Why are mass school shooters and the like always far-right/incel? Why are they never leftist or etc?
Why are mass school shooters and the like always far-right/incel? Why are they never leftist or etc?
Oops, you dropped something. Its the rest of the list
Dunkey is leftist I think, his comedy videos are apolitical so it's hard to tell
it's short people, they're all short, jus liek u shrimp
Why do you hate whites?
Dayton, Ohio shooter was ANTIFA.
you dont deserve to post with that flag faggot
Why are shills like this? Can't you come up with something original?
but seriously kike get a real job
Keep sayin' it
Dayton shooter had preferred pronouns in his Twitter bio.
No one becomes famous in the entertainment industry without bending the knee. That includes Youtube and gamers.
d-dios mio
>Garlic shooter
You may want to get the actual picture of the perp and not someone who just happens to share a name with him for your bait.
>never leftist
Nigger, 2/3 of the last young white mass shooters were registered democrats.
The fuck is this? The list of random faces? Nice Whataboutism. How about you stick to the task at hand and focus on the fact that young white men are gunning down their classmates in record numbers.
Every single mass shooter has leftist ties.
Every single one.
>are you shills even trying today?
Hey newfag go back to reddi.t
Reminder that socialists are counted as "right wing" if they are virgins.
They're all leftists, and it's proven
Does this even qualify as bait? Too shitty
Trumptards BTFO! How will Drumpf ever recover?
None of those were in schools, correct?
Must have something to do with being crushed under the weight of the nation
most mass shooters are liberal atheists
What happened to that guy's face?
Fuck, I need different glasses.
It some guns...
Choke on a cock you colossal faggot.
The Dayton shooter was DUNKEY
Fake news
the daytona shooter had a left-wing twitter and was affiliated with antifa. congrats on doing your research
It's funny, because they come exclusively from left leaning households.
Dayton shooter was a leftist. Tons of them are leftists actually. What are you talking about?
Dude on the right looks suspicious as shit. The type of guy that can't be trusted, for sure.
Good meme OP
Hahahaha you waste your life watching 3+ hour long pseudoscience videos from a genuine retard
>What about gang violence
That is not the discussion fag
I used to think meme-flags were shill-kikes whose master's didn't want to spend 20 shekels a month on a VPN. I now realize they do it to just to fuck-up Jow Forums.
Nigger do you really think Dayton was a right winger? El Paso wasn't more than a jewish false flag to cover Epstein's ass.
All meme flags are really just Canadians
None of them were "far right" and the Dayton shooter had gfs in the past and was left.
Nice try memeflaggot
Slide thread, faggots. All fields.
Funny how black supremacists kill more nigs than White Supremacists
You obviously aren't paying attention.
Don't do dunkey like that man
Because like every writer of the modern era, the scriptwriters are lazy and only have a few talking points they want to keep in everyones mind.
>bong calling someone else a retard
I think we can safely take gangbangers out of the list of terrorism and shit, since its just niggers shooting other niggers. These white incel right wing-nuts are walking around being autistic fucking retards gunning down classrooms and public places and shit.
remember to sage and report slide threads
Why are you memeflagging? Why are their noses so massive?
wtf I love dunkey now!
Seems like we need to murder everyone who isn't Asian.
lmao the mutt meme gets too real sometimes
Because you're 100% wrong and it goes in the options field?
>meme flag
>conflating far right into incel
Surely a genuine argument being made here!
Get seasoned
First Sam Hyde, now Dunkey? Fuck man.
I searched for school shooters in the US that had 3 or more murders since 2010:
Amy Bishop: Mixed race, possibly Jewish
Thomas "T. J." Lane: White
One L. Goh: Asian
Adam Lanza: Jewish
Dalton Lee Stidham: White
Samir "Sam" Zawahri and Chris Zawahri: Arabs
Jaylen Fryberg: Native American
Christopher Harper-Mercer: Black
Mainak Sarkar: Indian
Cedric Anderson: African American
Kevin Neal: White
William Atchison: White
Nikolas Cruz: Jewish
Dimitrios Pagourtzis: White
Only 5/14 were white. So 28% of shootings that took place since 2010 in the US were committed by whites, compared to being 63% of the US population. Wtf are you talking about OP?
>Why are mass school shooters and the like always far-right/incel?
fuck off knifefag
So they are either white-supremacists or black. BuT wHAtAbOut ANtIfA!!!???
This, between this thread, the "This is what the NRA has done to america" thread, and a dozen threads on Kavanaugh/Ford, there's a fucking load of bullshit slide threads posted right now.
Remember to sage.