TOP KEK dog fucker!!! Oh believe you me, us Serbs are ITCHING for a war with Canada. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of Canadian soil that has running water, maple syrup, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the gypsies, albanians and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY Canadian dog fucker they see. When Serbia's done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it
>Serbia couldn't single-handedly destroy Canada in a week
The virgin leaflet FEARS the Serbian BVLL.
posting in a BASED and REDPILLED thread
mods sticky please
>When Serbia's done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide
That was years ago Ivan.....
Does it ever bother you that the best ruler your nation ever had was a Croat?
>Serbia touches America's hat
>Serbia ceases to exist and must apologize for anti-semitism for the next 2000 years while Justin Trudeau dabs across what's left of Serbia on a hovercraft.
And exactly what the fuck is your problem bud? I'll jersey pull ya and start the fuckin chainsaw.
dude weed lmao
Based and hoserpilled
ITT : The niggers of the balkans talk shit to the niggers of the americas.
I wish you guys would go to war- we'll bomb both of you into Oblivion while accusing you of war crimes
Don't you talk to me or my wifes son ever again.
You have my support serb bro. Just make sure and gas every last single Canadian snow nigger cuck
You have my blessing bro, but to be honest, I don`t care what happens to that faggot country.
Occupying your country was so much fun :3
Don't even know where your country is. And the American dogs would just protect us. Eat shit, shit talker while I keep fucking dogs all I want
>Writes "Couldn't" single handedly defeat Canada in a week" in his own post title.
Youre damned right you COULDN'T , budd'eh.
We're not your fwends, guy.
I'll help too serb
Who do I have to fight for as a diaspora fag?
Don't hurt Slovenia pls
why are you doing this Serbia
Because of THIS.
You're better off under Serbian subjugation. We'll crucify this faggot in downtown Toronto and make men out of you, although you will have to relinquish your females and assimilate yourselves into Serbhood.
Expect us.
Serbia is itching to prove themselves to Germany once more
He is such a wonderful Princess
Nice Diemaco leaf. I've always liked what you guys did with the old girl.
All Americans are welcome to join the rampage within our foreign volunteer units. Alternatively, you are allowed to stay in the US and mind your own business, lest you try to interfere on behalf of the leaf, you will suffer unforeseen consequences.
Then send your leader here, and have him do a bad air guitar to some RUSH songs.
Assuming your country can afford the plane ticket...
>Aussie steps foot in canada
Would it be called the United Serbian republic ? And will Toronto be called Newest Belgrade ?
Well I want an M92 and I'll shoot anyone with it you tell me to
>just found this
Holy shit you people are so fucked.
He has a meme arrow in the title meaning implying
>Serbia couldn't single-handedly destroy Canada in a week
You dumb reddit nigger
your poor ass country couldnt afford the gas to cross the ocean. Where are the strong? Come and take it.
he's gone in a month
Serbia don't
Literally should never exist in the same sentence , eat shit turk
>"Canada has no official church, and the government is OFFICIALLY COMMITTED TO RELIGIOUS PLURALISM.[298] Freedom of religion in Canada is a constitutionally protected right, allowing individuals to assemble and worship without limitation or interference.[299] The practice of religion is now generally considered a private matter throughout society and the state.[300] With Christianity in decline after having once been central and integral to Canadian culture and daily life,[301] Canada has become a POST-CHRISTIAN, secular state."
In translation, the government of Canada is officially committed to tearing apart the traditional shape of Canada, unironically and openly so. Imagine not being content with spontaneous and organic degeneracy and (((secularisation))) but actually fucking working on it proactively as a state.
>loses every battle to virgins
Why would you bother? Canada is doing a good job destroying itself. Go back to smoking your unfiltered cigarettes Mr Serbia
Why do you keep repeating the Albanian eagle in different sauces?
Who just did you called turk you amerimongreil?
Yeah bro, no shit, I've just been looking into this right now. It is amazing how fucked Canada actually is. I know Jow Forums makes fun it leafs all the time, but this is just WEW.
I'm Slovenian you cock sucker , Albanians should be enslaved
Nebi bas tako lako mogli Kanade je prepuna pedercine ali samo koliko silni broj ljudi ovde zive bi napravio resultat gde ni crvene beretke vam nebi bili dovoljno za vas Srbezda.
Fuck Reddit yes, but im so incredibly sorry im not on top of everything Jow Forums. I dont live on this website like you, you fucking loser. Lol
Interesting. What are you?
Dijaspora bre.
Literally every ass blasted pussy on pol
>F-F-Fuck Canada! Day of the rake when
You all sound like faggots with skin thinner than bible paper.
>we bombed villages
>we won
wew lad. so based
>*i'm X% ''''''slovenian'''''
But the rest is still Amerimongrelism. Sorry
Ali slazem se jebes Kanadu. Podrsku moju imate.
My father is a immigrant from Slovenia and my mother was born in northern Italy right on the border. So no , nigger - you're wrong. 1st gen immigrant, you Albanian turkish dog.
Jebeš vse neumne Albance
Well, at least you're trying. Keep working on it.
Пaдeжи тe јeбy мaлo, и јoш пap гpaмaтичких cтвapи. Eвo нaпиcaћy цeo твoј пocт пpaвилнo кaкo јe тpeбaлo дa звyчи, aкo ти нeштo знaчи.
>He биcтe бaш тaкo лaкo мoгли. Кaнaдa јe пpeпyнa пeдepчинa, aли тaкaв cилни бpoј љyди oвдe живи дa би тo нaпpaвилo peзyлтaт гдe вaм ни цpвeнe бepeткe нe би билe дoвoљнe.
Oвo "Зa вac Cpбeздa" нe знaм штa знaчи зaиcтa икcДe.
Stop trying to start another great war. Europeans love maple syrup too much to allow anything to happen to Canada. Us burgers wouldn't even have to get involved.
Hvala dosao sam ovde jako rano i slabo znam
kaj čuti črnec
Operation Medak pocket showed otherwise
Дијacпopa нијe cлaбocт, aкo јe yмepeнa. Oгpoмнa вeћинa Cpбa и дaљe живи нa cвoјим oгњиштимa, тaкo дa нијe пpoблeм штo имaмo дocтa љyди y paceјaњy. Haдaм ce дa cви нeгyјeтe cвoј јeзик и идeнтитeт. Jeднoг дaнa ћeтe бити вeoмa кopиcни и мoћи ћeтe дa пoмoгнeтe cвoј нapoд мoждa и вишe нeгo штo биcтe мoгли дa cтe oвдe.
Пoглeдaј нa пpимep шиптape и кoликo ce њихoвa дијacпopa aнгaжyјe oкo нaциoнaлних питaњa. Дeвeдeceтих гoдинa cy им из Швaјцapcкe cлaли нoвaц и oпpeмy, пoмaгaли кpијyмчapeњe opyжјa из Aлбaнијe нa Кocoвo и Meтoхијy, y Aмepици cy лoбиpaли y Кoнгpecy и cтвapaли вeзe ca пoлитичapимa, и тaкo дaљe.
Taкo дa знaш, нe мpзe cви Cpби cвoјy дијacпopy. Ja миcлим дa oнa мoжe бити јaкo дoбpa cтвap. Paзyмeм дa cи ти """Кaнaђaнин""" јeбигa, aли мoжeш итeкaкo дa нeгyјeш cвoјe пopeклo.
based ancient pasta
>t. american çefur mongreil
we are the same race faggot. just joking
I kinda wish we just left you retards to kill each other after daddy Tito finally croaked.
Tbh fair , all çefur are realistically meaningless - however brother i'm proud of Slovenia. Are you proud of Albania?
Yes it's getting better. Seen even sloven tourists this year
ahahah i'm glad to hear it man. Tbh i've never met an Albanian i truly hated - i just find it funny to start lil squabbles.
Fact of the matter is, brother, if you're proud of your country and willing to work to make it better , the community better etc etc, then fuck what anyone else says. Stay strong.
Next time in in Slovenian ill swing on down and give you a potica loaf :)
You're still a mongrel, subhuman.
>There wouldn't be a square meter of Canadian soil that has running water, maple syrup, electricity, or petrol
So you wanna turn Canada into Serbia? Fuck off were full
Lol based. I dont get the balk shitstorm seriosly, but the autism is top-tier. When you're in balkans go in Albania. It's really too balkanic and welcoming. Also food is great and cheap
It's fun desu, every time i see a balk thread and all the various flags going at it - it just makes me want to go back and i miss it more and more. The /balk/ may not be perfect but they do great with what they have. Will do brother, if i get mugged by a çefur ;) ill resend my potica offer. haahhaah