Trump is once again cucking out

Trump is once again cucking out
Trump will not attack Iran and Iran will continue to get away with their attacks.
The question now remains...
Who would win in a fight
>One Orange Blob
>The Entire Military Industrial Complex
Will the military industrial complex overrule Trunps decision of inaction?

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>believing isreali lies
>wanting to go to war with iran
Wanna know how I know you suck cock?

If it fucks up israel he did the right thing.

Why should America step in. Those countries in the region have ample military capabilities

You, an American, want to go to war? Stop hiding behind that VPN kike

>Calling Trump an israeli puppet because he isn't starting a war for israel

I call false flag on this one. Enki isn’t happy btw...

Who gives a shit about Iran?

Really sweet slide thread Moshe. Please consider killing yourself since I know you're far too big of a pussy to fight a Palestinian

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>Real Americans support the Military Industrial Complex and the Two Party System (tm)

i really like fashwave and NRW because it turns out we will get our 80's corporate dystopia after all, with the added irony that it was is the left who turned their own nightmare into reality

He doesn't care. There's a post quota he's gotta make.

Israel must be nuked.

Saudis have money to burn, they can fight their own battles and defend their own resources.

>1 post by this
Does being OP count as multiple posts?


Hey, easy with this antisemitic remarks.

>caring about what happens in the Middle East
>caring about sand people drone striking each other

Fuck those brown pieces of trash, when the fuck did it become America's job to be the fucking savior of browns? Ni matter where white men go there's always some stupid negro who thinks he's owed a piece of our success. I say the U.S., Canada, Australia, and Western Europe nuke the rest of Earth

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I don't get this new image of Donald Trump - "meme" whatever you want to call it. It's not funny.

>Trump cucked out
>of a pointless war in some desert shithole, that quite literally no one gives a shit about
>muh saudi and israeli allies
Fuck off, no one cares about that shit. nth war in the middle east and all were complete catastrophes, best course of action would be to send the people over advocating for this shit.

It's being used for the opposite purpose for which it was created.

>no war for iran
>coomer memes killing masturbation
>bibi loses to a liberal and might not give up his post and declare nazi israel
>corn pop biden going off his nut

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Fuck off

How many?

Trump is a peaceful man you dope.

You can make a pretty good argument for war, but in the end, the best decision is always based around mutual benefit for all, or at least progressing towards that end.

this. anyone dumb enough to expect us to react wildly on small matters has no conception of strategy or peace.
>destroy big gas station =/= glass entire nation
also this.

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Why the fuck is it Trump's job? Israel attacked the Saudis it has nothing to do with the US.

You (and we) depend on their oil too much. Dependency causes complications.

Not nearly as much anymore but we have to get off the foreign oil teat. We don't need to fight their wars.

he's cucking out by not doing what israel wants?

pls kill yourself


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Stop trying to drag us into your wars, Schlomo.

How much will will allow Iran to "get away with?" They seem to be more brazen with their bullshit lately, while continuing to blame others for their doings.

WW3 / iran would cuck america severely alone. all for israel / jizzsreal / international jewish bankers type alone in the end.

so when they come back from iran like this we can just feel bad and nothing ever changes then. like there's a care in the world then.

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*how much will we allow

Why would I want to waste US lives in Iran? I'd allow the war if only Jewish Americans served as ground infantry

Remember last time you went to the middle east?
Sure wasn't anyone lying or anything to you, right?

Yeah, let's fight Israel's wars. Amirite kike? Suck more cock faggot.

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state of perpetual war and/or perpetual warfare alone that never ends then.

destroy knock out America and take the guns of Americans so they can remove The Founding Documents then and/or The Bill of Rights then.

Only the "Creator" / "God" can do that for the most part to me personally.

We are a Republic to so it's all up for discussion to as well. race mixing alone because all we get is wars alone from it in the end then.

international jewish bankers own you alone at that point then. america has no money and it's bought off and sold in pieces and/or parts alone then.

Gee, where have we heard this before

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Mods must be like faggots since they only allow kike threads to be up.

why should we care?

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Jannies work for free and are cycled through. Usually a typical Jannie starts out blue pilled and leaves red pilled

The left can’t meme

Iran has advanced cruise, ballistic, and naval missiles, you think a large shiny drone or warship is going to be allowed to deploy troops and aircraft near Iran?

they really can't

well they can try. iran will rape them, but they can certainly try.

they won't even try

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It would take Iran about a week to steamroll the Saudis, and a little bit longer for the Israelis. Without the US these fuckers don't stand a chance. Hope Saudi Arabia and Israel burn to the ground for all the suffering they've caused for decades.

And WHY in the fuck should we give a fuck? There are tons of countries in that area with military capabilities.
If they so feel inclined, THEY can do whatever in the fuck they think they gotta do.
There's no fucking reason we should go over to that region .....AGAIN ----considering the last time we went there ---was on the basis of bullshit.

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