Why aren't white nationalists taken seriously anymore? Why are we mocked instead of feared?
Why aren't white nationalists taken seriously anymore? Why are we mocked instead of feared?
What do you mean by serious? Since WW2 the idea of white nationalism has been scorned by the western world. The lack of an outright direct political movement means there is a lack of association. White suprematist are concidered outliers of society that do no represent any major group. Racist policy is hidden thus limiting is public exposure.
White nationalists are taken seriously. Americans aren’t. You just aren’t. Your bastardized culture makes you a laughing stock.
Many nationalists were bright minds, especially here in France. Maurras, Bardèche, Brasillach, Valois, Sorel...
You guys don’t have intellectuals. You’re a people without culture or history.
thank you Mohammed
This is Britpolice faggotry
They obviously are considering the fact the media literally won't shut up about them and the entire cyber econosphere is trying to deplatform them off of every single website. Don't fall for the bait, we're winning
Because they are often criminals and other dirty people you never want to associate with
Your an idiot, this is the reason why no progress is ever made. Your wasting your life discussing ideas that mean nothing. We might as well be talking about star craft. None of you know anything about politics, branding public awareness. You have no desire to learn. So how the fuck will any progress be made? The modern right is truly broken and lazy.
Odd, here the left says America is the only country with a white nationalist movement, which if true would be incredibly sad
Why do people use social media? It's a fucking death sentence if you step even an inch out of line.
Because it's a retarded ideology.
>durr white must be good, anything else bad!
The world is much more nuanced, yet they want an easy to swallow answer that requires no thinking on their part. There are good and bad people of every stripe. Character and ideas are what make a good quality person.
because you are a bunch of pathetic incels and fat boomers
It's because of photo OPs like OP's picture by leftists, the disinfo coming from the media, the fake right wing people put in place like lauren southern, and all of the supposed 'alt-right' leaders and e-celebs who are all either
1. looking to suck shekels
2. plants
the reality is that right wing men, real right wing men are far and away in better shape, better looking, and our state of mind makes the leftists' look like the petulant children that they are. Not to mention that they know they cannot win in debate, they fear the truth, but more than that they fear the normalfaggots learning the truth so they must deplatform, ban, make sure that the right has no real non-plant leaders by demonetizing.
I met a grizzly bear that didn't try to kill me, theres good & bad grizzlies, people who are afraid of grizzlies are retarded, grizzlies are much more nuanced.
Also anyone who recognizes patterns of behavior over periods of time are less intelligent than us brown people.
What a nuanced view of white nationalism you have
>blacks statistically more prone to crime
hurrr there are good ppl of every stripe
You are a retard.
this thread...again.
Ok sargoy we get it.
>Imagine being this much of a 2 dimentional brainlet.
Everyone sees jews living in Israel and they're so fucking ugly and stupid people laugh out "building a nation" now.
Well that guy's crying because his life is over and he's probably thinking about how he's going to feed his family.
Name one thing that became better and not worse because of diversity.
we are feared but a large group is always a victim of ridicule after all we have the internet today.
Nazis were also ridiculed at that time in a different way.
Mr. Shekelsteins Bank account
The media puts a large emphasis on the losers that decide to leech off of us because they themselves are subhuman, and they need a moral boost. Just being white doesn't make you better than a brown person, you need character to back it up, same reason white Jews wouldn't be allowed in a white ethno-state.
"T-Those arent real right wing men!"
it seems that the "loser" is better than the "formal" one. Seriously, I see weakness when I look at white men like Richard Spencer, they look weak.
skinhead white powers are more chads.
You need these two combinations to have a respectful image. The intellect of the formal and the body of chad.
poor whites are still better then blacks. They'll more likely hurt themselves rather than others.
Character and ideas, are influenced by culture, which is influenced by aggregate behavior, which is influenced by common genetics. Any race that tends to lean towards a certain direction quality will because culture reflects genetics.
Well considering it's outright illegal to state white nationalist views in much of the world, I'd say governors fear them and their idea a lot.
i'll handle this one guys.
HOW GOOD IS THE FOOD?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?
actually the non-whites are disgusting and have unhealthy food hygiene practices and I tend to avoid places that hire them if I can (which means most places)
>an actual right wing white guy is going to be stupid enough to come to your honeypot Jow Forums meetup
>goyim here are your alt-right leaders, be sure to accept them even though they are half measures to slowly make you less right wing and more of a centrist neutered retard
>jew-nazis have always been mocked and rightly so
90% are genetic rejects that would have been shot on site by nazi germany
Pre school take
white males are effeminate and afraid of violence, if a bunch of cartel members began dismembering people in their neighborhoods they would leave instead of fight. all the white males with balls are sacrificed to fight israel's wars via the US military.
'cause you suck.
Seriously, why aren't you buying land and making your own fucking white nationaist empire? because you're poor and stupid and lack initiative. You're all talk. even if you successfully smashed the country would you be able to take control? Nope, you'd be the new slaves.
If you think you're so right, go fucking prove it. buy land and start a self-contained white utopia, I dare you, lazy bitch.
Nah, go back to jacking off to BBC porn and dreaming of the Furerland.
Why are you faggots even responding? Sage and hide you niggers.
Progressing to your own death is fucking retarded. I love my own people more than others because they won't betray me. Unlike you.
>my entire ethnic population is moving into your country
>your poor
>you'd be the new slaves
>we're all moving into your country though
White nationalism is not white supremacy. Learn the difference, fool.
They are feared, theyre currently seen as a much bigger threat than jihadists as they should be
Because of failure to keep out cringey demographics who were disaffected with society for (at least partially) the wrong reasons. In 1.0 that was lumpenprole skinhead types, in 2.0 it was incels/neckbeards.
Of course in both cases they were not even necessarily the majority, but any if any political movement has a significant number of shitty members they'll invariably come to define it in popular consciousness. Think MAGA boomers on Facebook for the post-2016 right or purple haired SJWs for the pre-2016 left.
You mean like latinos?
Because they quit lynching blacks?
>Seriously, why aren't you buying land and making your own fucking white nationaist empire?
>buy land and start a self-contained white utopia, I dare you, lazy bitch.
It's happening, but slowly; It's looked down on by almost every other white, you would be pointed out and harassed the entire time by the government and commie antifa shits alike, and it would end in either a law change to stop you or a purposeful misinterpretation or outright framing to detain you. It's the reason all white nationalist movements are working up slowly, you either prepare and risk glownigger infiltration or you rush into it and get fucked over by the kike legal system. It takes time.
They don't say that at all
>white nationalists
in the US
White culture is nigger culture
anyone who doesn't indulge in some form of nigger culture and nigger sports, in the US, is an outcast and is disliked by everyone even their own families.
Why would you cry like a bitch though?
Just own it
because his life is ruined
>attributing emotions
>implying consensus
>in/out group fear
You're doing a poor job, really sloppy. I'd like it on record that i'm unsatisfied with this level of shilling, you should reenter general training or better be eliminated from the program entirely. You're not cut out for this.
As if
We currently have a president and administration that is White Nationalist, dipshit. The entirety of whatever white identitarian movement that exists in Europe worship what Magatards have accomplished because they know Shitrope is too liberal to ever elect someone like Trump
Go on, keep chipping away at the only thing holding white men back.
Wow, you really have paid attention and have totally understood what things are about, i bet you read Mein Kampf 5 times
they shut down a whole fire department because of a single white nationalist, who wanted to join the proud boys. he wasn't even a member yet, he just " wanted to join "
Meant for you obviously, nigger
>all these arseblasted Burgers
If you think Trump is a white nationalist, you're one of the dumbest motherfuckers on Earth
> trump
> white nationlist
The Trump administartion is processing EB2-3 skilled migration (mostly Poo and Chink) in god speed James. God I do love Trump
t. Chang
Land if the FREE (to do what kikes say)
>Meme flag
Newfags, learn to sage
>a president and administration that is White Nationalist
you must be a leftist idiot or have no idea what a White Nationalist is
Trump loves his spics, niggers, and jews.
>We currently have a president and administration that is White Nationalist
Hate to break it to you but jews aren't white & israel is not a white ethnostate, they may look similar but they're not & by their own admission they hate whites.
I know it can get confusing but now you can talk about the president without looking retarded from now on.
No you dont understand what white nationalism is. He like any white nationalist has no problem with minorities as long as they understand their place below whites.
What about the founding fathers though? Wouldn’t that be the philosophical basis for American nationalistic leanings? Those are the great philosophers for America. I’m sure in due time, in revolt, contemplative minds will arise outside of the contemporary post-modernism and guruism
the nahtzee panic is legacy (((media))) clownistry
>don't know what white nationalism is
>below whites by importing them in large numbers to give them jobs, talk about their unemployment rates being lowest ever
you are a fucking idiot, Trump's hotels are filled with 3rd world shit-skins, and he refuses to hire white people at a decent wage. because " wages are to high "
importing millions of spics and other low paid shit-skin, to take work away from nationals, is not being a nationalist, and not even close to being a white nationalist
>America has no history
rent free
Capitalism working as intended. Where is the problem, commie?
Nice astroturfing.
So basically, I either have to conflate white nationalism with 'white supremacy', or believe Trump hates white people. Got it.
>implying French war machine has any gear other than reverse
Fuck off north Algerian. You were the beginning of the shitskinning of Europe
>Be White guy
>Go to school for Fire Fighting to save lives
>Love punk music
>Be gaslit into arguing the left
>Say mean things
>Left destorys your life
>If that wasn't enough
>Be on porch
>It's cold as fuck
>I'm going to sneeze
>Look to see Jewish reported cackling as he drives away, holding his camera high up in celebration.
Yo Senpai, Luk at dis pic of dis White Supremacisss cryin! SHIEET!
>You’re a people without culture or history.
we have nigger culture which whites in the US have adopted as their own.
>im very smart
yes todd, you are.
The people in this picture are infinitely better than 99% of humans alive.
another boomer idiot.
He is not a nationalist and never will be.
I've met plenty of white nationalists that have families and jobs. They would never talk about their political beliefs outside their homes. That's a big mistake these days.
Most whites might disagree with white nationalism but at the end of the day most whites still wont date non-whites and when giving the choice choose not to live with them. They self-segregate as best as they can.
Look at California, its hardly white anymore because everyone is leaving. No one wants to live with niggers and spics.
So the ugly, fat, incel loser is the face of White Nationalism that the media wants you to see.
This happened in fucking 2013
Because you work for the kikes. White nationalism is a divide and conquer tactic you absolute brainlet nigger. Wake the fuck up.
Polite sage.
I probably understand white elites' mindset. They may not be white nationalist but many of them are white supermacist with the mask of left wingers.
> be white elite
> have status above all immigrants and they all work for them, while other whites can be competitors. They can't feel supremacy among white people.
> hate it
> want more slaves but less competitors
> end up importing more immigrants and encourage race-mixing. Therefore they get more slaves and less people who share that high status with them.
Isn't it reasonable? The same reason why they don't like asians. That's because their status is challenged. For example Harverd discriminates against Asian-Americans.
You elites don't want you to share the same status with them and their status can be higher. It's that simple.
it's ok let them underestimate us, tell them we are weak.
>unironically describes jewish behavior
>race mixing your own people into mystery meat is white supremacy
The clownworld has gotten so bad that I cannot tell if this is serious or expert trolling.
Remember kids, no one can see you be racist in the voting booth.
I couldn't imagine any white nationalist actually thinking Trump is one of them.
His wife is a foreigner, he employs 3rd world workers, he say wages are to high, he wants immigration at the highest levels ever, he is in love the Jews.
Fuuuuug. Do you even English bruh
it's possible but the elites are also stupid. Just because they made money easily doesnt make them into superhuman wise elders. They got their mindset from the same trash liberal universities and media as everyone else and they have less incentive than poor people to ever change their mind or transform themselves towards something better.
Americans are taken seriously. We seriously saved your submissive asses in WWII you fucking French cowards.
The people who aren't taken seriously are the aforementioned white nationalists and of course the white flag waving French. Bunch of ungreatful pussies the lot of you.
When the next major war breaks out in Europe I'll be certain to encourage my fellow brave Americans to wait this one out even longer. Make certain the French take a few more casualties this time YOU FUCKING DISLOYAL ARROGANT PIECE OF SHIT FRENCH FAGGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh please, what boomer do you know that doesn't conflate the two?
And call me crazy, but I don't think you can be a "nationalist" in a nation built and originally populated by immigrants from all over the world. At least until it balkanizes, that is. But that's a job for the people and local governments, not the president.
and that is all Trump is a Capitalist, he doesn't actually give a shit about the US. The only thing he cares about is making money.
Trump is/has the mind set of a jew. He doesn't care who he fucks over as long as him and his family get theirs.
This is far from a nationalist and VERY far from a white nationalist, he doesn't care about his own country men, he cares about his own ego and profits.
Think about it. In which circumsatnce you get higher status
> be a small group of white elites in Brazil. All other people are mixed slaves who work for you and whoring around you.
> be white elites who live equally with other whites in a white country. You don't have edge and the white card is useless because all others are also white.
Their move is smart in my opinion.
You are not a nationalist than, you are just a Capitalist. you put profits and greed over your own country men.
Americans are unironically the peak of humanity. Everyone despises the worthless faggotry that is known as France.
White nationalists should’ve adopted Norse symbols, not symbols of a government Americans white nationalists killed in war. Nazis will never be anything other than cringe and disgusting to the public.
If all those unite the right flags were of Viking shit, it would be more marketable
Who's we, show flag
>Americans are unironically the peak of humanity.
the peak has been over for awhile now.
we have been in decline from that peak for a long time now.
>a bunch of shitskins and anime fags make up the right wing
Lol, low effort