Bodycam Shows Cincinnati Police Officer Shooting Suspect (nigger) Armed With Gun

Hey, he was just trying to drop the gun down. How can american cops be so cruel and jumpy?

nah, Im just kidding. fuck niggers. -1.

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honestly looks like he was trying to give up the gun. but cops arnt looking for how that bad boy is being gripped.

You never under any circumstance pull out a gun while being confronted by an officer.

That's too bad for that young man he wasn't trying to shoot. Unfortunately unwise. Hopefully he was okay

touching or/and getting out the gun is probably the most stupid thing you can do when cops are pointig on you

I doubt he was much good if he had a gun in his back anyway
>I cant breaf dawg
>I cant breaf dawg
>I cant breaf dawg
>officer puts on glove to stick finger in wound

"If a popo asks to see my hands, I ain't gone be grabbing my gun

yeah, maybe, but if a cop asks to see your hands, you put your hands up. you don't grab your gun, even if to surrender it

This thread reeks of casual racism.

>Uhhh....uhhh...I can't breave yo...muh dick...uhhh...muh dick....muhfuggin can't breave n sheeeeit....uhhhh....

no fucking shit. After you done the smart thing, you also tell the smartest thing
>Officer, I am armed and I have a firearm in my pocket, you can come retrieve it.
And don't fucking MOVE a muscle other than your mouth and eyelids.
You'll be fine.

I'm all for the narrative that niggers are scum, but this nigger seemed that he didn't pull out his gun with the intent to shoot. He WAS, however, a stupid nigger for pulling his gun out for any reason when the cops had a bead on him.

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I fucking love Ohio.

this thread is full of 13 year olds or glowniggers, not sure which is worse. Media loves threads like this to post screenshots of how evil we are.

How so?

Oh, is this a casual affair? Silly me, I brought my fanciest racism.

>flaming shitskins

so who you are, bois?


Yeah we should act more like redditers.

It's funny until it happens to you, cops are out of fucking control.

t. Ohioan

The niggers here are worse.
t. Actual Ohioan.

This. Probably not his first encounter with the law and figured he'd get the "here my gat, offisuh" thing over with. From the firing officer's bodycam, it's hard to tell how the nig was holding the gun so I don't really blame him for shooting him.

Bah, some other nigger would have shot him within the week, cops are just expediting the normal process of nigger shootings

I love girls with unibrows

don't brake the laws, don't act like a nigger, don't be a cowboy, stay calm and always cold blooded = you are fine. this works everytime and I've seen fuck tons of dirty cops back in the Russia's crazy 90s.

>cops are out of fucking control.

Some of them are, yea. Like the manlet who made that poor kid do everything but the hokeypokey before shooting him, even as he was facedown on the ground with his hands in front of his face. But this kid pulled a gun out of his pants after being told to show his hands. He might have thought he was complying, but 99% of people have the common sense to not takeout a gun when an officer already has his drawn on you.

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move to a rural area, rural Ohio is best Ohio

t. someone who grew up in rural Ohio

Whereas if you go to a city that starts with a C in Ohio, some bigger is going to kill you. 100%.

>show me your hands
>slowly pulls gun instead

I live in Lake county my dude. But I have to go through Cleveland sometimes...

Nigger x 10,000
Hang all niggers x 10,000,000
I wish cops shot all niggers, also fuck cops x 50,000,000,000

Cops can wear cargo shorts in the states?

Sign me up!

How can NIGGERS be so dumb????

Seriously....Cop pulls up and you grab your gun....

Are NIGGERS really that stupid????

Yep! NIGGERS really are that stupid!

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After reviewing the video it became clear that the officer made a horrible mistake. He saw the gun and instead of waiting for the victim to place the gun on the ground he immediately fired on him. No doubt he will write the most biased report ever in order to save his ass. I don't understand something, you're a cop right? you're trained right? How do you not have an ounce of self control? I'm just about done, cops are unhinged and they need to be trained properly.

Casual racism is our thing, yo. It should be the norm worldwide.

just remider, cops shouldn't be too nice, cuz the craziest shit can explode in any second. this happend in Russia just a month or so ago

I grew up in Hancock county. Although one time when I was like 6 I was in some hospital waiting room in Toledo, and a group of "youths" started throwing ice cubes at my head, hit my sister in the head with a phone book, and then stole my rubber band ball and my bag with all my lego minifigures in it
Fucking Toledo niggers

yes we can! (c)

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Roughly a 99% chance that cop prevented a murder

Hold on ossifer...lets me grab mes gat....


Another dead NIGGER!


Only 40 million more dead NIGGERS to go!

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From the second cop's perspective the first perspective I did not think he was going to shoot..but the second one, yeah I can see how he thought that. Poor cop. They do not enjoy this shit...and they KNOW what is going to happen. He sounded scared af.

Niggers going to riot in Cincinnati now?

Hope so, makes people vote red.

Another demonic parasite sent to their grave. Good riddance.

Every single time

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Yeah... my brother went to UT and lives in Sylvania...
I will genuinely get off the turnpike to get gas if need be, rather than stopping in Toledo.

I laugh everytime I see it

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dumb bitch cop couldn't shoot him in the head.

There is nothing to say but stupid nigger.

Not Cincinnati. If I recall from the map on election night Cincinnati, Columbus and Cleveland and maybe Chillicothe, went blue. Cincinnati is a "silent" sanctuary city.

>And don't fucking MOVE a muscle other than your mouth and eyelids.
>You'll be fine.

Your move.

Another one bites the dust!

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...another nigger made good!

No the black guy lived. The cop saved his life.

Redpill me, are Russian cops worse than this?

Roastie incompetence mixed with dealing with niggers

Akron and Toledo went red...?
Fucking (X).
Unless you saw a map by county.

Get the fuck out of my country

I went to a Walmart in Toledo once, sort of expecting it to be like the Walmart in the town close to mine. Instead, it was full of niggers, had cameras fucking everywhere, and I swear everything had a fucking security tag on it

Excellent point, however, I would only actually care if the perp was not black.

Cry more nig lover.

reading the information accompanying the video it appears that the undercover cop called for backup when he saw that the nigger was exercising his 2nd amendment rights; there is no mention that the nigger was engaging in any illegal activity.
>inb4 so what he was a nigger
cops will do this to your white ass too. yes, pulling the gun was stupid, even if he didn't mean to shoot it (noone will ever accuse our favourite 13% of being geniuses) but he has the same right to carry a gun as the cop that shot him. the police are not your friend and they have been systematically disarming american citizens for decades.

Go suck some nigger dick you commie fag!

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>Hey, he was just trying to drop the gun down.
You can't possibly know his intention. The cop said "Let me see your hands" not "Pull out your gun". This is a good thing and routine police work well done.

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I absolutely believe every word of that.
Jesus Christ, niggers ruin everything. And Toledo niggers aren't even the worst in the state.

It’s ohio, you don’t need to change the whole city, you just need to convince a few thousand people that niggers are terrible so they’ll vote for the racist in chief.

than what exactly?

No they do not have the same right. It is proven and observable fact that afroanthropoids have a much lower threshold for violence and no impulse control.
They cannot be trusted with weapons.

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American "I THOUGHT THE KID HAD A GUN" cops?

>any illegal activity.

In all likelyhood Jamarquios Jones Jackson Jr III probably has a criminal record..

>and that gun will come back stolen

JJJJr III will claim that he found that gun. They always (((find))) guns.

And no, user, cops dont go around shooting people at random. Niggers with guns yes. He doesnt have the same right as someone with a CCW or LTC. JJJJr III is not your friend. You wont call him when JJJJr II breaks into your house.

Dont break the fucking Law. How hard is that for niggers and you to understand?

While I hate niggers just as much as the next evil nazi, I have to say, just having a gun isn't grounds for a cop to shoot someone. This was a bad shoot and will probably end up costing the taxpayers a lot of money in the end. If the cop can shoot someone at the first sight of a weapon then everyone should be justified in shooting anyone with those same circumstances, including cops.

carry an illegal gun. pull your illegal gun when a cop is pointed his legal gun at you. this is what happens when you are a dumb cunt. nothing of value was lost. KKK still holds rallies in Cinci - they don't do shit about it

have yoy tryed to read to the end of the post? some other comments, maybe?

Agreed. I hate to side with the nigger on this one, but I believe in the 2nd amendment more. Cop was in the wrong and will cost the city a bunch of money.

dude the hokeypoke cop gave that dumbass 2 warnings to stop touching his waistband and the lardy kept going back to it to pull up his baggy ass shorts

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Regardless of race, if police say show your hands and you pull a gun out, your going to get shot. Should the cops have let him decide what to do once the gun was drawn? If you were at a play ground with your daughter and a guy comes up and pulls his dick out, would think “ let’s wait to see what he does first” or would you kick his ass?

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No, you just love penis in your throat.

Gym crow

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Worry about your own state.
We shoot niggers here.




no, we don't have niggers and street crimes are so low it almost never ever end up in a shootout. we have other problem, considering what I said, the cops are way too nice, they don't expect anything more than just a fight, and shit like this happens but anyway soo rarely, you can count not more than a dozen cases a year. in a 150 million country (with 15-25 million shitskins and central asian toilet cleaners).

holy shit that dude was swiss cheese and still managed to crawl over to the dude and slice his neck. Was that a cop on the ground? Your cops need to start using hollow point all those bullets just went through the dude and ricochet off the ground

Used to be the retards in the US were required to have care givers or people responsible for their well being because they couldn't make sound decisions for themselves and if they got loose like your video, the caregivers would be held responsible for whatever the retards did. We need to go back to that.

Freedom happened. Niggers were allowed to act instinctually and protected by law from those who seek to contain them. Unchained!! We should put them all back in chains.

THIS is what happened.

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>tfw ass ravaged, nigger loving, newfaggot retards genuinely think this thread is going be on CNN or some shit

fucking lol or even funnier
>only glowniggers say nigger guys staph it
my sides

Why does my country suck. Fuck.

He did mean to shoot it. That's why he pulled it. If he saw an opportunity while it was in his hand, he would have taken it.

Looks like hes going to put gun down, but with that said, cops cant take all the blame. First off, dont fucking carry an illegal gun. Secondly, dont fucking grab the gun when officers tell you to put your hands up. Suspect could easily take a shot off.

Got to hell cuck

>right to bare arms