How to make based friends like you guys in real life?

how can I meet fellow Jow Forums or Jow Forums people irl? I mean were always on our computers. I want frens.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>how can I meet fellow Jow Forums or Jow Forums people irl?
Maybe you have, you just don't know it

Bump I am curious too
Asking for fren

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this. we hide our powerlevel.

any NJ Jow Forums people out there?

I put out feelers by mentioning redpills vaguely. The ones who don’t act like alarmed NPCs get more. Unsurprisingly, my true frens are more diverse than whatever virtue signaling institution claims to be.

>any east coast frens?

We are watching you as you write this. We are sitting outside in that VCR repair van. Can you feel us?

>implying I'd want to be friends with you incels
lmao kys fags

Read books, play games, and frequent hookers instead. Better life, I kid you not.

Says the gayreek.

Im in NW Florida near Ocala. Hmu @ [email protected] or add TheBlackHussar on Snapchat

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Union county here

Passaic county slav alcoholic here

Let’s start with their names, please. First AND last!

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Who NH here 603 fags

The only way is to be vocal about your political leanings, talk about you browsing Jow Forums. Other Jow Forumstards will reveal themselves soon after.

>talk about browsing Jow Forums

First off, I hope you have interests and hobbies and sports and activities you enjoy.
If you don’t, start Now!
It’s the same as this site, like minded anons interests get together.

You have a guy with the same Honda 4g hatch as you and he has more knowledge and you want to learn or find out what suspension he’s running.

I met a guy on a car forum that was a engineer at Ford. We had similar cars and Both liked F1 racing. I ended up driving to Dearborn and he signed off and took one of their stable of cars they test from other manufactures which happened to be a bimmer and trucked to Indianapolis and stayed at his friends house that lived there. No homo sex or weird shit, though he was more red pilled than me by a long shot being ex military also.
Friend for life. It not that hard anons!

Mtn bike riding, motocross, guitar, drums, furries, monopoly club, nambla, etc...

YOU Know which ones I’m kidding!!!!!!!
>I will beat pedos to death!!!!! No joke!

So GTF outside and get going!!!!

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Tell Bubba I said Hi!

I do think a harmless Jow Forums meet up would be interesting. Not sure how to organize such a thing though.. Bump.

you answered your own question user
you make them by red pilling your friends into frens

Don't hide your power level.

worst advice ever.

My repeating numbers are bigger than yours, I win.

I don't hide my power level I embrace it

I'll initiate. Any Daytona Faggs here? I'll reccomend a meetup if anyone replies.

some of my roommates are Jow Forumsfags lol

do you have gay sex with them

Best advice ever. Only cowards hide.

But then you don't get to reveal it while everyone's shakes and goes "NANI!?"

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GTFO faggot

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this looks like a nice frenly thread.

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Good plan schlomo

>t. pussy syrup nigger who cares what other trudeau voting syrup niggers thinks of him

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We agreed to meet at state championship football games. Disguise it as an /sp/ meet-up for plausible deniability. Every state has a football state championship game for hs. It’s perfect.

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Hillsborough county here

do u wanna be frens

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Who here ATL?

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>Tfw only ran into 1 other dude from my town on here and he said he would never meet someone IRL because they would probably be a drug addict or something
Im just a young man trying to meet likeminded people

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jersery represent

u ever go to white mana in hackensack

I saw someone browsing Jow Forums at my high end gym. Not all members are broke NEETs

if i met you in real life lke a normie, i probably would think you're a faggot and not talk to you.

I don't go outside ,sorry anony .
Have you tried knitting class?

You're an insecure manlet.

Go back to Twitter you retarded faggots. "Fren" is cringe.


Wear a PEPE shirt see what happens...

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Why would I do that? No one in my area browses Jow Forums

Try not being a raging homosexual lmao

that basically.

Northwest NJ here


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You have to gain layer 2 access for personal messages

Best bet is to start jokingly complaining about “this clown world we live in” and see if somebody responds with “honk! honk!”

Honestly drop subtle hints and watch for signs of recognition.
By subtle i mean say kek when someone makes a joke. People may think it odd or ignore you but look for the half smile or raised eyebrow.

DO NOT scream out Hitler did nothing wrong at a party. Trust me that does not end well.

Than no harm.. just a shirt.. though you never know...

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good question but we dont live in that world right now. people with our beliefs need to keep that shit on lockdown or risk losing jobs etc.

That was a good post user

I met one IRL. He was one of the worst opiate fiends I ever met. He unironically said he was NATSOC

Are you trying to get autists beat up and or accosted?

I think it's more likely that you're a faggot.

Triggered manlet. How tall are ya bud?

Treat attached picture as puzzle and you will find answer


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Based fren
More like 5’10” but 6’0” with your work boots on right champ?

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Want know how? Easy.

>go bar
>accidentally reveal power level slightly
>see if someone react positive
>frens nao, psbl sex if faggot or girl.


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Faggots are frens too.

If you're a faggot that is.

Here we are as frens. That's what it is here.
Outside world its either political organizations or nonpolitical mutual interest groups that don't attract leftists. It's as simple as making irl friends via the internet and that has never been easy
t. Here because I don't want to know you fren. Sleep good tonight

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>memeflag asking for irl meetup

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Why dont you wanna know us? Thats not very frenly

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Hanging out with people who aren't your spouse for more than 3-5 years sucks ass.

LOL showin ur frenhole

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I'll be your fren. Give me your name and phone #.

ocala isnt north west florida at all

Be very afraid goy...

Accosted .. 0.1% likelihood but if it happens tell em to fuck off...if they get agressive pepper spray'em.. beat up by whom?

Ok if pepe shirt is too much .. everyone wear a green-T on thursdays :) and say KEK :)

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And bangin your mom with both inches!

But, hanging out with other couples who also are swingers is based. Nothing like swapping wives type of frenship.

Just create an autism convention and meet there. I'm a chad by the descriptions I read here. I don't have many friends though. Don't want many. I don't see the reason. When everyone starts blastin I'll be their with them.

Idk fren
2 inch slanger. Nice

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Attleboro Ma, own 2 companies, contact me, throwaway email. Vet, I’ll hook you up with a job. No Jews. [email protected]

This. Start with counter culture redpills to get a feel for them. If they dont screech then find a opportune time to reveal a small amount of your power level with a based meme. If they laugh, you'll be friends till the end.
Also dont get all autistic like a reddit faggot and just start talking in memes. Use real English. Dont be a nigger.

Where my utah bois


watch pro wrestling and go to shows holding up signs with Jow Forums memes

I wish I knew, bro. I'd have my frens over for wine and dinner every night.

Same here. We're just electrons.
At the convention we can hand out those stickies: My Name Is and write in user.

Well glowies try to suck you into things.

Jews want to suppress you..

So just some ideas to make things easyer..plain green shirts are a good one methinks.. green hats - maybe in colder areas - and give the KEK sign :) or just lok at the green stuff and say based.. :) if other guy/gal says based or kek you're cool...

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Not sure about real life, but got a small army of red pilled zoomers that I somehow end up mentoring. Mostly converted an inactive discord server as a redpilled hang out. We talk about the crimes the jews did and other stuff. Would share but don't want some glow-in-the-dark niggers coming in or some kike trolls.

just wear a green hat.. that's it...