro-scale, sites like reddit used to be male-dominated and tech-oriented only. Lots of cool discussions and whatnot were had back in the day. When women finished ruining Digg and migrated over to reddit, it went downhill fast and became the liberal cesspit it is today.

Facebook started out pretty cool when it was limited to colleges. Even though women were involved, they couldn't attention-whore because posting pics wasn't available yet (beyond the profile pic and they milked the attention to the best of their abilities with that). Once it became more female-friendly with attention-whoring tools like pictures, albums, etc is when it went to shit.

No, the problem was the iPhone. Women, niggers, retards, poor people, and goblins all gained access to the internet in 2007. The marketing people and propagandists followed soon after.

Thanks Steve. You're the ultimate cuck.

Steve " Ultimate Cleanse Chemo" Jobs was the ultimate beta cuck. He made a phone for niggers purely out of fear they would rip his asshole apart if he didnt design a computer they could operate with their ape thumbs

Attached: you-can-have-either-a-brain-or-an-iphone-_steve-30475126.png (500x407, 50K)

thanks steve jobs you fucking prick.

Look at this video of E3 and see how fun that was.


Just look how fun this was youtube.com/watch?v=ZgeF6mCtDe0

Attached: truth.jpg (1000x775, 142K)

Women are bad lmao
Have you ever spoken to a women?
All they talk about is who they want to fuck

women in the west have it made and they are doing everything in their power to destroy that.

Attached: this sums up women.jpg (625x625, 101K)

> Ages 12-24 heavily outnumber the older age groups.
this is the part where Jow Forums brainwashing units come into play

It's not women specifically, it's when they are in majority. Then they start chimping out like niggers. They support each other and start spewing out their ridiculous perceptions as facts and everything goes to shit quickly.

So, it's not really the women.. it's the majority of women. Which is a tid bit different. When women are dominated by men, they act completely cool and play along well. Once it's 100 girls and 40 boys.. then it's nothing but vagina monologues for some reason. I don't know why that shit happens, but that's what happened. I remember well that in 1995 we were playing MUDs and there were plenty women and even lesbos. They were extremely cool and weren't triggered at all. But the majority were men online. And it was the nerdish type of community which was quite non-pc to say the least. But then bitch hordes started cucking nerd community and sjw-ing the crowd. Now nerds are more concerned with how they sound and what they say instead of actual content.

So, as I see it.. it's the kikes behind the whole thing all along. They started to mess with social IRL structure and creating faggot\women friendly interface and content online, so women and faggots felt strong incentive to get online.

It's not iPhones like one user here mentioned. If the content stayed oriented for nerd\anarchist crowd, then most females and niggers would feel attracted to such content. But kikes felt that subverting the internet to push propaganda and make shekels from adds is much better then keeping internet clean.

Obviously it's some NWO shit.

The majority of women are on the internet due to smart phones, it made it cool for them.

>hey goy lets blame women for everything instead of blaming the jews

Smart phones are only medium. It's not them, but the low quality content that attracts women, teens and niggers.

I am blaming kikes and etc
>kikes felt that subverting the internet to push propaganda

Any intranet where only men can lurk?

Jews are to blame for enabling women.

Well.. darknet I guess, but it's predominantly for buying illegal shit. There are no discussions there. Plus it's a major CIA\FBI honey pot, even more then regular internet. The chance that you're going to be talking to an agent on the darknet is about 50% at the least.

Exactly. Kikes are enabling the degeneracy.