Should I give a tithe to my local church? I'm conflicted. The church is growing without me, it has donors...

Should I give a tithe to my local church? I'm conflicted. The church is growing without me, it has donors. And it's not taxed (Bible pre-dates separation of church and state), I certainly am. I'm conflicted, because I really am saving for a house for my family. I don't waste the money I save. And buying a house and starting a family is time sensitive.

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Give alms to the poor, and you'll have done your duty.

Stop believing in your Jewish psyop skydaddy and go do something with your life. Dont waste your money and give it to jews.

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You'll be doubly blessed in many ways during this life and the next if you tithe faithfully. Pay 10% in honor of He who gives you your daily bread. It doesn't matter if you can afford it, God will enable you to get by on the 90% and even thrive because of the good will you have created.

Read about the Widow's Mite.

Nooooooooooooooooooo, white goyim, don't worry about this life! Give shekels now!

t. rabbi Yeshua

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Guess how I know you haven't read the bible, nigger?

just go to one of those findom sites and get it over with already

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If you really like the church then maybe give them a 20 and call it good
no need to give them money every sunday

>Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Cor. 9:7

Do lump sum and claim as tax write off?

This. It's just entertainment and networking.

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give if you want dont give if you dont want, God created the world and the universe without money so trust in him to help you pay for you house and start your family and thank him for what you have amen

If you like your church why not help fund it? They are giving you a service. You could stay home and read the Bible for free. Being part of a community means giving to the community. If you don’t have $ volunteer some time.

If you believe in the holy Bible, it says that which you give, he will refill your cup ten fold. Your food you share with the poor will find yourself overflowing in abundance. So it's really up to your faith and if you believe in the Bible to put it to practice

I hope this is a sincere question, but I am going to answer it anyway.

You are right to ask these questions. You DO need to tithe IF you are a born again believer, but you are living in the USA and you should NOT give your tithe to anyone who is a 501C3 and is not paying taxes. Your pastor is not paying taxes on ANY of his house because if you are a THOUGHT CONTROLLER at the church for the IRS, you don't pay tax.

In Deuteronomy the Lord defines how the tithe is to be paid. You give a feast, you buy Jack Daniels (strong drink as opposed to wine) if that is what you want. You make sure that all the poor people get a seat at your feast (a feast might sustain life for an extra week or two). You make sure that you don't forget the Levite because he does not have his own land like the other 11 tribes of Israel.

Now lets talk about Jesus. He said that if you don't take care of your own family you are worse than an infidel. If someone in your family has need, and you are sending tithe money to Joel Osteen (a heretic on TV) this applies to you.

Now I don't know if spending your tithe money to save for a house is a godly way to spend it, but the last place you should spend your tithe money is on any church that is a 501c3 with a pastor who is writing off every penny he spends on his own house. I was unaware of this scam until my best friend became one for one year and was shocked when he got a 20K refund on a 40K a year living. He called the accountant to make sure what he had done was legal, and realized why there was so much damn competition to "serve the Lord" like he'd spend his time trying to do. Now he actively encourages people to get away from these orgs that encourage you to warm a pew and start using their lives to actually serve.

One thing he spends his tithe on: homeschooling.

If you think you will send your babies to government school for 40 hours a week and to church for 2 hours and have good results, well, get ready for disappointment.

It isn't about giving them money, but giving something up of yours. You can just as well throw the money into a wishing well or burn it. No reason not to give it to God's servants, if they are true and virtuous, but otherwise you can equally go give it to the poor yourself. Give something up of your own, don't be wasteful but give it to the poor or needy or somehow otherwise serving God's purpose.

I've spend the first 40 years of my life tithing the "traditional" way, but God revealed the error of my ways to me, and since maybe 2% of evangelicals tithe, and I've never seen a church tell people to bugger off if they were not obeying this very basic commandment from God, I am going to stick with the way YHWH God told the Israelites to do it.

If you want to do it the way the early Christians did, they were just holding everything in common. God NEVER said you had to do that, they were giving Him everything they had voluntarily.

If you need your money, then keep your money. Tithing was a thing in ancient Israel because the Levites (priest class) had perpetual sacrifices at the temple. meaning, they were slaughtering animals (and some people) throughout the day and night 24/7. That takes an enormous amount of resources. So people were expected to give 10% or more according to what they had. But this really didn't extend to people struggling.

Now the modern church is not sacrificing anything. they don't fucking need this money, they run it like a business. I mean, they've got mortgages to pay and shit, but so do you. There is ZERO expectation to pay these people. and even less than in ancient Israel since they aren't even sacrificing their own lives to keep meat on the bbq.

Yeah you are no Biblefag.

Don't fall for this bullshit. Did jesus say give 10% of your weekly pay to pay for who even knows what? There are a great deal of differences between what Jesus called the church and churches as we know them.


First get your shit straight then think about your community.

>t. Christcuck

Will they ever learn?

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