Hitler was a retarded amateur and the reason the Wehrmacht was defeated. He is an absolute failure as both a military strategist and statesman. Anyone that idolizes this moron is mentally ill.
Hitler was a retarded amateur and the reason the Wehrmacht was defeated...
mean head >:(
wtf I love kikes now
Replace 'Germany' with 'Cock' and read Mein Kampf again.
>He is an absolute failure as both a military strategist and statesman.
Military strategist yes, but hardly a failure as a statesman.
If the practices commonly exercised by 'kikes' are harmful to public order, those practices should be regulated. Your 'us vs them' mentality is barbaric tribalism and does not solve anything.
He was a brilliant strategist, he deserves to be remembered in the same tier as Alexander, Gaius Julius Caesar, Pyrrhus, Hannibal and Napoleon. Losing doesn't make you a poor strategist. I'm a hardcore National Socialist and I don't believe there is any scenario in which they could have won, short of drastically altering world history for the hundred years prior to WW2.
Agreed we must get rid of kike tribalism.
If you study even a tiny bit of history you'll see how every other regular general pulled off completely retarded shit. I'm not going to pretend that I know the full extent and state of WW2, because clearly nobody here does and sure he might've mad bad decisions, but ultimate fault rests with the traitors, not enemies. I.e. Anglos who defended communists.
It's only tribalism when it's not the kikes, amirite? Fag
I don't mind Hitler but I do believe he made a fatal error allying with the conservatives against Rohm and the SA. A people's army fighting alongside the Soviet Union would've been far preferable to OTL.
>we must get rid of kike tribalism
>He was a brilliant strategist
>loses the war he started
>hardly a failure as a statesman
He modeled his government after archaic medieval institutions and gave his subordinates conflicting orders to consolidate power.
>b-but the economy
Hitler instituted the economic policies of his primary political opponent after taking office. He also quickly incurred enormous amounts of debt on Germany's behalf for rearmament under the assumption that it could be regained through plunder after the military was mobilized and by the end of the war as much as a quarter of Germany's work force was literal slave labor.
And lots of other things too really. But you get the idea.
Civ-nat fag alert!
Who declared war?
>fighting alongside the Soviet Union
The entire point of the war was to supplant Russia as an industrial superpower. There was never going to be a real alliance with the USSR.
He had traitors all around him giving the enemy information. Hard to win when all of your plans are leaked or purposefully foiled.
I'll take my supposed mental illness over being a jew.
Thanks OP, you convinced me to read more on his inadequacies. I'll start with Myth of the 20th century.
I don't see why becoming a stronger industrial power then the USSR would've been so essential, especially with a German dominated Western Europe to integrate into a proto-EU style economy.
Hitler didnt lose, Hitler was conducting a part of a larger operation. The Nazi scuttled Germany to create US hegemonic power & the creation of the Israeli state, if you dont understand how the concept of sacrifice is inherent within occult systems then you will never understand this truth. The US is and always was the nazi regime, hitler lived out his life in southern California after the war.
>Yo Germs, don't attack Poland otherwise it's war
>Germs attack
Forreal ? I thought he the king of Jow Forums ? I've been lied to !
>I thought he the king of Jow Forums ?
You thought wrong.
>I don't see why becoming a stronger industrial power then the USSR would've been so essential
That's why you flip burgers for a living.
Just how DARE they try to take back what you've robbed them of at gunpoint just 19 years before. Too bad they didn't win, maybe you could have kept your empire without the (((5th column))), yes?
Germans really are niggers, huh?
Hitler understood the forces at work in the world very well. He understood capitalism, he understood bolshevism. Which he identified as jewish. Certainly jews promoted both systems. He understood that they would be the downfall of our civlization. And people around him understood and agreed that was the case. its why they were so fanatical.
The english never understood any of it. Hitler literally told them they would lsoe their empire and more. Of course they didn't expect that, because they are pompous pampered elitists that think the world owes them somehting, not knowing the world doesn't give a damn about the english and would devour them as well, if given the chance.
The world will now devour what is the rest of our civlization.
It took three of the biggest world powers to beat one small country.
Lets see how an actual leader handles the "jewish question."
>[It is necessary to] reduce, if not destroy, the tendency of Jewish people to practice a very great number of activities that are harmful to civilisation and to public order in society in all the countries of the world. It is necessary to stop the harm by preventing it; to prevent it, it is necessary to change the Jews. [...] Once part of their youth will take its place in our armies, they will cease to have Jewish interests and sentiments; their interests and sentiments will be French.
Wow, fixed it. That was hard.
Brainlet here. Why did Germany believe they could take Russia so easily? Did Germany invade exclusively for the caucasus?
Hitler did the same mistakes that Stalin did in the firsts months of the war. He didn't listen to his Generals and told the Wehrmacht to not retreat which resulted in encircling of large army groups. In 1944 the complete Herresgruppe Mitte got crushed in 8 weeks because Hitler forbid to retreat.
He should have just listened to his Generals.
>one small country.
>Why did Germany believe they could take Russia so easily?
Germany effortlessly destroyed Russia in WW1. Additionally, due to poor intel the Wehrmacht (and the rest of the world) severely underestimated the amount of reserves in Russia.
>Hitler forbid to retreat
>implying this wasnt planned sabotage
The Jews toook France completely over after Napoleon liberated them. Thats common historical knowledge.
In 1940 Germany defeated France in just 8 weeks. France had according to all military historians the best army at the time. Russia lost against Finland in 1939 despite having 10 times more soldiers.
A successful blitzkrieg against Russia was high likely at this time. Even the Americans and British were sure that Russia will be defeated in less than 3 months.
I have stalingrad: the fateful siege. Its a really good book.
Were German tanks crews really that superior to Russia's or is this wehraboo propaganda?
Poland was murdering germans. War was inevitable and you kike-worshiping faggots agitated for it.
Chekt and truthful.
Hitler was based. If not for him we would never raped so many g*rmans to death
Nope Hitler wanted to take Stalingrad as this would've enabled the Germans to cut off the Soviets oil supply. Bear in mid 40% of the Soviet's population was under German control without the oil the USSR would've been paralysed.
Halder decided to take troops towards Moscow against Hitler's orders since he believed that it would've lead to Soviet capitulation which was retarded because it wouldn't have made the Soviets surrender and two it left the German 6th undefended alone the flanks creating a serious risk of encirclement.
Hitler was actually a good military strategist
Yes, one of the first nations to be controlled by jews is good example of fixing the jewish problem. Kys.
>In 1808 Napoleon rolled back a number of reforms (under the so-called décret infâme, or Infamous Decree, of 17 March 1808), declaring all debts with Jews to be annulled, reduced or postponed. The Infamous Decree imposed a ten-year ban on any kind of Jewish money-lending activity. Similarly, Jewish individuals who were in subservient positions—such as a Jewish servant, military officer, or wife—were unable to engage in any kind of money-lending activity without the explicit consent of their superiors. Napoleon's goal in implementing the Infamous Decree of 1808 was to integrate Jewish culture and customs into those of France. By restricting money-lending activity, Jews would be forced to engage in other practices for a living. Likewise, in order to even engage in money-lending activity, the decree required Jews to apply for an annual license, granted only with the recommendation of the Jews' local consistory and with the surety of the Jews' honesty. This caused so much financial loss that the Jewish community nearly collapsed.
there is evidence that the russians where planning to attack the germans in poland before barbarossa i believe it was called operation thunder or somesuch
So like almost everyone I listed?
>Napoleon's goal in implementing the Infamous Decree of 1808 was to integrate Jewish culture and customs into those of France.
Which was an impossibility and why it didn't work. The jews have shown themselves to go cypto for centuries to get what they want. You think a 10 year ban on jewish lending counterbalances the myriad of restrictions on jews that napoleon rolled back?
Under no circumstance was Germany going to hold Stalingrad.
>d-doesn't count!
Israel is close to failing as an experiment. Zionism will prove futile. Then the jewish question will come up again. A number of Jews can sense this.
Yes but Halder diverting troops towards Moscow completely thinned out manpower alone the front. The Frontline from Stalingrad to Moscow is fucking huge .
If that didn't happen the USSR would've been in a significant worse state in terms of manpower. Hitler could've cut off their oil and probably acquired some for himself allowing the Wehrmacht to truly unleash their tanks units.
If anyone genuinely thinks Hitler wasn't intelligent they're retarded.
Most of the biggest mistakes in the war came from German generals not Hitler
it seemed to work in the past a whole lot.
Jidf just clings onto meme statements they can regurgitate ad nauseum. If you point how why their wrong they won't care. They'll simply move on to another thread hoping no one calls them on their bullshit.
This is your mind on freemasonry. You're midwit worldview is fucking retarded. Kikes will always band together as a tribe and they will always do what they can to degenerate society. Ban all forms of bad kike behavior? They'll play the game you set up for them until they can influence society in a way that will allow them to continue their slave driving.
>Out numbered and outgunned
>Still caused World War fucking II
>Still widely known to this day
>Everyone was, and still are to an extent, afraid of the Nazis
>"Butt dey loss su dey iz dumb"
>napolean was a bad military strategist because he lost the war he started
See how retarded you sound?
>Were German tanks crews really that superior to Russia's
No lol. The Wehrmacht was so poorly outfitted that many times they came across heavy armor that they basically had no way of dealing with it. The t-34 and kb were basically indestructible.
Pretty hilarious example of this that occurred in France:
>Billotte is known for his extraordinary actions as a French Tank Commander on 16 May 1940 during the battle at the French village of Stonne. Billotte served in the 1st Compagnie of the 41st Tank Battalion, equipped with the Char B1 heavy tank. Then-Captain Billotte, commanding a Char B1 Bis tank nicknamed "Eure", was instrumental in retaking the village of Stonne, defended by elements of the German 8th Panzer Regiment. The village had already been the scene of fierce fighting before Billotte's action, having changed hands numerous times and lying on a strategic location on the road to Sedan. On 16 May, while under heavy fire from German tanks, Billotte and his B1 Bis managed to break through the German defences and to destroy two German PzKpfw IV tanks, eleven PzKpfw III tanks and two enemy guns. Billotte's Char B1-Bis tank received 140 hits from enemy tanks and guns, but none were able to penetrate the tank's heavy armour.
>if we conscript them into our army they will surely become loyal to us
Ok, and here I thought has was a smart man, having conquered half the world and all.
>german tanks weren't superior to soviet tanks
holy fuck haha you're an actual retarded person.
>napolean was a bad military strategist because he lost the war he started
Napoleon won like 90% of his battles.
Just imagine if the allies had let Germany keep the territory they gained under the treaty of Brest Litvosk after ww1 :(
>They'll play the game you set up for them until they can influence society in a way that will allow them to continue their slave driving.
If they don't, someone else will. This is always an issue and will have to be constantly addressed no matter what. I don't know what you're even trying to imply.
>no argument
At least he'll still be remembered along with his ideas for thousands of years unlike you. You'll fade from existence knowing that you made no attempt to change humanity for the better, and in the end, Nazism will inevitably make another rise when society further weakens from political and economic turmoil.
No, someone else won't because behavior is genetic. They are acting in concert to promote their genetic kinsmen. Europeans don't have the same depravity hard coded in their DNA.
You didn't provide an argument to argue against. The Wehrmacht was not equipped to deal with heavy armor. I gave an example of the Wehrmacht not being able to destroy a tank despite hitting it 140 times and losing 20 of their own tanks. Its your turn to counter.
Reminder that Halder cost the war for Germany. Stalingrad should've been the main focus not Moscow.
Let's stop this narrative about Hitler being militarily incompetent. He's was probably one of the first world leaders to recognize that population size means nothing without resources hence his focus on industrial complexes.
This stands in stark contrast to his retarded generals viewpoint of capturing Leningrad and Moscow just 'cause and maybe it would affect morale?
So did the germans you ape
>Europeans don't have the same depravity hard coded in their DNA
Then why did usury have to be outlawed for Europeans to practice for hundreds of years?
Hitler lost because he didnt exterminate every jew in Germany, the jews in Germany were leaking information to the allies and soviets. In addition he should have known better than to expect the zionist demons to not seek a war so should have had an assortment of german geniuses come up with a new weapon of mass destruction to turn the tide of the upcoming WWII. Had Germany gained the nuke this zionist hellhole we lived in would never exist. Sadly the foolish optimism and mercy of our race costed us again.
K kike
An "absolute failure" wouldn't have lasted years as Chancellor, gain such a positive image in his country, improve the economy, last 6 years in a war against the Soviet Union, Britain and the USA combined, AND leave a massive following that can't be stopped even via social shaming, kike media and jewllywood, or even laws.
What a fucking strawman. Not every single european is a saint, but on average their sense of morality eclipses that of any other race.
Fuck off imkampfy you're literally paid to shill cinatery.
The British could have been finished at Dunkirk. With the British gone even if America were to declare war or if the British government moved to Canada there would be no place to stage an invasion. Lend lease to the Soviets would become far more difficult with fewer allied ships around to stop the subs.
There are multiple points in the Eastern front where better decisions could have been made.
>What a fucking strawman.
No it isn't.
>Fuck off imkampfy you're literally paid to shill cinatery.
Take your meds.
I think the stress and drugs and paranoia really started destroying Hitler around that time.
Nah lol there's no way Germany could've invaded Britain. The Germany navy couldn't have competed with the Royal navy in any capacity. Moving thousands of troops across the English channel would've cost Germany a significant amount of resources and manpower and a subsequent invasion of the Soviet Union would be even more disastrous than it already was.That's even before an invasion of Britain could be achieved.
Butchering the Brits at Dunkirk would definitely have tempered Britain's belligerence however
Based leaf
Cringe and retardpilled
Show your real flag you projecting schizo kike.
Britain is essentially a natural fortress there's very few places you can even land a large invasion force
>should have had an assortment of german geniuses come up with a new weapon of mass destruction to turn the tide of the upcoming WWII
He tried, but as I have already mentioned, his government was a disorganized shithole full of infighting (which he himself caused) so projects were rarely completed despite there being tons of them.
If they didn't go autistic about the airfields they would have beaten you. In about two weeks. You wouldn't have fought in the streets like Churchill said either. You would have surrendered and been sent to camps.
Also one final thing I'd like to add is that Britain even being in the war was disastrous for Germany. Just like in ww1 Britain could've essentially starved Germany into submission.
Germany's best hope was genuinely to have taken atomic weapons seriously
Nope because they still needed naval supremacy. They couldn't have achieved that. If they invaded they would've got BTFO immediately. Britain was far more prepared than the Soviet Union.
Germany should have won World War I. Change my mind.
>believe everyone who disagrees with you is jewish
>calls others schizos
Do you feel intelligent right now? Did you feel like you defeated me in a battle of wits when you called me a kike?
Your ships are automatically liquidated into the German Reich dude. What's your dumb ships supposed to do anyway dry docked in dunkirk. Or sailing way off in the northeast?
I actually jumbled my words. I forgot to separate the part about Dunkirk and an invasion. Anyway as for Dunkirk had the BEF been encircled there probably would have been a lot more pressure on the British government to accept defeat. For an actual invasion of Britain though a whole lot of things would have had to be different. Really you'd have to have been planning to invade for years.
Just observe how Indians are all over the left wing in the US. Extremely smart and cunning. Basically the new Jews. And they have a civlization of 1 billion people behind them and they are waiting to get their pound of the flesh of a dying western civilization, that has humilated them for the last centuries.
Same for every other rising power from Asia to Africa. They're not all as cunning, but they all want bloody revenge.
Says a keyboard nigger who never tried to rule (and save) the world. Kys with drano tonite
There will not be a 110th exile, jew.
No magical death showers. No trained bears. No underground roller coasters. Just one bullet.
Luckily for Germany in WWII they had access to French food production.
Well how the fuck are the Germans going to ship troops across a small body of water against the second largest navy in the world when all the Germans had was essentially floating rafts?
They already get revenge with fucking fat white women enough. They got there nations back. Without white food half the world would be starved out overnight. Esp. Asia and Africa. It's white money keeping those countries in the second world.
You are right though I think Britain would've called for a truce and a non aggression pact.