Magpies should be culled

>constantly make children and adults go blind
>kill livestock and dogs
>have killed 2 people

Why don't we cull magpies already?

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Magpiiiiieeeee was it you who stole the wedding ring

Should've worn PPE.

I sawr a magpie yestereve

magpies are based
far more intelligent than any strayan

Magpies are the niggers of the bird kingdom

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Based magpies

How the fuck does a person die directly to a magpie? If a bird harassed me because I wandered to close to it's nest, I'd swat it out of the air and kill it.

A magpie just flew over my house!

Because they don’t die directly, they veer into traffic or fall onto a rock

Also grabbing it is a great way to lose an eye

Magpies are smart. It probably painted a fake tunnel on a brick wall and the people drove into it at full speed.

not if it was a protected owl or other bird and you were in the suburbs surrounded by cameras and people


If only you cunts downunder had a mechanism for culling them at a safe distance. Something that could fly faster than them, and knock them dead from the impact. If only Australia wasn't full of retards, they would shoot the fucking birds instead of getting their stupid eyes poked out.
Also, fuckstrailia... gunless cunts.

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There's a town in Massachusetts that uses a falcon to knock down crows.
Chad falcon vs virgin crows.

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Give us your shinies and we'll let your children live.

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Why not dab them out of the air? One arm to protect your eyes and the other one to flail around

Two wheeled fags get btfo by one of the smartest corvids.

100% underrated

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One day you'll beat the birds, I have faith

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The magpies are just trying to to the English to go back.

Whatever, that kid's gonna look like a badass for the rest of his life. Imagine being in high school with a fucking eye patch? Instant panty-dropper.

bahahahaha strayans always getting cucked by birds. The stayan fears the big bird cloaca.

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lmfao did a magpie peck out that kid's eye?

Australia is fucked m8.

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>Splitting hairs

A cassowary can break a humans femur (the strongest bone in the body) with a single kick, and they're half the size of an emu

erd u woz avin troubles wiff sum maggies innit

giv us ur chips m8

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>lmfao did a magpie peck out that kid's eye?
Roosters will snatch a kid's eye in a heartbeat.... And they're chicken.

well birds are the descendants of dinosaurs who were the ultimate niggers of this planet, so that's no surprise.

i bet Australian roosters are YUGE cunts

If a cassowary tried to do that to me Id grab it by the neck and tear its head from its body and have it for dinner.

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Australia has a terrible record in the war on birds.

plovers are worse

>Australian roosters
4 ft tall and they hop

Nah, magpies and plovers are the biggest cunts, all the other birds will leave you alone if you leave them alone

>and then everyone clapped

We should declare ware on feathered fucks

Florida man killed by cassowary he kept on his farm


Not to mention they sound absolutely horrible aswell, and bring you bad luck.

>i bet Australian roosters are YUGE cunts
They call them "chooks", which I assume means a cross between a chicano and a gook. So, pretty much stabbing, theft, and eats cats and rice, but can't drive for shit.

Magpies are BASED and REDPILLED.


>historical battle photo from the Emu War, c. 1982 - colorized

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I thought all Aussies were required to have a boomerang in their belt for this sort of thing. You lads alright down there?

Don't even get me started on this shit. The law was laid out by your ancestors. All boys over 14 are required to practice with a long bow for at least 2 hours per week. You're all in violation of disregarding orders from the crown. You deserve to get cucked by screeching seabirds.

If you get killed by a Magpie you are a beta male. Literally. Swat that motherfucker out of the sky.

The fuck is a magpie? OP's pic looks a bit like a crow.

They’re basically very territorial crows.

Yes I would.

good birds. human sucks

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he was 75 years old.

This guy found that they're afraid of other petstore-species birds.:

Not gonna lie, I have a healthy respect for any beast that can best FloridaMan.

it kills me that Aussies don't just carry a fish bat during their aggressive season, and fucking smash these cunts out of the air when they start pecking

or are fish bats banned in ausland?

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>he was 75 years old.
since when has that ever stopped him?

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they are like crows but smarter, think they are a sub species

in the uk magpies are not violent but they are stupidly smart and will harass even ravens 5x their size for a laugh

don't cross them they will follow you home

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Who the fuck gets beat by a bird, except Australians of course.

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A few years back i was taking a shit in a park toilet and a magpie swooped in and screeched at me. Fuck magpies

Last time australians declared war against birds they got fucked over and out. This time you will be wiped out.

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Can't forget these cunts, mate. fucking ruiners of everything.

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Would you let a damn bird peck your eye out to avoid being prosecuted?

Magpies just can’t handle them Aussie bants

What the fuck did that kid do to get attacked by nigger birds? I live in a rural area and they are all over the valleys here and I have never heard of anyone or animals ever being attacked by them. I have heard they are smart and they will "imprint" on people and become one owner birds.

Yes, I would. I would snap it's little neck and leave it on the ground to fucking rot.

the birds are just naturally cunts like australians

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I've never been attacked by those nigger birds but I have been swooped by plumbers

They will never be as inetlligent as a crow/raven. they are just dumb and annoying, which makes them seem smart, since they are always fucking with people. They wouldn't survive a second in most of the US. They would be bird-of-prey food.

Australian Magpies are known to attack people who walk under their nests

How can a grabbed bird kill your eye?

Are magpies protected by law over there? I don't understand. If magpies started dying from attacking people the rest of them would catch on real quick.

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The absolute state of bongs. Scared to death by a fucking bird that isn't even a bird of prey. LMAO! You guys stand zero chance against the muslim horde.

Imagine two of these slashing your belly open as you try and wrap your hands around its neck.

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They are about as intelligent as a crow or a Raven.
I'm sure they would do just fine here except where there are already large numbers of crows or grackles.
Fucking grackles they are a total pest.

got mocking birds in my area that are territorial. They drive out the crows and even cats out of the area, but even though there are a buttload that hang out in my backyard, they never bothered me. I guess they are used to me.

I guess magpies are worse since everything seems crazy over in Straya

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>hating corvids
Instead of being an asshole towards a bird that's smarter than some people, maybe you should just be nice to them.

I bribe my local crows and ravens and they respect me like I'm some sort of neighborhood mafia don.


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This reminds me of Jurassic Park when they are digging in the bad lands.

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At least we're not speaking Emu

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Corvids are based and only attack faggots, this kid was probably a little faggit


>One post by this Id.
Magpie shill glow much magpie internet defence force? How many shekels did they pay you?

Wild animals can fuck you up. Film at 11.

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I've found birds pretty awesome. They're not hard to make friends with. But they hate faggots. That's why they attack cyclists and cats so much. Birds hate shit associated with femininity.
The Ibis that stroll through my yard in the evening do a fantastic service at keeping bugs at bay. And they're like ASMR as they quietly skulk around.

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historically ya'll don't do so well against flightless birds, I fail to see how you would do better against ones that can fly

Aussies fear the Emu

Nothing black is ever good

>kill your eye

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proxy tranny

shut your cuck hole ahhhhhh

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Nope, not buyin it

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fuckin' straya problems

Magpies are actually very cute and can do no wrong. I would know because no one ever said anything bad about me or even would try to attack me.

>He doesn't turn the magpies around his house into guard birds for Cuckatoos